First I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has been reading! (And to anyone who finds and reads this in the future!) I hope you have enjoyed the fic and I hope you will enjoy this last marathon chapter. I'm sorry it's late, but in the end I wanted to take a little extra time and be completely happy with a few last details before I shared with everyone.

Thanks again to Semi, my wonderful beta, who not only talked me down when I suggested cutting the entire rescue operation, but pointed out many plot holes and bits of information that I needed to clean up. She did a wonderful job on the entire fic but this chapter in particular is so much more tidy, coherent, and hopefully satisfying thanks to her.

I think this chapter will clear up some questions, though it might raise a few more. At some point I would like to write a sequel for the Hakogaku team, but for now I really hope you will enjoy this ending.

Makishima and Naruko arrived at about the same time, the latter having just lost an impromptu race up the hill.

"Makishima-san!" Manami greeted. "I'm glad I finally get to meet you in person."

Onoda looked between them, confused. Makishima had a wry smile tugging the corner of his mouth out of shape. "Same here."

"Manami-kun, have you already met?"

"Wait, isn't Manami the guy you've been talking about all week?" Naruko wanted to know.

"Yes. Uh, this is Manami Sangaku, from the Hakogaku racing team. Manami-kun, this is Naruko Soukichi, my friend from cycling club."

"You're not telling me this guy just walked out of your game and into real life!"

"No, I had lots of help from Sakamichi-kun to do that," Manami answered, which didn't really help clear things up.

"I know it seems weird-" Onoda started, but he was interrupted when Makishima smacked one hand down on top of his head and the other on Naruko's

"There's plenty of time to explain once we get that game taken care of."

Onoda felt the same urgency driving his upperclassman. He led everyone inside and up to his room. He hadn't touched the game since Makishima's call. Once the credits had finished it had switched to a victory screen which simply said: You won Manami Sangaku's heart! Enjoy your prize! A chibi version of Manami stood below the words, smiling and waving cutely.

Digital Manami did not seem to be bothered by the fact that he had been left alone for several minutes. Real-world Manami was probably as unsettled by the message as Onoda, considering how he was going along with Onoda's plan to keep himself between Manami and the game console at all times.

"Why does that look just like him!?" Naruko demanded.

"I said we'd explain later. One of you hurry up and start a new game! Why did you think we called you over here?"

"Why don't you do it?"

"Because I already played once!"

Instead of joining the argument, Imaizumi knelt in front of the game console and hit the reset button.

When Manami came up during the opening animation, both Naruko and Imaizumi turned to stare at him again. He didn't seem to notice. Onoda wondered how he felt seeing the game from the outside.

Imaizumi entered his information, up until the 'What scares you' question.

"Say heights!" Manami butted in. "That one starts you with a penalty with me, but you can't win me now anyway."

For 'What is important?' the response 'Feeling free' was crossed out.

"Whatever you pick decides who lives in the dorms with you, so they're easier to spend time with. Just don't pick 'Being the strongest.' That's the captain's."

Imaizumi went with 'Silencing critics.' He chose 'boyfriend' when Manami didn't offer further advice, and the first day started.

Manami gave him directions to get to the school without getting lost. In the game, Manami barely greeted him. His cut scene didn't trigger. He was a pale shadow of what Onoda remembered.

Every so often Naruko would point out something in the game and ask if that was normal. Like when they made it to lunch and Arakita's cut scene was triggered. Having a special introductory moment wasn't strange at all. The fact that Imaizumi choosing one different dialog option apparently led to an entirely different conversation really wasn't.

Manami gave his teammates a small wave.

"Can they see us?"

"Of course. We could always see you," Manami said brightly.

Onoda raised a hand to wave as well, trying not to look too uncertain. Did that mean Manami had seen him every time he blushed or got flustered about something? Had he known every time Onoda had put his hands over his face rather than watch a particularly embarrassing scene?

Naruko leaned an arm on Imaizumi's shoulder to better get right in the line of sight from the TV before informing Arakita and Shinkai that they had everything under control.

When Imaizumi ran into Toudou he didn't get the same smoothly polished response Onoda remembered. Toudou lit up with excitement and insisted that Imaizumi was perfect, immediately offering him the position of manager. Maybe Onoda was hyper-aware of what Manami had said, but it really felt like Toudou was beaming not just at Imaizumi, but at the rest of them sitting behind him.

While Imaizumi was getting the tour, Manami touched Onoda's shoulder and asked, "Can I borrow your phone?"

Onoda passed it to him. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he didn't move away from Manami, either.

"Iinchou, this is Sangaku. I'm back. I'm in Chiba right now, with the person who saved me. We're going to try to get the others. Um..." Manami turned his head away from everyone and continued awkwardly, "I'm sorry for being gone so long. I promise I'll see you soon."

Onoda remembered the serious girl who had been their class rep in the game, who was usually the catalyst for Manami's mini game. Manami had called her his childhood friend, which Onoda now realized meant she had to be based on a real person.

Manami passed his phone back after leaving the message.

"You can phone anyone else you need," Onoda offered quicky.

"I will later. I really wanted to let her know her first. She was one of the first few who ended up with the game, but I crashed it in five minutes by telling her what was going on," he explained, giving Onoda a sheepish smile.

Onoda thought he should say something, but he wasn't sure what. He tried to reassure Manami by saying, "I'm sure she'll call back later. It's pretty early."

Onoda was still a little surprised he'd gotten a hold of both of his friends at five in the morning. Once he was thinking about it, he had no idea how Makishima had known he had the game. He had played the game before and obviously knew how important it was, but how did he know to call at a time like that?

"Makishima-san how did you know I had the game?" If Makishima had overheard him talking about it with his friends surely he would have said something right away.

"One of Toudou's messages finally came though. They've always been too late for me to find the game up until now, but this time I didn't have to go far to find you."

Onoda remembered Toudou texting someone every single day after practice. He had sensed that it was someone important. "But how? Just because you played the game before?"

Manami laughed. "Toudou-san already had a habit of texting his boyfriend every day after practice. Arakita-san and I forgot our phones a lot, and Izumida-san didn't use his in the club room. Shinkai-san tries to get the captain sometimes."

