I do not own anything in this story, all characters belong to their respective owners and the story this is a reading of is owned by the acclaimed fanfiction writer fairy tail dragon slayer.

Chapter 1, why do we have to read this?

It was an average Friday at Beacon academy, a secondary school for aspiring Hunters and Huntresses. The second to fourth year students were away on missions while first years were getting their education, or supposed to be anyway. In the library we find team RWBY and team JNPR. Team RWBY was playing the Remnant board game once again while one member of JNPR was studying while the rest of the team was either reading comics, reading the same comic over her crush's shoulder or annoying the team member who was trying to study.

"Oh I hate this game I always come so close to conquering Remnant then someone destroys my forces!" Weiss yelled as she looked at her pieces that had once been her main forces. "Then stop playing as Atlas. The Atlas piece doesn't have much flexibility in the game and stop complaining, don't be a Wiessner. Eeehhhh get it like whiner but.." Yang was cut off as her team threw their defeated pieces, emptied tuna can, or an empty cookie bag at her for the bad pun.

"OH you guys have no sense of humor. Hey team Vomit Boy at least one of you guys thinks I'm funny right?" Yang called out to the team using the table next to theirs. Team JNPR avoided eye contact and said nothing. "Ohh you all suck." Yang said as she pouted. "Yang it's not that puns aren't funny it's just you use them to much." Pyrrha said to Yang with a sorry expression. "…. Wait Yang I thought we agreed you would stop calling me that after I bought you new boots!" Jaune said to Yang as he remembered what she called him.

"Ehehehe sorry lady killer old habits you know." Yang said as she scratched the back of her head. "Ohhhh you're a lady killer! I knew there was something off about you! Ren save me!" Nora yelled jokingly as she leapt behind Ren. Ren just sighed and closed his book knowing he wouldn't get much more reading done Before anything else could happen 10 gas canisters rolled up around them and released a colorless and odorless knock out gas. Within minutes both teams passed out and dragged somewhere to read a book of another universe.

Now here we find our hero's in an underground vault with our knocked heroes with a certain something new added to their outfits, an armband made for criminals who have access to their aura. These armbands block off any use of aura from affecting anything in the world.

"Ughhhh what happened, where are we?" Ruby asked no one as everyone else was still passed out from the gas. Ohh crap guys, guys wake up!" Ruby shouted as she shook everyone awake. "Ruby do you have any idea where we are?" Yang asked her sister as she looked around to try to get any idea of where they are.

The walls, floor and roof were all some type of metal, with a single door leading somewhere. Inside the room there were two large couches facing each other with a coffee table between them, each enough room on them to fit a team. A mini-fridge was tucked away in the corner. Everything else is bare nothing on the walls no window nothing but metallic grey well that and a large television in the wall.

"I'll see if the door leads anywhere." Jaune said with bit of courage and a slight tremble. As he walked to the door and tried opening it to find it unlocked. He slowly opened it and peaked inside to find a…. bathroom. "Sigh. Its not a exit just a bathroom." With that Jaune just shut the door. "Hey guys where are our weapons?" Ruby asked as she looked for her darling scythe to hold in comfort but it wasn't anywhere to be found.

With that everyone checked themselves for their weapons. "Great so we have no weapons Pyrrha could you be a deer and bend the walls, so we can try to escape?" Yang asked as Pyrrha nodded and tried to use her semblance only to have nothing happen. "Any day now would be nice P-money." Yang said as she was starting to get impatient. "I'm trying but nothing is happening. Sorry guys." Pyrrha said as she gave up and slumped her shoulders.

"Hey guys I found a note! Next to this book!" Nora said as she poped between Yang and Pyrrha with the items in hand. "Okay Nora just calm down now what does the note say?" Ren asked his partner/childhood friend. "Okay Renny! It says:Dear Teams RWBY AND JNPR this is Professor Peach. For the reason you all are in Beacons specialized holding cell if due to numerous noise complaints from both other students and faculty about your teams in the library. As such we believe you all need sometime to actually read a book. So until you finish the book next to the note you won't be getting out until Monday. Inside the mini-fridge there is enough food and water for the next two days. After this is over please be more quite in the library, the TV has a microphone to show a video of the book it only activates when you read the book and doesn't have any other channels. Signed Professor Peach.

As soon as Nora finished reading the note team JNPR looked towards team RWBY and gave them the stinkeye, even the sweet tempered Spartan. "Why are guy guys giving us that look its not our fault you guys are so loud!" Weiss yelled out with a red face trying to shift the blame to team JNPR due to knowing her team was overly rambunctious.

"Whatever there's no way out lets just get this done with." Ren said as he took the book from Nora. "Lets see its called Naruto the Sun God by FTDS, must be a penname." Ren said as he looked at the cover of the book.

It had a teenager with spikey blonde hair, blue eyes and…. are those whisker? He was wearing a black and orange hoody with some type of band around his arm with a metal plate and a spiral pattern carved on it. Around his neck was a pair of headphones.

"Mnnn, moma likes what she sees." Yang said as a few of the other girls blushing as well looking at the cover.

While Pyrrha was blushing but not from the cover but of the perverted thoughts of something along the lines of "He kind of looks like Jaune…..Mnnn two Jaunes." Thought Pyrrha

"Well start reading already moma wants to know more about this sexy man meat." Yang said as her teammates groaned at her pervy ways of talking.

Ope Ope No hunter is on a small break I'll finish the next chapter of it sometime next week. The next chapter of this should be up by tomorrow