Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Gundam Wing.

Chapter 12: Swimming Home

"These tests are interesting." Duo remarked now that their group was back at the hotel. The trials were over and despite Sirius' freedom, the boys planned to move back to Brussels. The former pilot of Deathscythe pulled the parchment out of his pocket and laid it on the desk. "It's a shame it doesn't list nonmagical relatives."

"You don't have many of those to begin with." WuFei informed him. "You were born to pureblood parents. The Potter and Black Families go back for centuries. The Black Family is older, about 400 years BC."

Duo whistled impressed, "Pre-colonies? That's old as heck." His violet eyes examined the family tree. It only went back eight generations. He clearly saw Narcissa Malfoy (nee Black) and a thread showing his cousin, Draco Malfoy. "That's the guy Harriet danced with at Relena's party."

Heero's eyes flashed as he remembered the pointy faced blond teen that danced with Harry.

"He's your cousin?" Quatre asked. "That's interesting, we should speak with Sirius and Andromeda tomorrow. They sounded like they would prefer we didn't let your Aunt know about your existence."

Trowa listened from the kitchen area of their suites. He poured hot water for all of them. It was still relatively early in the evening, but he doubted they would be going out that night. He carried a tray to the desk that Duo leaned on. The tall male picked up two cups, Harriet smiled at him when he bought the hot liquid over to her.

The lone female had sat on the couch and watched the boys disperse themselves throughout the small area. Harriet had fallen silent as they looked over their results. She understood they planned to leave London within the next few days. For the second time in the past two weeks, she worried about her decision to stay with these males. They had been amazing to her. Now, her godfather was free and she wanted to see him.

Harriet wondered for the first time if her godfather wanted her. The older man hadn't offered her a place with him. Unlike two years ago, when he had asked as they dragged Snape's body back to Hogwarts with Pettigrew bound by Professor Lupin. Quatre's eyes drifted over to his younger cousin.

"We wouldn't keep you from him." Trowa comforted Harriet. "Your godfather wouldn't be held back from seeing you on our account. It would be on our terms as your safety is a priority."

Harriet smiled at Trowa as he sat on the table across from her. He had spoken quietly and with a calming confidence that made the teen feel at ease. "I don't know if he wants to see me." She informed him quietly. Her green eyes drifted over to her brother, and his friends. They were still engaged in a conversation about the family trees. "You aren't going to join them?"

"I don't need to examine mine with them." He wasn't sure if he truly had an interest in the past. He might be able to take another name if he really wanted too. "You both were almost glued to the hip as we went out, if not for Remus, he would likely have asked to come with us."

"You think so?" Harriet asked as she stirred her tea. "I wonder where he's staying."

"Would it benefit you to know?"

Harry looked over at Trowa, "He's been on the run for a few years now. He was the first person to offer me a home once his name cleared. Sirius…he's been that father figure I haven't had."

"I'll make sure we locate him." Trowa reassured her. "We'll make sure you aren't hidden from Sirius."

"We want to make sure you're happy and safe." Duo added as he walked over. "He definitely will be around as much as safely possible."

Harriet smiled at them. They were kind and…homely. A bit like the Weasleys, but less chaotic.


"Did we really send my goddaughter off with five males?" Sirius asked his cousin and best friend. The pair looked at each other before looking at the drunk wizard. They had went to Andromeda's home. Ted hadn't been home when they arrived and Tonks didn't live there anymore. The trio were able to talk about the day's events in privacy.

Andromeda nodded, her grey eyes flashing. "We know that legally, her brother has custody."

"What about their will?"

"Sirius Orion Black, can we focus on you and your health first? Any judge or governing body would deem you unfit without you caring for yourself first."

Sirius looked annoyed, but sighed. It was true. Years in Azkaban had left him physically damaged, but he knew that he was expected to see a Mind Healer. That was going to be troublesome, "what sort of schedule did they want me to follow?"

"Your initial Mind Healer appointment is scheduled for tomorrow morning, an evaluation to see how much damage was caused by the Dementors." Andromeda informed him kindly. "After that, you and the Healer will figure out a schedule that works. You also have to see a primary care healer the day after, we probably should have done it the opposite way, but I know your priority is to have access to Harriet."

Remus could see his friend looked concerned about his upcoming appointment. "Why don't we reach out to Harriet and see if we can arrange something for tomorrow afternoon?"