"Don't say I'm his boyfriend! Toudou just pestered me all the time because he considers us rivals. I'm surprised he didn't get himself out long before now. I thought he was supposed to be charming."

"He's still charming. He just messes up when he thinks of you."

Onoda felt his face heat and tried to hide it by hanging his head and staring at the floor. Toudou must have been, and still was, very close to Makishima. And Onoda had considered playing his route. He really was in a relationship and Onoda had flirted with him!

"Why are you both blushing?" Manami laughed.

Makishima had one hand over his face to hide it, which wasn't very effective.

"Okay, what is that about?" Naruko suddenly asked, pointing at the screen.

Imaizumi had been distracted by their conversation and gotten the message that he needed to play the game in real time.

The game had helpfully selected for him to tell Toudou it was none of his business why he couldn't ride anymore. Toudou was clearly too happy to be offended by something like that.

Onoda wanted to ask if they had been fishing for information about him to give Makishima, but Manami scooted closer and leaned against him, arm slipping around his waist, and all of the questions Onoda wanted to ask promptly fell out of his brain.

Imaizumi finished the day and returned to the main screen. "That's what you needed, right? Now you can explain everything."

Makishima had been slowly relaxing, but he immediately tensed again. "I was going to let Kinjou explain. Fukutomi would be even better, when he gets here."

Manami took it on himself to explain instead. "It's pretty simple. Somehow our team was trapped inside a romance game that somehow goes from person to person and we can't leave until someone somehow wins and helps us out."

"That's too many somehows! How does something like that even happen in this world?"

Manami shifted and wrapped both arms around Onoda's waist, hugging him close. "I don't remember. None of us remember much about the first play through, either."

Onoda suddenly felt like everyone was staring at him, though it was probably just Manami cuddling him.

Makishima leaned one arm on his knee, kinking his spine in an uncomfortable-looking pose. "You're missing the important part. Who cares how they got into this mess? What we're going to do is get them out. Kinjou won last summer, and it took this long for the game to end up with someone else who could win." Makishima lifted his hand, wearing the grin that always made Onoda feel inspired. "Now we finally have the game and we know how to get through it. We're going to make sure we win."

They changed venues before going further. Makishima offered his house as he had it to himself, there was more space, and he had a larger television to hook Onoda's console up to. Onoda had been a little worried about fitting Shinkai especially through the narrow screen in his room.

After stumbling through some awkward introductions with Onoda's mother (who was excited to meet who she assumed were his friends in the anime club and tried to make them stay for breakfast), and offering that Manami borrow his road racer since he could take his old mama bike (Manami immediately decided to pull him), the trip was easy. Set-up was easy. Onoda settled down on the floor beside Imaizumi with his notes, making sure his friend had the best strategy guide possible.

Reinforcements arrived to boost their numbers. Kinjou explained that based on previous experience each player only got one attempt, but Tadokoro was ready and interested to try, and he brought Teshima and Aoyagi with him. The other club members were busy or unreachable, but Imaizumi suggested the obvious option of calling Miki over. They were playing as a manager, after all.

Manami offered comments and bits of information as they went. Imaizumi's answer had given him a bonus with Arakita. The only advice Onoda could give, to be honest with him or he would get mad, turned out to be all Imaizumi needed.

Onoda caught himself thinking, maybe it really could be this easy.

And then, three hours after Manami had fallen out of the game on top of him and about the time Imaizumi got his first date offer from Arakita, the Hakogaku captain arrived.

He was almost as taciturn as he'd been in the game, but his presence alone was powerful enough to command attention.

Manami immediately jumped up and greeted his captain. Onoda heard him say, "I knew you were coming to get us, but I met Sakamichi-kun and I couldn't wait anymore," then laugh and promise that everyone was still fighting hard.

Fukutomi checked Manami over, made absolutely sure that he was whole and well, and then put a phone in his hand and ordered him to call his parents.

"Makishima-san sent us a message saying they didn't remember."

"They realize you're missing every few days. Then they forget. Call them before they become frantic again."

Manami looked like someone had punched him in the gut. Before Onoda could move he was out of the room and a moment later the front door slammed.

Then it was Onoda's turn to stand and meet Hakogaku's captain for real. He couldn't interpret expressions on that stoic face, but the hand that came to rest on his shoulder when Fukutomi thanked him was heavy. It felt like the weight of receiving a word of praise from Kinjou, but to such a degree Onoda thought his knees might give out.

Kinjou rested a hand on his other shoulder from behind.

"The sixth man on your team?"

"That's right," Kinjou answered, as if the whole gathering was about cycling.

Fukutomi squeezed Onoda's shoulder hard, though not hard enough to be painful. "Know you have my gratitude, for the rest of my life."

Onoda felt he understood. This wasn't at all the character in the game who was so distant and only seemed to care about the odd win. The real Fukutomi loved his team and wanted them back.

"I still want to help in any way I can! I won't quit as long as there's anything I can do to help everyone come home!"

There was a faint smile on Fukutomi's face. Onoda couldn't really say how he saw it, but it was a change. Fukutomi didn't seem so overwhelming anymore.

He was still intense. He deliberately waited until Imaizumi was in a conversation with Toudou to drop a bombshell. "There is one thing I will add to our plan of attack: Toudou has to come last."

"What?" Makishima's outburst drew everyone's attention. Onoda thought even Toudou was looking at him. "He's the one who's been trying to lead us to the game all this time!"

"That's exactly why. Toudou is the only one with the ability to communicate with us outside. If we do lose the game again, we need him there. Understand, Toudou?" Fukutomi said, and suddenly Onoda understood why he had waited until Toudou could witness his ultimatum.

"I'm always glad for your support," Toudou was saying, still reacting to Imaizumi after a triumphant race.

"Ask if he has any suggestions," Onoda offered. Now that he knew just how weird the game was he completely believed it had taken what he said and turned it into dialog options.

Imaizumi glanced back, but ran fingers through his short hair and humored Onoda, "Can you give us any suggestions?"

Saying it worked this time around. Fukutomi glanced back at him. Imaizumi made the selection.

[ "Do you have any suggestions?" ]

With this question, Onoda hoped Toudou would be able to answer Fukutomi. "I trust you. I'm ready to accept the decisions you make. My job is to handle whatever assignment you give me!"

