Sincere apologies for the major delay in creating another chapter. Had a busy couple of months. Hoping I'll be more consistent from here on out. Sorry this is a bit short, but promise the next chapter will be delivered sooner. Thank you for reading.

Nothing had been said.

Or rather, she hadn't been able to get anything out of her best friend nor the fractured shell of a person that Mitchell appeared to be.

Mitchell was sitting on the couch, wearing a shirt she remembered purchasing for the redhead, and her facial expression made her wonder just who damaged her laptop?

Because the distressed expression and the way she fiddled with the frayed edges of Beale's shirt were not so subtle cue's that she was upset about something.

Mitchell, the person who wasn't afraid of anything. The one who was too cool for school, the one who wore too much eye makeup and the one who had made it perfectly clear that she wasn't going to truly abide by her rules. It was why the pair had been at each other's necks for most of the semester.

Why was she upset? Why was she wearing Chloe's shirt?

Where did she get a split lip? That hadn't been there last night, had it?

Why was her eyes red as if she had been crying just moments before?

Before had been when she had yawned, when she had stepped into their living room and caught sight of her best friend staring nervously at the DJ sitting on their couch.

"Beca? What-"

Chloe had cut her off.

"Stop. Just, don't. Not now."

And now, she too was staring at Mitchell as if she were glass that had broken into a thousand pieces. But, while she had a feeling Beale knew just why Mitchell was haunted, she could only wonder just what had caused the DJ to crumble and fall.

Who had hurt Beca?

Did someone actually hurt Beca?

What did Chloe know?

Eventually her resolve would crack, questions would be raised and motions would be carried.

For now, she'd let Beale handle the situation. Although, would either of them be able to repair the damage, the damage that was quite apparent as tears began to resurface again on the DJ's face?

She was broken, and she wasn't sure if she or Chloe would be able to put the pieces back together again.