Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters they belong solely to J. K. Rowling an amazing writer. Truly brilliant. I only have the honor of playing with them for this story and hopefully others. Please read the real story of Harry Potter from J. K. Rowling's amazing books. For they are truly worth every read. I have read them so many times I have lost count.

Summery: This is the continuation of The Lies We Tell. This story will have three POVs every chapter (you'll see who the POVs are as the story progresses. Each POV will be stated above the section)

Authors Note: If anyone would like to be my Beta please PM me. Don't be shy to leave a review!

Warnings: Deals with themes of a more mature nature. Such as mentions of: near death experiences. Abuse of a child. Mentions Rape (no details given). Self harm. Rated T to be safe.


Severus sat down on his bed his eyes drifting close as he leaned back against the headboard. He should have been settling down to sleep, but the long moments he'd spent after the headmaster's visit holding the sleeping child in his arms still replayed in his mind. Spinning around like long forgotten memories. He slowly opened his eyes again and looked up to the single picture he had on his nightstands. A much younger image of himself arms wrapped around a smiling Lily Evans in their Seventh Year at Hogwarts. The younger Severus had eyes only for the woman encircled in his arms. A full head and shoulders taller then the petite redhead it was easy for her to lean against his shoulder and look up at him. The look on her face in that photo was one of adoration and love. A look he would kill to have kept on her face for the whole of his life, only it hadn't been that way.

Tears threatened to fall as he regarded the image. Tears he had shed often enough in the long empty hours of darkness in which he couldn't sleep. So much shame, so much pain, so much grief swam in his mind at the regrets that always resided just behind his cold empty mask. Only one man knew the true depth of his emotions and even he didn't know all that there was to know.

Silently reaching out. He traced the edge of her face over the glass with his finger. His eyes drinking in the loving expression she gave his younger self. "I won't fail you again Lily," Severus whispered so softly as he let his eyes close and allowed the grief and pain inside to wash over him. A single tear escaping his rigid mask.

For long hours he sat in silence. His eyes closed. His head bowed. His hands having fallen away from the picture to rest in his lap. Lost to his thoughts. Lost in his pain.

The dawn sun filtered through the dark shading over the window in his bedroom causing the room to light up with a dark green light. Severus blinked his blurry eyes to look at the window questioningly. He stretched the sore muscles and kinks from his body. Realizing he'd fallen asleep sitting up. Though from the ache in his body he knew he'd not slept long. Rising he changed into more formal black robes that he wore during the summer or when he was on official business rather then his usual teaching robes. These robes were much more fitted and a lot more fashionable and expensive then his normal style. Yawning widely. He left his room. Stopping to check on his young charge as he went. The boy was still asleep. Surprisingly he had not moved from where Severus had set him last night when he'd finally gone to bed himself.


Harry had fallen asleep soon after their return from Diagon Alley. Not having realized that he had in fact fallen asleep when he'd first lain back against his bed to stare up at the ceiling. Holding the book his father had got him against his chest. He was exhausted. As much as the trip had been fun, it had been exhausting as well. He hadn't been sleeping as well as he'd like due to nightmares.

Harry woke up hours later to find himself surrounded by darkness and covered in cold sweat. Shaking from the memories that had risen up. He wanted to run and hide. His mind was awash in panic and terror. He could still see the cold blood red eyes watching him from over the body of his friend. Hear the cold harsh voice talking in soft tones about her death. The words resonating in his mind. He felt the same all consuming terror as he had that night. As that memory had flashed by the one of his uncle standing over him in the same manor as Tom Riddle had stood over Ginny just moments before flew into being in his mind. The sound of the belt embedding itself into his flesh resonating in his mind like the cold icy words of Tom had moments before. Those sounds combined with the taunts of his uncle in harsh disgusted tones.

Tears fell down Harry's face as he grabbed his invisibility cloak and threw it on himself. Feeling the familiar comfort of being hidden wash over him. He crept silently from his room to knock on Severus's door. Hopping that Severus wasn't asleep. Wanting to know he wasn't alone in the darkness. Needing someone to tell him he was safe. He'd come to trust the man and his kindness. Come to rely on being able to seek him out after a nightmare. Now shaken and alone without Severus appearing as soon as he woke, he felt vulnerable and unsafe. Unprotected. The feeling intensified as silence reigned and no velvet baritone voice told him to enter.

His hand hovered over the door when he heard that voice speaking in the living room. With quick steps the boy crept to the open door and froze. Looking on as the Headmaster's words washed over him. He had to return to his Uncle's home. Fear sized his heart and he gasped for breath. The rest of their words lost as those words resonated in his mind. The all consuming terror of his nightmare took over and he ran straight at Severus.