With his winning smile, Toudou at least looked confident.

When Manami came back he tucked himself against Onoda's side and held on to him. After several minutes of watching Imaizumi and Arakita's increasingly cheerful arguments he said, "My parents want to meet you."

"I'd love to meet them," Onoda answered, although he wondered what Manami had told them about him.

"One of Makishima-san's messages said people who haven't played the game don't realize we're missing, and nothing Fukutomi-san did could make anyone remember." Manami leaned his forehead on Onoda's shoulder. His voice was faint as he continued, "They yelled at me for coming all the way to Chiba without saying anything. Like I've only been gone for one night."

Onoda had no idea what to do. He put his hand on Manami's shoulder, then slowly moved it around Manami's back until he was giving him a gentle hug.

Manami didn't say anything else until Fukutomi moved from where he was watching Imaizumi play to inform him that he had fought hard and now he needed to stay strong to support his teammates. It seemed to help.

Near the end of Imaizumi's run, one of Toudou's texts actually got through. The ringer on Makishima's phone went off at full volume and he grabbed for it.

"Don't add unnecessary things!" he shouted at Toudou, not letting anyone else see the phone. Frowning as if daring them to ask, he delivered the part of the message that didn't fall under 'unnecessary things.' "He says to get Izumida first."

"Next run," Fukutomi agreed.

They were so close. None of them had anything to add now. They could only watch Imaizumi and Arakita work together to nudge the game into giving them the choices they needed to reach the ending.

"Give me your hand. You'd better be ready to challenge me for real, now," Arakita said out loud once the message box was gone. He was grinning as he put his hand to the screen.

"Same to you." Imaizumi put his hand over Arakita's.

Nothing happened. Both of them started at their hands for a moment, but they didn't connect.

Arakita swore and brought down both fists against the glass, producing a resonating thump, but not getting him any closer to Imaizumi.

"Onoda, what do I do?"

"I just touched Manami-kun's hand! I didn't do anything special."

"Boyfriend mode," Arakita snarled, making it sound like a curse. "I forgot we were supposed to be playing for that." He was leaning one forearm against the screen, his forehead against his arm. "Heh. And I actually thought we'd make it. I could've-"

The screen went black, leaving nothing but stark white, block letters:


Imaizumi slowly sat back. Manami's hand, which had been laying against Onoda's, suddenly squeezed it tight.

"What the hell!" Naruko burst out. "I thought he was winning!"

The room shattered into sharp fragments of silence and noise: Naruko's offense, Imaizumi's shock, Teshima trying to analyze at what point the route had gone bad. The crystallized silence around Makishima seemed too sharp at the edges to approach.

"We have enough people to try again. As long as someone starts a new game soon we keep the disc," Kinjou told them. For a moment even he couldn't smooth the atmosphere and unite them completely.

"Imaizumi-kun, you-" Onoda knew that 'you were really close' wasn't enough. He had lost, and the gulf between winning and losing was too wide.

"There's no strategy guide for this game. We learned every single trap by falling for it." Manami's hand was gripping Onoda's hard enough to make it clear he didn't like this any more than the rest of them did, but he sounded so calm. "It's too bad you can't play again now that you know how."

Imaizumi was listening but not responding. Onoda jumped in. "That's right. Now the next person will get even farther because of what you did. We're all working as a team!"

Onoda had honestly been thinking of it that way the whole time. It would take their whole team to save Manami's whole team, but it didn't look like that had occurred to Imaizumi yet.

Imaizumi lifted his head a little and while he didn't say anything, he allowed Kinjou to lay a hand on his shoulder and repeat Onoda's promise, that because of his help the next person would reach the goal. The second time Onoda hoped the words really did sink in.

"We need a plan of attack before starting the next run."

"Toudou said to get Izumida. Do we need someone compatible?"

"He said 'boyfriend mode.' Does that mean there's other ways to play?" Teshima interjected.

"That's something you choose at the beginning. I didn't realize it was important."

"Playing to become his rival may actually be more effective," Kinjou said. Onoda wondered if that was how he had won.

"No. Izumida would have too much trouble accepting someone as a rival without the opportunity to see them in action."

"There's friend," Onoda suggested. 'Boyfriend' or 'rival' were fairly specific, but there were many ways to make the emotional connections that would lead you to call someone 'friend.'

"Then let's send somebody in the same year," Tadokoro decided, looking to Teshima and Aoyagi. They looked at each other.

"Aoyagi is good at video games."

Aoyagi didn't say anything about the nomination, but he made a low noise and his chin dipped slightly.

"It might help," Teshima answered. "I just have a feeling the two of you will get along."

Aoyagi considered this before nodding seriously. "What else do you want me to know about him?"

"I know his answer to 'What is important?' is 'Improving yourself.' That's what I picked." Onoda actually wasn't aware of having done anything specific to earn Izumida's attention besides that. When trapped by Aoyagi's waiting gaze he added that Izumida seemed to like consistency and a stable routine. This was met with nods of agreement from Izumida's teammates.

Armed with the answers to the first four questions, Aoyagi took his place in front of the console. Teshima settled on one side and Onoda on the other with his notes. Miki sat next to Onoda to watch the beginning of the game, while Kinjou and Fukutomi stood expectantly behind them with their arms crossed. Onoda wondered if Aoyagi felt supported by the team gathered around him as he set out to rescue Izumida from his virtual prison.

Just from Aoyagi's posture Onoda knew the serious stare Izumida must be getting every time he looked up. Onoda thought he would have been nervous, but Izumida seemed to accept it. Perhaps getting that look from someone determined to save you was more heartening than unnerving.

Fukutomi made some minuscule adjustments to Onoda's training notes, to better match Izumida's real-world schedule. Aoyagi made progress rapidly in terms of boosting Izumida's stats, mastering his mini game, and unlocking a handful of scenes around the dorm that Onoda hadn't seen.

Aoyagi also uncovered an unexpected flower before Izumida's first race: Bluebells, for gratitude.

Their first 'date' was a visit to a botanical garden with backgrounds rendered in beautiful yet out-of-place watercolors. Aoyagi and Izumida seemed to get along with some quiet understanding the dialog options didn't cover, while Teshima poked his friend in the side and made teasing comments about how compatible they were.