Andromeda's eyes flashed at Remus' suggestion. She didn't think it was a good idea, but Sirius- he jumped at the opportunity. "Can we use your owl?" Sirius asked as he stood up. His old wand had been snapped when he was originally imprisoned. However, that day, they had gone to Ollivanders to get a new one that worked as well as the first one. That bloke had been as unsettling as the first time he visited with his parents. Harriet had tensed at his side, apparently he had scared the Girl-Who-Lived on her first trip. Flicking his wand, he took the conjured parchment and quill.

"Those boys are dangerous and I sincerely hope you take care of yourself. You won't be able to defend her otherwise."

"Her brother is the son of Bellatrix. If she were to find out her son was alive..." Remus paused and glanced at the others, "Sirius, what did you and James do?"

Andromeda raised an eyebrow as well, "My sister went insane rather quickly. Mind you, her prejudice against muggleborns was ingrained by our family. However, she was fine until she was hit with madness. Father forced her into a contract marriage as a result."

Sirius hated the fact that he was sobering up. He wanted more than anything to plead ignorance. However, he had been the one to change things so fast on Bella. She had been preparing to go into hiding with her father's permission since she refused to acknowledge her child's father. Then...then one night, Bella reappeared with her memory erased and the child gone. Her father didn't figure it out and the Healer that had been monitoring her had no explanation.

The child was meant to be sent to an orphanage. Sirius supposed he had Regulus to thank for the knowledge of Bellatrix's pregnancy. James' rape wasn't public knowledge and he certainly wasn't going to spread it around. His cousin had crossed a line trying to spite him. His younger brother had slipped the news to him, much like he had revealed where James had been hidden. At least, Sirius remembered it that way. His brother had been a Death Eater like their parents expected.

"It was line theft. We have rituals to fix that sort of thing, I never wanted to harm my second cousin. He was a baby, I left him at an orphanage and I didn't tell James anything."

Andromeda clinched her fist, "That was my nephew, I would have-"

"You were busy with Nymphadora. I couldn't turn up with a child and ask you and Ted to care for him. There would have been questions."

The witch's resemblance to Bellatrix seemed to shine as she glared at her hotheaded cousin. "He would have been none the wiser, but well cared for as he deserved."

Sirius sighed deeply and glared into his empty mug. "I only wanted to make sure that James and Lil were able to move on. And that an innocent child wasn't harmed by Bellatrix. Honestly, you were one of the few people I considered to raise him. I knew my uncle disowned you, but I would not have been surprised if he kept tabs on your movement. And a child appearing after Bellatrix's child was stolen? I couldn't do it, I was paranoid."

Remus tilted his head and looked at Sirius. "Are you going to tell him the truth?"

That was the million galleon question, Sirius thought.

"That test shows Narcissa and Draco." Andromeda reminded them. "If we don't want Bellatrix finding out her son is alive, we need to have a good reason he should not contact his other Aunt."


Heero was known for his keen observation skills in battle. Wing Zero had enhanced it and made the teen deadlier, his accuracy increased by twofold. The teen, however, was not always the best with human interactions. It wasn't included in his training. "Heero, do you want tea?" Harriet asked as she poked her head out of the kitchen. She was in there with Trowa working on some kind of dish for dinner.

Sirius would be joining them again, for the third day in a row. Harriet was spending a lot of time with her godfather and Trowa. Whenever Duo or Quatre were around, they also got part of her time.

WuFei helped read over her essays for school surprisingly.

"Yes, please." He realized he spent the least amount of time with her in the past week. Normally, it wouldn't bother him but Barton's interest in her was irritating. Heero didn't think he was able to deal with jealousy. Hell, he wasn't sure he would recognize it. However, Trowa Barton seemed to be smitten with the witch of his own violation and Duo didn't seem to care. Well, that's a lie. Duo had warned Trowa that if he hurt his sister, he would end the clown's existence.

The witch appeared a few moments later with a tray and carried tea over to the table. Heero noticed that the teen seemed relaxed as she delivered the pot. "Heero, you sound jealous." Duo had informed him privately. "My sister is really just friendly. Trowa knows better than to hurt her. Or even touch her."

