The missiles were right on track, heading towards the ships of the Russians and Americans, when a loud "clang" sounded on Erik's helmet. He turned to see the agent, Moira, shooting at him. Erik dropped the missiles, focusing on moving each bullet away from himself. With abrupt movements of his arm, he was successful. Until one final bullet changed direction towards an undeserving target: Charles Xavier.

With the impact, the Professor screamed, falling into the sand. Moira slowly put down the gun, while the others stared in shock. Erik ran to his friend's side, holding Charles's head in his hands. The master of magnetism pulled the bullet from his friend, an action requiring only a simple movement.

Moira and the others rushed towards their friend as Erik tried to figure out what to do.

"I'm so sorry," he said, then looked up. "I said back off!" Erik looked around, finally placing his eyes on Moira. "You. You did this." He raised his hand, and suddenly, the agent's dog tags tightened around her neck. She slowly choked, when Charles spoke up.

"Please," he said quietly. "She didn't do this, Erik. You did."
Erik lowered his hand, giving Moira breath. He looked into his friend's eyes, not sure what to do.

"Us turning on each other, it's what they want! I tried to warn you, Charles," Erik desperately tried to explain. "I want to by my side. We're brothers, you and I! All of us, together, protecting each other..." He trailed off. "We want the same thing."

Charles thought for a moment, about his best friend, sister, and other companions. Despite everything, he smiled. "Maybe we do."

Erik grinned, eyeing the others. "I'm sorry. Come!"

As the X-Men warily made their way to their mentors, Charles looked back towards Erik. "I know that you believe killing is the way, but it is not. I will not kill, Erik, and I ask that you do the same thing."

Erik looked up, around at the mutants that were mere kids only weeks ago. "Charles, the humans...they'll never let you live in peace! We have to-

"No, my friend. We don't." Charles was speaking telepathically now. "Please, Erik. Remember the pain of the war. Remember the happiness of your memory. Which would you prefer?"

"The happiness, but-

"Then we'll have to be strong, you and I. No killing, and no revenge. I can wait for trouble to come to strike up a fight. Can you?"

For the first time since before the war, Erik truly felt understood. He felt at home. He looked into the eyes of his best friend, and around at the others. Alex, Hank, Sean, Moira, Azazel, Riptide, Angel. Raven.


Charles smiled, and nodded his head.

"Meanwhile, I can't feel my legs."

"What?!" Everyone seemed to cry at once.

"I've got this," Azazel said, touching them all, and with a puff of smoke, the X-Men, with both old and new members, was gone.

"Good of you to make me these braces, Hank," Charles said, trying to walk again for the first time in weeks.

"Erik helped a bit," Hank laughed.

The Professor slowly moved his legs, one after the other, and smiled.

Erik clapped from behind. "Bravo, my friend!"

"Hank, could we have a moment alone, please?"

The furry mutant nodded and walked away.

"So, now that you're walking again, we're going to start classes, right?" Erik asked, walking beside his companion.

"Yes, but first I have one request for you." Charles turned to his friend. "Can we go fly?"
Erik laughed and he grabbed his friend and pushed his other hand downwards. The duo began to hover in the air, and flew out of the mansion.

"What would I do without you?" Charles laughed.