Once Aoyagi had successfully completed their first outing, Tadokoro pointed out that important as their mission was, everyone needed lunch to keep their strength up. Onoda didn't realize until then that while most of the others had found breakfast he hadn't eaten since the crack of dawn.

It was a little difficult to eat with Manami holding his hand (since it was his right hand firmly clasped in Manami's left.) Manami quickly noticed and decided that instead of letting go of his hand for a few minutes the best choice was to feed him.

"Here, Sakamichi-kun. Say 'ah,'" he instructed cheerfully.

"Not in front of everyone. Please?" Maybe not even in front of Manami. Onoda liked fun little romantic things like that, but he still felt shy about them.

Manami looked over at where Teshima was attempting to feed Aoyagi, in spite of everyone watching him play. On the other hand Aoyagi did elbow him for being a distraction

Knowing someone else was the center of attention didn't help Onoda's blush.

"Cute," Manami said into his ear.


"You are."

"You too!" Onoda said quickly.

Manami's answer was to laugh and shake his head, in spite of the fact that Onoda was right because Manami was many times cuter than he was.

Onoda decided to stick with rice balls for lunch, since he could eat those left-handed.

With Aoyagi and Izumida they confirmed that the player had to say something out loud to get over the final hurdle, but they did manage to cross it. Aoyagi and Izumida regarded each other once the text box was no longer between them. As if on a silent cue, they both shot a hand forward at the same time. The sound of their palms slapping together rang through the room like a victory shout.

Aoyagi actually pushed his hand in through the screen to grab Izumida's wrist for better purchase. Izumida mirrored the grip.

Teshima wrapped both arms around Aoyagi's waist to anchor him and they pulled together. There was a blinding flash from the screen when Izumida fell free, and the three of them landed in a heap on the floor.

When they dragged themselves up Teshima was laughing. Izumida's jaw was set and his eyes squeezed closed like he was trying not to cry. Aoyagi gripped each of their shoulders, and in the commotion Onoda caught a flash of a rare smile.

"Do we aim for Shinkai or Arakita?"

"Wait!" Izumida turned from where he had been reporting to Fukutomi, braced himself seriously, and announced, "Shinkai is aromantic and asexual. You won't be able to help him if you choose 'boyfriend' or 'lover,'"


Izumida stood solid before the reprimand from his captain. "He told me to out him if I made it. We've had too many game overs."

Tadokoro clapped Izumida on the back on his way to take his place in front of the television. He reset the game without waiting for the others to debate. "Don't worry. It's my turn now, and I'm not planning on using a setting like that. I'm interested in getting to know this guy in real life."

"You..." Izumida was momentarily struck dumb. He had to take a deep breath and compose himself before bowing deeply. "Thank you!"

"Thank me after I win," Tadokoro laughed.

"Don't play as a third year!" All three Hakogaku members plus Makishima shouted in unison as he went to fill out his information.

"The game changes if it decides you're over eighteen," Fukutomi explained. His voice was like iron when he ordered, "Don't list yourself as a third year."

Tadokoro looked back at Makishima. "How do you know? You weren't a third year when you played this thing."

Makishima refused to respond to that.

"Okay, what's his answer?" Tadokoro asked.

"It should be 'Taking responsibility.' Look, the answers are in order by bib number," Miki pointed out.

"Heh, really? Is that just his story line?"

"Shinkai-san is extremely responsible," Izumida answered in defense of his mentor. "That's not a bad thing."

When Shinkai met Tadokoro he smiled and said, "Tadokoro, huh? I'm looking forward to working with you."

Tadokoro abused the ability to add his own lines at every opportunity, to the point where he grumbled at having to choose between options provided by the game. There wasn't much advice Onoda could offer. Tadokoro obviously didn't need it. He was intent on plowing ahead into his own storyline.

They dismantled the idea of shame at having someone Shinkai cared for see his demon side. He was strong for his self-awareness, and for rebuilding himself. Watching, Onoda couldn't help realizing how awkward it had felt when Shinkai offered him a date. Tadokoro and Shinkai were halfway through their second outing before either of them seemed to realize this was supposed to be the equivalent of a date.

Izumida alternated between watching Shinkai's scenes and getting settled. He spent a good chunk of time talking with Fukutomi and borrowed his phone, ate lunch with Aoyagi, and finally came to see Manami.

Onoda tried to not listen as they spoke a little too carefully about going back to Hakone, as if they were trying to make sure they didn't jinx their upperclassmen making it home too.

"Onoda-kun," Izumida said, startling him. "I want to apologize. I thought you were being completely aimless, but you kept the game going until you could rescue Manami."

"It's nothing. I didn't know what I was doing most of the time."

"That doesn't matter. You won."

Instead of thinking of victory, the thing that slipped into Onoda's mind was Manami saying, 'We've had a lot of game overs.' Even if he hadn't been perfect, they had made it in the end.

"I'm glad I could help. I'm glad we were able to hang on to the game so everyone can help!"

Izumida seemed satisfied with that declaration.

For the last part of the run, Izumida stayed close to Tadokoro. He was completely tense. Onoda didn't think he would be able to take a deep breath until Shinkai was free.

Shinkai's final scene arrived so quickly they didn't see it coming. Toudou and Arakita were teasing him about spending all of his time with his 'new best friend.' Even though it was a game-generated option, Tadokoro jumped at the chance to agree that was exactly what they were.

Onoda wondered if it had been planned when he caught the smug look on Toudou's face. The next moment Shinkai was left alone on the screen, with no teammates and no message box.

Tadokoro pulled Shinkai free easily. They thumped each other on the back so hard Onoda could feel it just watching them. Then Shinkai pounced on his captain with a joyful, "Juichi!"

When Onoda's gaze slipped away from the newest round of reunion celebrations it fell on Imaizumi. He was tense and silent as he stared at the nonsense credits. Onoda sensed almost more than saw the faint tremors in his muscles, as if he might start shaking.

Onoda reached for Imaizumi's shoulder but thought it would startle him too much to touch him now.

Arakita was their next target.