Harry didn't realize the invisibility cloak had fallen away to pool on the floor. Nor did he really realize what was being said. Panic was all consuming. He dove for the one safe harbour he had. Severus. Feeling the powerful arms lift him into place and hold him tightly against that strong muscular chest was a relief to Harry. Safe and oddly comforted by the man's strong presence. His eyes shut and the feeling of panic lessoned as he felt his breathing finally ease. Darkness coming in to claim him, Harry let it feeling the safety of his protector washing away the fear and panic easing his mind into peaceful slumber once more.

Harry awoke in his bed late the next morning blinking. He didn't remember falling asleep. He didn't remember much of anything. Slowly memories began to filter back in. Embarrassment and shame washed over him as he realized what he'd done. If anyone found out. Harry pushed all those thoughts away. Rising slowly he got showered and dressed in one of his new wizarding outfits. Feeling much better being dressed in wizards clothing rather then muggle. Somehow it made it feel much more real to him. Like he really was in the wizard world. Not going back to the muggle existence.

As much as he didn't want to face Severus after what had happened last night Harry knew he couldn't stay hidden in his room all day. He could still remember how much fun it had been to brew potions with Severus. To work on his summer homework and have the man review it for him. To have access to his amazing library. He could still remember being chastised for not applying his full potential during his last two years of school. Having to redo his summer homework until it was to Severus's satisfaction. How good it had felt to have the man give him the ghost of a smile that signified his pleasure at the completed work. Most of all he remembered those two times they had gone out to a theme park.

Learning potions with Severus in his lab had proven quite fun. He found he was much more adept then he'd first thought. Much more adept then Severus had believed him to be. Without the cold bitting tongue of the man, the jeers of the Slytherins, and Ron's constant grumbling Harry found that he really enjoyed the subject. The quiet calming nature of the work was soothing to his otherwise jagged nerves.

Slowly Harry made his way to the kitchen where he found Severus reading a potions journal with single minded purpose. The man's appearance shocked Harry. Severus looked to be dressed in finery he would have expected someone like Draco Malfoy to wear. Gaping at his teacher Harry stood in the doorway. Noting that the man's long black hair appeared to be sleek and silky rather then greasy as it hung in two curtains on either side of his face. It made a striking difference to his appearance. He looked younger, more handsome. Something Harry would never have thought possible.

"Come in and eat breakfast Harry," Severus said gently. Startling the young boy by calling him Harry. Something had changed. Even in all their time together over the last month Severus had never been comfortable calling him anything other the 'Potter'. It was a nice change and one that made Harry smile tentatively at his teacher as he slowly entered the kitchen and took a seat.

"Why are you dressed like Malfoy?" Harry asked blushing at his own daring.

"We have a meeting today with the headmaster and a friend of his," Severus replied. Stalling the boy with a raised hand. Harry looked at him curiously. Desperately wanting to know why they needed to see the Headmaster. Severus spoke again his tone one of finality, "you need to eat breakfast, then we will discuss yesterday and the day ahead."

"Yes sir," Harry replied turning to the plate of food that had appeared on the table before him. He slowly started to eat. The silence returning to the room. There was no awkwardness in this silence. Only a mutual acceptance.

"Come into the den Harry, we will speak there before heading out through the floo," Severus indicated. Rising and heading towards the hidden door. Harry hurried to follow him. He'd just finished eating a moment before Severus spoke.

Once they were both seated in comfortable armchairs facing each other Severus spoke again. His voice calm, but his words clearly a command, "tell me why you came to find me last night?"

"I had a nightmare," Harry began. At Severus's prompting he spoke softly. Telling his professor about the two memories. Harry knew that Severus had already seen these memories. They had been looking at many of his memories using Legilimency. It was the only reason that Harry felt comfortable even stating them. Severus already knew his uncle used the belt. Already knew what had happened in the chamber. Saying it out loud for the first time left him with relief and an odd sense of peace. For the next couple of minutes they talked about Harry's fears. Then Severus brought the subject to the meeting they would be having. Telling Harry that he wouldn't be going back to his Uncle. That he would be staying here. For the summer. If he wanted. Harry did want this. Severus felt more like family then the Dursley's ever did. Of course he wouldn't tell the man this he was just glad to be able to stay here.

An hour later a much calmer Harry stood next to Severus watching as the man took down the floo powder and instructed Harry over to him. Severus lifted him up and Harry buried his head into the man's neck holding on as they stepped through the floo.


Lucius received the cryptic missive and sighed heavily. Why he needed to head over to Hogwarts was yet undetermined. He gazed over at his wife and son who sat in quiet conversation across from him in the den. He had only a few minutes left before he was to floo over. He regarded his son. Though his outward appearance didn't show it, an internal debate was raging.

