The world of Remnant, a peaceful world, a world created for the children of the Elder Gods. Human and Faunas kind spread forth, crossing mountains and oceans, to settle the lands and to build their villages.
As the Children spread out, they were constantly reminded of their creators' love by the Five Holy Fires. These fires were the bonds that connected a child with a parent. It was a testament of love, devotion, and loyalty. For as long as the fires burned, the Children would not know fear, darkness, drought, famine, or disease. Though if the fires were ever to go out, then Remnant would forever remain lost to the Elder Gods.
However, as centuries went by and the children spread out to build great cities and castles, so to did their arrogance and greed rose with their towers and walls. Because of this greed, the Elder Gods warned their children by darkening one of the five fires in the hopes of humbling their children.
The Children believe that they were powerful enough reignite the fire. They believed that the power of the purest essence, blood, would be able to reignite the fire and please their gods. They offered sacrifices, they offered the blood of innocents to rekindle the fire, yet this only infuriated their Gods. How could their own children spill the blood of their kind in order to appease? As an act of revenge and justice, those that were sacrificed were given new life. With the second fire being extinguished, a new race was born, the Vampire.
Alongside the Vampires arose another species, the Grimm. These creatures fed off of the negative emotions of human and faunas kind, yet seemed almost submissive to vampire kind. These creatures of Grimm and Vampires led to the collapse of humanity's uncontested rule of Remnant.
The first one to be sacrificed and first to be revived was a Vampire known as Raphael. It was under his leadership that the vampires built a strong and mighty empire built upon the backs of their slaves, former masters, and now livestock. The Vampire waged an unrelenting war against those that wronged them. To the Vampires, the sins of the fathers' were passed down to their sons. Town after town, city after city, fell to the vampire hordes as they slaughtered and enslaved. Soon, humanity was forced into five major city fortresses of Mistral, Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and the grand fortress of Elascia.
Raphael established the mighty city of Nocturnum. A city high in culture and arts that countered acted its gothic architecture. On top of this city a larger fortress was built, the castle of Kerak. It was here where he established the Council of Firsts to administer the Empire, which consisted of the very first Vampires, they were some of the most loyal to Raphael.
As the thousands of years went by, the vampires became a beacon of science and magic as well as culture and art. They surpassed the other races in all aspects of society. However, everything changed with one human slave.
One girl, Cinder Fall, was renowned for her beauty, and later, her cunning, seduced her local Vampire Lord. She was given the gift of immortality and with her gift, she slew her master and took control of his land. Once Raphael caught word of this, instead of being executed, she was formally recognized as a Vampire Lord.
Through the centuries, Cinder grew in power and allies through the use of seduction, promises, and threats until she built a mighty coalition. In an attempt to maintain stability, the Emperor, Raphael invited her to the Council of Firsts. This attempt to placate the young lord failed when she launched a bloody revolt that ended with Raphael's defeat. In an act of supremacy and power, she consumed his heart thus absorbing his power and making much more powerful.
However, the Elder God's were not pleased with the death of their chosen one. In revenge, they extinguished the third flame. To punish the upstart Empress, they cursed her and the Vampires two fold. The first curse was to divide the vampire race with different subraces, the most angelic and powerful, the rare Seraphin.
The second curse was the human discovery of dust, an elemental power found in the shape of crystal that extremely poisonous to the Vampire race. With these new crystals, humanity was able to tap into potent magics and powers that allowed them to combat the Vampire and Grimm menace. Just after the discovery of dust, a new knightly order arose. The Brotherhood was formed, a group of devout defenders that sought to reclaim their lost land and to restore harmony to the world. They sought to mend the gap between the Children and Elder Gods. With their enigmatic leader, Grand Master Gerhard von Ozpin I led gathered his followers. His trusted second in command, Field Marshal James Ironwood mustered his forces at Elascia, preparing for the war.
It was at Elascia that Cinder met the Brotherhood's challenge. These upstarts had to be put down! How dare they challenge Vampire supremacy. These children know not who they deal with. Cinder mustered all the strength the Empire could muster and marched on Elascia, burning and pillaging as she went.
The forces of the Empire and the Brotherhood clashed day and night. The humans used Dust to kill unknown numbers of vampires as they attacked in waves. It looked as if the Vampires were going to be defeated and routed until Cinder took the field. There, she challenged the Brotherhood Field Marshall Ironwood in single combat and slew him.
His second in command, Grand Knight Paladin Pyrrha Nikos, went into a bloody rage as she fought her way to her commander's corpse. Cinder, impressed with the young warrior's skill decided to subdue and turn her as an act humiliation for the Brotherhood.
The Battle of Elascia was a pyrrhic victory for the humans. With their commander slain, the Brotherhood did not give chase, instead, they licked their wounds. So the once beautiful and strong human warrior was turned. At first, she resisted and came to despise herself when Cinder forced the knigh-paladin to consume her blood. Other lords took pity on her, specifically First Lord Lie Ren and First Lady Nora Valkyrie. This pity eventually turned into friendship as Pyrrha slowly adapted to the vampiric lifestyle. Though she was never fond of taking lives for sustenance, she did so sorrow and remorse in her heart.
Seeing Pyrrha obtaining allies worried the Empress as she exiled the warrior to the far reaches of the Empire, hoping she would die in battle. However, this would not be the case as Pyrrha Nikos led many battles, all of them resulting in victory.
Centuries of watching the borders and fighting caused the young warrior to become saddened and alone. The Elder Gods took pity on the young one, seeing her so distraught and bestowed upon her the gifts and powers of a Seraphin, though this change did not go unnoticed. Word had reached the Empress.
Upon hearing this, Cinder summoned the new commander of the frontier, hoping that the rumors were untrue. Upon seeing it with her own eyes, Cinder was infuriated and order Pyrrha to submit. Knowing full well that she did not have the strength to challenge the Empress, she submitted before the queen, taking the knee.
Though the humiliation did not stop there, Cinder in an act of treachery, ripped off the young vampire's wings causing her cry out in pain and collapse as Cinder assaulted her. Her bloodlust sated, she ordered her followers to toss the beaten and humiliated Vampire into the endless whirlpool known as the Throat of the World.
It was here where no living creatures could live, in pristine forests, a large lake whose water was acidic and toxic to all life. It is said that those who drink the water die an excruciating death, those who are trapped in the whirlpool at the center experience an unimaginable, unfathomable pain for an eternity. It was here where traitors were executed; it was here Pyrrha would meet her fate.
Her flesh melted away as her bones burned as she was dragged to the bottom. The only thing she knew was pain as everything turned to darkness as fourth fire was extinguished.
Hi guys! So…. this is different…. And it's not Forlorn or Lost Company
I wanted to revive this fic. So here we go! The first few chapters will going more intense editing there will be a second prologue to help as a refresher from where we left off. That will be in chapter
So here we go! Not much has changed. Keep an eye on the older chapters being rereleased. Also another summary for Arc 1 will be coming out before the end of the week- hopefully!
So let me know what you guys think! I always love hearing from you guys and I would love to hear your thoughts. Are you excited, are you meh, are not for it? Let me know your thoughts, questions, reactions, predictions and such!