"Imaizumi-kun, will you help me on the next run?" It wasn't just kindness. Imaizumi had been so close. If only they could play the exact same run on a non-romantic setting, Onoda knew they would win.

Imaizumi came out of whatever thoughts had been gripping him. He looked at Onoda for what felt like the first time since he had started playing the game, and Onoda smiled hopefully.

"Yeah." Once he was committed to it, Imaizumi lifted his head and Onoda recognized the return of his usual pride. "I do want to meet him in real life."

They used their ace for the next run.

Miki was a natural. She unlocked everything in record time. She even had Arakita grumbling, "Do you expect me to stay here all day?" as he stuck to the training she assigned. Toudou commented many times on her skill at handling Arakita, which was met with irritation, but sparked fewer arguments than Onoda had seen in past runs.

Onoda had noticed the change without Manami and Izumida there, but with Shinkai gone there was a stark absence of little scenes and team conversations. The missing characters' responses were few and flat, their dialog trees hacked down to a bare minimum of branches, their cut scenes were absent, and even the back-and-forth scenes Onoda had seen before were not preserved.

Watching, Onoda was very aware that Toudou and Arakita were alone. They made as much noise as they could between them, but it wasn't the same.

Shinkai talked to them from the outside, mostly reminding them to play nice with each other. Onoda wasn't sure if he actually expected them to not fight or if it was just something to say to bridge the gap.

When Shinkai gave Manami a hard time about not having left Onoda's side all day, Onoda took the chance to talk to him.

"Shinkai-san? I'm sorry for pushing you into asking me out before. It just seemed like you were really upset. I should've known what would happen." Now he had a better idea of why Shinkai had looked so tired when he politely delivered his date offer. From what Onoda understood, Shinkai didn't want any kind of romantic relationship at all.

(He also wanted to apologize to Izumida, who had been so painfully embarrassed, but bringing that up in front of a dozen people would embarrass him all over again.)

"You didn't want a date with me any more than I wanted one with you, right? Anyway, as long as only one of us could date you, Sangaku would have fought me for it."

Onoda surprised himself by laughing, even though he already had a good idea Manami felt that way. It was a little embarrassing to think of how obvious his feelings for Manami had been, but it might have been worse if someone misunderstood.

"I kept thinking if it was real life it would be fine that I was spending time with other people and there wouldn't be any confusion. It was kind of frustrating, because I wanted to get to know everyone. You're all really nice."

For a moment Shinkai's smile was calm and satisfied the way it had been when Onoda turned him down. Then he laughed and thumped Onoda's back. Not as hard as Tadokoro would have done, but enough to get the feeling across. "At least you didn't leave us to get bored! Are you two going to come help us pick out dinner? After all that time with food that has no taste we're getting some of everything."

Before Onoda knew how to respond Shinkai had reached over to ruffle Manami's hair so hard he had to duck his head.

Onoda shook his head. "You should go."

Manami didn't need much encouragement to go join Shinkai and Izumida in flipping through takeout menus. Onoda watched Fukutomi writing down their requests. The team was sticking close together.

Four down, two to go, Onoda thought to himself.

Miki was well on her way to making it five down, he hoped. The story she was playing out with Arakita only followed the most basic framework as the one Imaizumi had played through, but they all trusted her to make it work.

Imaizumi had given her all the information he had, and then had the grace to step aside. Onoda was still worried about him. He had really been shaken up, and even Naruko poking at him had only made him more despondent.

"Imaizumi-kun?" Onoda called his friend softly, waiting for Imaizumi to acknowledge him before he sat down. 'Are you okay?' was obviously starting to wear on him, so instead he ended up saying, "I'm sorry we didn't get to train today the way we planned. I hope we can go together another time."

Everyone was missing out on their regular training today. Makishima had two sets of rollers that were seeing a lot of use, but everyone kept coming back to check on the game. Even Tadokoro who had done his part and then went out to ride was back again.

Maybe it was a bad idea to remind Imaizumi of that.

"I would like that."

Onoda's heart jumped happily, because Imaizumi had perked up enough to give him a small smile.

"I promised I wouldn't neglect my training," Onoda quickly added. Maybe this was one of the worries Imaizumi was dealing with. Or perhaps the fact that Manami was from a rival team. Of course, Manami was so set on riding together, he would surely want Onoda to give his all as well!

"I know," Imaizumi said. He lay a hand on Onoda's shoulder and added softly, "You always put your whole heart into things."

"You too. I'm glad you're with me." Onoda felt so much pride to be working together with his team. He already knew they were all steadfast and kind, of course. (Or as he had overheard Fukutomi say to Kinjou, "Stubborn to the last. Just like you.")

Imaizumi nodded and took his hand away. He moved to stand up, but Naruko pounced on both of them before he got anywhere.

"You two think you can get away with leaving me out?"

Onoda laughed and protested that they weren't trying to. Imaizumi shrugged Naruko's arm off, but he stayed.

Manami joined them shortly before the food arrived. He hadn't forgotten Onoda saying Naruko and Imaizumi were his best friends as well as his teammates, although the first thing he wanted to know was if either of them were climbers.

The four of them ate dinner together and talked about cycling, which was an everyday enough topic to feel safe. It was a small thing, but it made Onoda feel better. Even if he did feel that he was lifting his head every thirty seconds to check on how Miki and Arakita were doing.

Arakita's idea of 'dates' were simple, everyday things. He bought Miki the odd bottle of Bepsi, or bread from the lunch counter. He walked her back to the dorm each evening, usually grumbling about how long she took with her duties as manager, even though she was the fastest and most efficient out of all of them.

Toudou seemed offended by the ordinariness of those special interactions and attempted to give Arakita advice, which led to several fights. At least this made Miki laugh and lightened the tension that kept threatening to set in.

Arakita was injured shortly before the first team race. Onoda wondered if that had ever happened to him before. He didn't take it well.

Miki, on the other hand, neatly twisted the situation into the conversation she wanted. He was going to recover. She would not allow any other outcome.

"We'll work together. That's what partners do."

"Heh. I wondered how you were going to make that work. Fine, then. As a manager, I couldn't ask for a better partner."

The message box disappeared. Arakita looked into his partner's face, holding himself tense for just a second, before relaxing and pressing his hands against the screen with a smirk.