Everything he'd done in his life he'd done for the two people in this room. His wife who meant the world to him and his son who he lived for. There was nothing he wouldn't sacrifice for his family. When he'd joined the Dark Lord like so many before him he'd been young and foolish. Believing that the pureblood supremacy was only achievable through the Dark Lord. The only thing Lucius wanted was to keep the Statue of Secrecy strong and their world independent of Muggles. Instead Lucius had found himself facing a madman. He sighed at his own dark thoughts. Pushing them away. Now wasn't the time to dwell on the past. On the loss of his friends. On the pointless slaughters. He shook his head slowly.

"I have a meeting with the Headmaster," Lucius announced to the quiet room. Two pairs of eyes met his. The cold blue of his wife and the bright ice like silver of his son's. Lucius rose smoothly and gave his wife a quick kiss before hugging his son lightly. "I should return by the afternoon."

Without another word Lucius walked out of the room not noticing the worried eyes that followed him as he exited. He walked to the floo and flooed to Hogwarts. Stepping out into the Headmaster's study. He walked over to the man who'd glanced up at his entrance.

"Lucius, so glad you could make it. Please have a seat," Albus stated softly. Lucius gave a nod and took one of the four seats set around the front of the man's desk. Lowing himself gracefully down and leaning his cane on his left side. So he could draw his wand if needed. Leaning back he accepted the offered tea, but declined the candy.

"Why was I summoned here?" Lucius inquired smoothly. Not showing the curiosity in his gaze.

"There is someone you know that you must meet. He is also a spy for the light in the Death Eater camp. Though unlike you he has been there from the beginning. Tell me Lucius are you still on our side?" Albus stated softly, "even if it meant sheltering Harry Potter?"

Lucius didn't display any emotion. Inside he was at a loss. James Potter had been a terror in school. A man Lucius hated for what he'd done to the Slytherin throughout his school year. For his blind prejudice. Like so many Gryffindors, he had judged and hated them based on their house. He had terrorized one of Lucius's best friends and caused the man so much pain and torment. Destroying the only thing that Severus had ever loved and lived for, even above his potions and research. He wanted to hate the spawn of the man. The very child that had been conceived when James spiked Lily's drink at an event at the Ministry when Severus wasn't around. The child's conception had been nothing short of rape in Lucius's mind, and he had heard the whole story from Severus. The pain of watching Lily wed the man who'd taken everything away from him. The final blow that had shattered his friend. Lucius didn't know if he could. Didn't know if he could shelter that child. Not after Lily had left Severus to marry James so Severus would never find out. It hadn't been enough for James, he'd told Severus, in a letter no less. Still Severus had begged for the Dark Lord to save both child and mother. To spare them. The only thing he had ever begged of the Dark Lord. Severus's pain echoed in Lucius's mind at the death of Lily. He'd watched his friend spiral into a deeper darkness. He still to this day didn't know what kept Severus going, when in that night he'd all but died. Severus was as much a part of Lucius's family as Narcissa and Draco. It was why he was Draco's Godfather.

"That depends on the circumstances," Lucius said smoothly.

"You will see them soon," Albus stated without elaborating and Lucius raised one quick brow before the floo flared green. Stepping out of the floo was none other then Severus holding the small Potter child in his arms. Lucius stared almost open mouthed at his friend. The other spy? Could it really be? What was the story here? Why was Severus holding the child of his sworn enemy in a fatherly embrace? The questions swirled in his mind as those cold platinum eyes met the empty black obsidian gaze that showed not a single emotion. The decision Lucius had come to that night while Narcissa held her dying cousin in her arms and begged him to leave the Dark Lord echoed in his mind as he watched his friend slowly approach the desk and set the child down in the seat between them.

"Why did you never tell me?" Severus inquired softly. Looking from one man to the other. The pain evident in his eyes. "Since when Lucius?" He asked when he received no answer. Lucius wanted to tell him so many times, but had thought him loyal. He sighed in resignation.

"Since Regulus died," Lucius replied. "Narcissa couldn't bear the death of more of her family. He had been her treasured cousin. Her closest family. He died in her arms, begging her to leave Him. To finish what he'd started. To end the tyranny and madness. It was that night I came here to Dumbledore. To offer my allegiance and any information I could safely gather in return for protection for my family should anything happen." Lucius paused and regarded Severus a long moment, "you joined as a spy?"

"For Lily," Severus softly whispered. Knowing that Lucius would understand that answer. Sure enough the man did. Sadness and grief clouded the man's eyes. The next words Lucius spoke stunned both Severus and Harry.

"He should have been yours Severus, I will never forget or forgive that. What he took from you with that final act. It is unforgivable," Lucius stated bluntly. "Regardless of that, if you are truly desiring my help with Potter then I shall give it."