Harry didn't seem to notice how Heero's eyes watched her pour the hot water into a cup for him. She was merely excited that her godfather would be visiting again. "There you go." She said quietly as she sat the tea and biscuits beside the male's computer. Picking up the tray and kettle, he watched as she disappeared into the kitchen. She ran out a few minutes later, headed for her room.

Heero watched as Trowa opened the door and allowed Sirius Black to enter the room. Remus Lupin was also making a surprise appearance today. Both men greeted Trowa and himself before walking towards the couch. Duo was the first to appear after the older wizards sat down. "How are you all doing?" He greeted as he sat down across from them.

"We're well." Remus answered for them.

Sirius looked around, his eyes scanning the spacious area for something. Or someone, Heero thought to himself. Harry walked back into the room, a small grin crossed her face as she walked towards her godfather. Heero and Duo watched as Sirius squeezed the teen tightly. "Prongslet."

"Sirius! How was today's appointment?"

The wizard smiled down at his goddaughter, "Oh just telling my how old my bones have gotten from disuse. More potions to help get my body back to normal. Nothing important." Sirius chuckled at Harry's hug before the witch pulled away nodding. "Hi Professor."

"I'm not your teacher anymore, Remus is fine. Or Uncle Mooney as you used to call me when you were a toddler." Harry nodded, the werewolf knew he would have to work hard to get the witch to call him something other than Professor. Then again, it was his fault for being absent her whole life until a few years ago.

Duo waited for everyone to sit before he plopped down next to his sister. "Sirius, I've got a question for you." It was still surreal to Duo that he had relatives that were alive. His second cousins eyes were more grey-blue, than violet-blue like his aunt and mother. Sirius studied him before glancing at Remus.

"I can try to answer your question."

Nodding, Duo decided to ask the question he had initially held off on, "Why didn't you tell me I was related to the Malfoy Family, specifically that I had another Aunt?" His Aunt had explained being disowned by her father and technically being his Aunt by blood, but not legally. Duo didn't care about her being disowned. He had grownup without relatives and now her had a few.

Harry looked a little surprised, "The Malfoys?"

"My dear cousin Narcissa had a crush on Lucius Malfoy and ended up marrying for love. Unlike her older sister, your mother. Lucius also met the pureblood ideals that my Uncle had, so that helped. During the last war, Lucius was caught and tried as a Death Eater. Death Eaters were the followers of the Dark Lord, he paid his way out. Bellatrix wasn't able to do the same because she was caught in the act of torturing another family for information. We didn't mention the Malfoy family, because their allegiance is currently known to be dark. I want to protect Harry and the best way to do that is to steer clear of Death Eaters."

Duo looked thoughtful, "I see. We know that he paid his way out?"

"Our society is deeply flawed and has corruption at the top level."

Quatre nodded, "I recall Mrs. Tonks mentioning the Malfoy and LeStrange families in a prior conversation." The blond picked up his cup of tea and looked at the older wizards. "You all neglected to tell Miss Harriet that she is emancipated in the Wizarding World."

Sirius frowned thoughtfully, "That sounds familiar, I think that happened last October around the time of the tournament at Hogwarts. Only legal adults could participate."

"So you emancipated her?" Remus asked in surprise. Harriet looked curious as well.

"Not on purpose, I needed to sign the paperwork or she was at risk of losing her magic. I just did what seemed right at the time."

"Why not tell me then?" Harry asked slightly annoyed.

Sirius looked at the raven haired teen, "Because I forgot."

Heero could see that the man was slightly uncomfortable with the change of conversation. Originally, his body had tensed up as he talked about Duo's relatives, his cousins. Harry's body was full of tension, the perfect soldier wondered why she was upset. Despite her body language, her eyes were clear and patient. Almost like she didn't realize she was upset. What was it Harry had admitted to him when they had been alone, "Sometimes, I feel so angry and I don't know why. It's almost like the feeling isn't my own."

Perhaps, the tension in her body wasn't her own emotion. They had potions to make people happy, sleep, love and calm - why couldn't magic make her angry? Though now Heero had to wonder, how would she be getting caught in the spell? None of the other guys would dare to mess with her food or drink. The perfect soldier would have to learn more about magic, and WuFei didn't even know he was going to be that source.

Heero would not be asking Barton for anything until he could sort out his feelings.

He couldn't possibly be jealous, like Duo thought.


Silver: Gonna slip some summer fun into the next chapter. And watching Heero be conflicted with his feelings is adorable.