"You know, I really like stubborn girls like you." It actually sounded like he meant it.

Miki laughed and grabbed his hand in both of hers to pull him through the screen. Halfway out, he reached up to brace himself on the TV frame and haul himself the rest of the way. He was still holding her hand when he made it to solid ground.

"Hey, Kanzaki-chan, thanks." Arakita looked away from her and scowled at the rest of the room. "Now someone get Toudou out of there before he drives himself crazy!"

"Leave it to me!" Before Teshima could make a move towards the console, Naruko had plopped himself down in front of it. "The Speed Man of Naniwa is going to beat this game in record time!"

No one argued with this. They went through the few known answers together. Toudou found 'being noticed' important ("We have something in common already!"), and Manami convinced them that Toudou would respond well to being asked to be a mentor.

As the game started and Naruko went through introductions, Onoda couldn't help worrying about the flat reflections of the people gathered around him. Toudou seemed to be trying to make up for the rest of them by being energetic and friendly. He even visited Naruko in his room the first night to see how he was settling in.

Onoda completely understood Arakita saying they needed to get Toudou out before he drove himself crazy. He was in there all alone. At least Naruko was spending as much time with him as the game would allow.

Arakita came to sit beside Onoda. Onoda thought for a moment he wanted to say hello to Manami. He'd been re-connecting with his other teammates, talking privately to Fukutomi, giving Izumida rough reassurances, and letting Shinkai find him food out of the remains of the take-out they had ordered for dinner.

"Hey, Onoda-chan," Arakita started, making him jump. "It's a good thing you picked Wonder Boy after all."

Manami's hug tightened and he rested his chin on Onoda's shoulder. Even though he was smiling at his upperclassman it didn't feel like he would be letting go any time soon. "I told you I wouldn't give up on him."

"Because Manami's route was so hard? It's okay. I know I wasn't doing well at first, so. . ."

"Hard? It's broken! He managed to make a mess of it with dead ends and trick questions where you can't win."

"But Sakamichi-kun never gave up on me, no matter how many points he lost. He kept going until we made it past all of that and I could help him."

Onoda looked back to catch a sunny smile on Manami's face. It looked like it was safe to talk about.

"How could your route be broken? Did something happen?"

"I broke it. I didn't cooperate the first time. I didn't know some of my choices would be locked in."

"Locked in?" Onoda thought of how some of the same responses still appeared even for people who were safely out of the game.

"Like I could never accept your special bento, and any training mistake would be amplified more than with anyone else. You lost so many points, Arakita-san was worried you would never be able to win with me."

"I was not worried. You were just taking too long."

"Sorry for taking so long!" Onoda said quickly.

Manami laughed and squeezed him a little closer. "It did get better near the end. You were the first person I was able to ask on a date. You helped me experience new things. Of course, finally being here with you is much better!"

That shouldn't have been embarrassing, but it still was.

Onoda was grateful Arakita didn't see fit to comment. He left Onoda blushing, but feeling more grateful than ever to be cuddled in Manami's arms.

Late as it was, one of the options got an enthusiastic reaction.

[ "Who are you texting all the time?" ]

"Ask him!" Tadokoro shouted.

"Tadokorocchi!" Makishima shot straight up from where he had been leaning against his friend. "Don't waste time asking him when we already know."

The commotion got everyone's attention. Onoda could feel the others coming awake around him.

"No, you want to ask him," Arakita drawled. "The answer's good."

"You shut up!"

"It's a good idea to ask," Shinkai added.

Manami piped up as well. "You'll want to know what he says."

"Sorry, you're out-voted!" Naruko called as he gleefully selected the option. Onoda could guess he was as curious as the rest of them. Even Makishima moved to kneel behind him with little more than a complaining 'tsk.'

"Who are you texting all the time?"

"Oh, you noticed?" Toudou flashed a bright smile. "It's my precious rival. He's gone very far away. I can't talk to him anymore, but I like to imagine sometimes I get through, somehow." He held up his phone and looked at it, his smile wistful now. "I seem to think of something I'd like to say to him every day. Although there are many things I don't think I can say yet, things I'd like to say if we could somehow meet again."

"Stop making it sound like I'm dead!" Makishima shouted over Naruko's shoulder.

[ "What kinds of things?" ]

[ "That sounds sad." ]

[ "That sounds foolish." ]

"Sorry, I gotta do it!" Naruko said, and selected too quickly for anyone to give input.

"What kinds of things?"

"That I want to race him again. That I think he's amazing... and how much I miss him. Well, I wouldn't actually say that because it wouldn't be true anymore." Toudou put his phone away. "What about you, Manager? Do you think it's important to speak your feelings to the people near you?"

[ "Yes." ]

[ "Sometimes." ]

[ "Not really." ]

"Yes!" Every member of the Hakogaku team shouted in unison.

"Okay, okay."


"Yes, it's better not to have any regrets. Is there someone you'd like to speak to?"

[ "Yes, standing right in front of me." ]

[ "Yes, someone on the team." ]

[ "Yes, someone far away." ]

[ "No." ]

Naruko did not need coaching on that selection.

"Yes, standing right in front of me."

"Me? Then go ahead and tell me. Whatever your feelings are, I'll accept them."

[ "I love you." ]

[ "I hate you." ]

[ "I want to learn from you." ]

[ "I want to challenge you." ]

[ "I want to support you." ]

[ "I want you to work harder." ]

"Mentor, huh?" Naruko muttered to himself.

"I want to learn from you," Naruko answered out loud along with his selection.

"I feel the same. Or rather, I want to teach you and watch you grow."

The message box disappeared and Toudou lifted his head with a sudden flash of hope. His voice was breathy with excitement. "This is it. I swear I will gladly teach you until we find your hidden talent for climbing!"

Toudou held out his hand, palm up, until Arakita yelled at him, "Hand against the window!" He pressed his palm to the screen like the others.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'm just glad we finally got to the finish!"

Naruko caught Toudou's hand. He seemed to be having difficulty getting through the screen, even once he got his other hand free to brace himself on the side of the television and Naruko gripped his arm in both hands and pulled.

