Ten Years Later

Wine colored velvet lined the walls. Neon laser lights created funky designs on the polished black dance floor. Pure ebony teak wood created a "U" shape around it, soft cushioned booths and couches created a relaxed area for just hanging out. A more than fully stocked bar took up one end of the room while massive speakers took up the other end, currently blasting music.

From his office on the second floor, Gerald looked out of the thick plated window and smiled like a proud father. Already, within two hours of opening the doors for the first time, the club was nearly packed. It took nearly everything he had, years of sleepless nights and grueling days, but he had finally done it.


Correction, they had done it.

Before Gerald could even turn towards her, Rhonda already tackled him in a bone-crushing hug. She pulled back to smile at him. For the occasion, she was wearing the satin red dress with black accessories to compliment his black suit and red undershirt. As co-owners they had to look the part.

"Can you believe it out there," She said gesturing towards the scene out the window, "You're a genius! I can see my investment in your idea was not a bad idea."

Gerald smiled and affectionately knocked her on the shoulder, "Thanks for believing in me, babe."

Over the past few years, he and Rhonda had become and remained pretty good friends. When he first approached Rhonda with the idea of opening up his own nightclub, she had been one of his first and biggest supporters.

"So," Rhonda smiled coyly, "Has she arrived yet?"

"No, not yet," Gerald cleared his throat and shrugged, trying to appear cool, "But hey, it's still early. And speaking of which, I think it's time for me to make my rounds."

Rhonda rolled her eyes and gave him a knowing smile. Gerald moved passed her to head downstairs. Once he left the sanctity of his office, music went from being muted to steadily becoming louder and clearer. Once on the ground floor, Gerald began to survey his hopefully future clientele. Sharply dressed guys and girls were dancing, laughing, and looking like they were having a great time. A sense of pride filled Gerald as everyone was clearly enjoying themselves. Some faces were familiar, others were complete strangers. But they all greeted him with a smile and a wave, already knowing who he was.

A giant grin suddenly stretched Gerald's face though as he spotted two extra familiar figures in the crowd of people. It had been some time since he seen either of them, but he would recognize them anywhere.

"Arnold! Helga!"

They both turned and Gerald was shocked at the changes in them. Arnold was tall and broad-shouldered; his hair longer and even sported the start of a goatee. Helga was still taller, but only by a few inches, and curvy. Extra curvy by the looks of the slight bulge in the front of her dress.

"Gerald!?" Arnold's face split into a similar grin and he rushed over to meet his friend halfway.

They embraced first and then shared their signature handshake, still active even after all these years.

"You look great, man," Arnold smiled and gestured around, "And I see you're doing great."

"And I see that you two have been busy," Gerald gestured at Helga, "So when were you going to tell me the big news. The last I heard from you two was that you decided to elope."

"Communication has been kind of... unreliable in deepest, darkest Africa," Helga shot Arnold a mock angry look, "Deepest, darkest Africa."

"Oh shush, it wasn't that bad," Arnold tugged her to him and kissed her forehead. "Just think of it as another chapter for your next best seller."

"Africa huh?" Gerald chuckled and gestured at Arnold's long hair, "And here I thought you joined a hippie commune."

Arnold rolled his eyes and knocked his hand away, "You sound like my mother. And my grandmother. And Bob."

Gerald and Helga both laughed, but then suddenly Helga stopped laughing and tugged on her husband's arm. She gestured behind Gerald and Arnold also smiled.

"It's been nice seeing you and all Gerald," He said starting to back away with Helga, "but I think you have another old friend you should catch up with first."

Gerald frowned and glanced behind him. And the whole world seemed to stop.

It had been years, literal years since he had seen her in person, but he had seen her often in his dreams. His dreams had not done justice to reality though. She was still petite in frame but elegant with the graceful curves of a woman. Her midnight black hair had gotten long and fell down her back like silk. A dark blue over the shoulder dress set off her porcelain skin. She moved toward him slowly, and he suddenly realized that she was nervous, unsure of him despite the fact he sent her a special VIP invite weeks before opening. Gerald also realized that his mouth had gone dry from staring with his jaw hanging open.

"Ph-Phoebe," Gerald couldn't stop his smile even if he wanted to, "you made it."

"Of course, I did Gerald," Phoebe smiled at him softly, "I wouldn't miss being here for the world."

"You sure NASA can survive you having a night off?" Gerald chuckled and then kicked himself. Great, now she would know he had career stalked her.

But Phoebe only giggled and shook her head, "They'll have to."

Gerald breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. The music around them continued to blare and he noticed that Phoebe was shifting a bit nervously still.

"Would you like to go up to my office?" He said loudly to be heard above the noise, "I can have the kitchen fix us some dinner."

Phoebe bit her lip, looking surprised, but then her face transformed into a sexy but somehow still sweet smile that made Gerald's knees go weak. "I'd like that. A lot."

Gerald's nightclub, The Hangout, became a large success and spawned two more locations in the US and one in London.

Phoebe eventually left NASA an independent contractor, sought out worldwide for her talent and skills. She accepted few jobs far and in between though in favor of her own, more secretive projects.

Two months after reuniting, Gerald proposed. No one was surprised. Rhonda and Olga fought over who got to plan their wedding.

Olga and Peter remained happy in love with Olga giving birth to three children within the first four years of their marriage. In ten years they would hit a rough patch which resulted in their brief separation, but they got back together for good a year later.

After graduating college, Arnold and Helga decided to travel. Helga a writer, Arnold a freelance journalist and photographer. Helga's first book was rejected several times for being too bleak before being picked up by a small publishing company and then was shortly skyrocketed to the National Best Seller's list. After years of putting it off, Arnold and Helga eloped. Olga still hasn't forgiven her sister. A few years later Helga gave birth to twins. When they were old enough, they traveled with their parents until Arnold and Helga decided to finally settle down back in Hillwood. For now at least.

I just want to thank everyone who much who stuck by me while I was writing this story. I had so many ideas but I started this before I had really learned how to outline and craft a cohesive narrative so this story was a bit of an unexpected challenge for me. But I'm glad to give my characters the happy ending I think they deserve and please be on the lookout for the next stories that I plan on writing and finishing now that this piece is finished.