Then there was a blinding shower of sparks and smoke and Toudou cried out.

Before anyone else could move Makishima leapt forward, grabbed the back of Toudou's jersey, and hauled him up and out.

There was a loud crack. Onoda saw Toudou and Makishima both move to shield Naruko from the sparks that were still flying. Then he couldn't see what was going on because Fukutomi's back was right in front of him. At the same time Manami pulled him close. A hand on the back of his head pushed his face down against Manami's chest.

Then there was a flash and one final crack that seemed to shake the house, and the room went dark.

When he opened his eyes and pulled out of Manami's shielding embrace, Onoda found he could see faintly. A light from the kitchen was still shining down the hallway.

The two teams that had been lounging around the room had suddenly compacted into small groups. It looked like there had been a universal reaction among the third years to shield their underclassmen, whomever happened to be closest. Arakita had even tackled Imaizumi to the floor.

"Maki-chan?" Toudou was the first to break the silence, and the only thing he was interested in saying was a second, shrill cry of, "Maki-chan!"

One of the dark shapes that had just separated into an individual silhouette abruptly threw itself at another, making them one again.

"What are you doing!?"

The only answer was Toudou repeating the name over and over, in tones that made it everything from an endearment to a plea.

Naruko scooted well back from the couple.

"Is everyone all right?" Fukutomi's voice carried through the room. He started with Manami and called each member of his team by name, getting an affirmative response from each.

"Everyone else?" Kinjou asked. "Speak up if anything hurts. Naruko?"

"I'm fine. What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, but it seems to have tripped the circuit breaker."

Onoda was very grateful for calm captains. He didn't know what he would do. Not that he could do much right now. Manami didn't seem to want to let go and now Naruko was leaning on his legs, further trapping him.

"I'll reset it. Toudou, let go," Makishima ordered.

Toudou did not appear to be the slightest bit interested in letting go.

"You stay there. I remember where it is," Tadokoro called cheerfully, laughing at the annoyed noise from Makishima.

"We need to unplug the TV first. The outlet is over here, right?" Fukutomi moved carefully in the dark to rummage behind the TV stand.

Makishima let out a supremely aggravated sigh. He lowered his voice, though not enough for Onoda not to catch the words when he said, "Calm down. I'm right here. You're fine now."

Toudou's answer was too muffled to make out.

When the lights came on, Makishima had one hand in the middle of Toudou's back, head bent to say something that was probably more welcoming than 'Get off of me.' This only lasted for a second before he abruptly braced both hands on Toudou's shoulders and pushed him away.

"See? Everyone's here, so stop crying."

"I was not crying!"

Fukutomi was standing over them, looking somehow more deathly serious than usual. His firm, "Toudou," sounded very much like a command, though not one Onoda understood.

If Toudou understood he probably had other things on his mind. With a loud cry of, "Fuku!" he scrambled to his feet.

It was hard to tell if he intended to throw himself at his captain. He tripped over the controller and ended up crashing into him. What was clear was that Fukutomi caught him and hugged him so hard he was nearly lifted off of his feet.

"Forgive me."

"No. I understand. I never could have forgiven myself if it was Shinkai or Izumida left there and we lost."

"Just Shinkai or Izumida, huh?" Arakita needled, leaning close to give Toudou a look. The thin smirk said he was just joking.

Toudou's answer was to grab Arakita's shirt and haul him closer. He threw an arm around Arakita in a one-sided hug. Arakita might have been able to escape, but Fukutomi did the same, hugging him too hard for him to squirm away.


Manami released Onoda and jumped up to join them. He threw both arms around Toudou's waist and wormed his way under Fukutomi's arm and with joyful, "Welcome back!" Onoda glimpsed his hand tugging on Arakita's shirt as well, as if his upperclassman might feel unloved otherwise.

Izumida wasn't shy about joining in either. He wrapped one arm around Manami's back, far enough to at least touch the captain in passing, and one around Toudou's. He bowed his head seriously and said, "Now we're all together again."

"That's right." Shinkai joined the hug behind Toudou, squeezing Izumida and Arakita, who was still grumbling even if he was hugging Toudou and Fukutomi back. It looked to Onoda like Shinkai was trying to stretch his arms wide enough to encompass them all.

The Hakogaku team hug only lasted about five seconds before they pulled apart again.

There was a moment of silence. Shinkai still had a hand on Izumida's shoulder and Manami was still leaning subtly against Toudou and Fukutomi's arms.

Arakita had his arms crossed as if to ward off further hugs. "Well, Fuku-chan? What's the plan now?"

It turned out no one had much of a plan.

The TV screen was smashed. Makishima complained about that, demanding of Toudou what he did to make that happen. They didn't know if it was the strain of bringing over four people or of pulling the last person to freedom. In the end, Onoda supposed it didn't matter.

The backs of Toudou's jersey and Makishima's shirt were covered with tiny singe marks. (Toudou didn't want to undress in front of everyone, and when Arakita pointed out that literally everyone in the room had seem him shirtless he got upset enough that even his combative teammate backed down and escorted him to the bathroom.) Ultimately they were both reported to be uninjured.

It was almost three in the morning by the time everyone was reassured that everyone else was in one piece. No one was taking a train back to Hakone at that point. None of the Sohoku team wanted to make the trip home at this time of night, either.

Even between guest beds and extra futons and couches there wasn't quite enough space, but they made do. Everyone settled down to get some sleep before morning.

Onoda's mind drifted to Makishima insisting that he wanted to sleep in his own bed. Toudou's fingers had curled hopefully around his and he had only complained a little bit: 'You have to shut up and let me sleep,' and, 'If you try anything I'll kick you out.' The last Onoda had seen of them, he had been holding Toudou's hand tightly.

Somehow Onoda imagined Toudou really saying things like, 'I missed you. You're amazing. I love you.' He was sure they would be sleeping peacefully and happily in each other's arms by now.

The position Onoda found himself in probably wasn't meant-to-be the way it was for them. He had only been able to be this close to Manami for a day.

But Manami had suggested they share, and he had suggested that Onoda use him as a pillow, so at least Onoda knew he didn't mind. Manami's chest wasn't very soft or comfortable, and it shifted as he breathed, but he was warm to lay against. Onoda kept letting his eyes drift closed and then opening them again, too many thoughts tumbling in his mind to sleep.

The game was truly over. The disc had shattered into pieces. When Onoda discovered that they agreed it probably wouldn't be a good idea for him to keep using the console, because of the shrapnel if nothing else. He had been despondent thinking about how long he would have to save up for a new one, but Makishima had patted his head awkwardly and offered to buy him a replacement, saying he was one of the ones who helped break it.

It really was over. Hakone wasn't that far, right? About as far as the training spot Imaizumi had originally planned for the day. He would be able to go see Manami on weekends.

He needed to stop thinking about things like seeing Manami and dating Manami and how Manami's arm felt draped over him or he was never going to get any sleep.

"Sakamichi-kun," Manami said softly.

Onoda froze. "Sorry! Ah," he dropped his voice to a whisper, remembering both of their teams were sleeping around them, "Sorry. Was I keeping you awake?"

"Mm, not really. I was just thinking I'd like to go outside, and since you're awake you can come with me."

"But we're supposed to be sleeping."

"But I can't sleep, and neither can you, right?"

Manami's cheerful voice was hard to refuse. Onoda let himself be led between his sleeping teammates and outside.

"The night air feels good." Manami stretched, then started to lead Onoda down the front steps. "Let's go for a ride!"


"I'll take the mama bike this time, okay?"

"It's the middle of the night!"

"Isn't it nice? The air is cool and heavy, and we'll have the road all to ourselves."

"Do you really go out and do this kind of thing?"

"Well, I have a curfew at home, so not very often."

"Wait!" Onoda cried. Manami had started leading him towards the side of the house where everyone had parked their bikes. "Isn't that dangerous? The only time I've been out biking really late was on a closed course and it already felt dangerous racing like that in the dark."

Manami paused, then turned so he could hold both of Onoda's hands in his. "I only want to ride enough to feel the wind. I can't make you race if you don't want to, and if you come with me we can stay on roads where you feel safe."

"Oh." Onoda's fingers curled around Manami's without him intending them to. The night air did feel nice, and he did want to be with Manami. "Okay."

"Great! Ah, yours is at the back now." Manami tugged him to his bike, and his enthusiasm was enough to carry Onoda along the rest of the way.

Onoda was kind of glad Manami had wanted to try the mama bike. He wasn't used to the weight, and Onoda hoped it was slowing him down a little. When he had said he wanted to feel the wind, he was serious.

He also eagerly pointed out every hill they passed, wanting Onoda to climb with him. Onoda was tempted to take him to Mt. Minegayama, but then they would be out far too long.

Onoda wasn't being as careful as he should be. He kept watching Manami without meaning to. The yellow streetlights tarnished all the blue out of his dark hair and threw deep shadows under his eyes. Onoda watched his wild smile and the way he laughed while insisting on climbing on the larger outside gear. When the wind blew around him his eyes fell almost closed, and more than once Onoda heard a long sigh as it was swept away, as if he was speaking back to the wind.

Once he looked over with an expression of longing that made Onoda's heart jump, and then abruptly snapped out of it with a laugh. "No, I promised no racing tonight."

Onoda finally paid for his lack of attention when he hit a pothole and was almost jolted off of his bike. Before he could blink there was an arm around him and Manami was so close he thought their handlebars should have knocked together.

"Do you want to rest?"

"Mm." Onoda nodded. He almost didn't want Manami to take his arm away.

They found a convenience store. The cheerful island of light was surreal after quiet, empty streets. Manami dug through his pockets and then apologetically announced he'd left his wallet in the game. Onoda didn't know how he'd remembered to pocket his own, but he bought juice for both of them, as well as a rice ball for Manami.

They sat on the curb outside. Manami gazed silently up at the stars while he ate, but his hand found Onoda's and captured it.

While Manami looked at the stars, Onoda quietly studied his profile. Even when the light didn't silhouette him beautifully and there was no wind to stir his hair, even when he wasn't riding, there was something Onoda's attention kept getting caught on. It was ten times worse now that he had Manami here in the flesh. Maybe it was just the never-ending range of Manami's expressions.

Onoda wanted to lean against Manami's side. He wanted to take the grain of rice that stuck to Manami's lip before it was licked away. He wanted a lot of things. There were things he'd read in manga or seen on TV, but also wordless things that came from the feeling deep in his chest that said being close to Manami felt good and he wanted more of this.

"Do you want a bite, Sakamichi-kun?" Manami offered, holding the rice ball in front of his mouth. "Get some of the filling. It's tasty."

"Mm." Onoda didn't know what else to say, so he went ahead and took a bite. His throat seemed too dry to swallow, and then Manami's thumb brushed along his lower lip and he did swallow hard enough the food got stuck in his throat and he had to gulp his juice to dislodge it.

Manami finished off his rice ball. He seemed completely unaware of Onoda's emotional tumult.

"I'm glad you came with me after all. It's so much fun to finally ride with you."

"I-" Affection got stuck as well and ended up in a sudden flash of panic. "Aaah, I didn't realize we'd been gone so long! We didn't even leave a note or anything! What do we do if someone woke up? They'll be worried about us! What do we do. . . ?"

"It's okay. I was going to go anyway, so we'll just say it's my fault and you had to come look after me, right?"

Onoda hid his face in his knees, groaning, "What do I do?" over and over because that wasn't good enough. Manami only laughed.

He wasn't entirely sure how Manami had talked him into this in the first place. It had been fun, but... He felt like he was being dragged at Manami's pace from the moment he took Manami's hand. Manami wasn't shy about asking for what he wanted, and he always seemed to get it. It took Onoda several seconds of mental struggling to find a word for it.

Manami was pushy. Maybe even a little selfish. Onoda hadn't noticed that while playing the game. Any flaws he had were probably smoothed out to please the player, or maybe even hidden in a bid to escape.

Onoda pulled his hand out of Manami's. He took a long, deep breath. He clenched his hands on the curb, gathering his courage.

Without giving himself time to over think it, Onoda threw his arms around Manami's middle and hugged him. He squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his face into Manami's chest, concentrating on the fact that Manami was solid. Manami wouldn't disappear when they ran out of perfectly polished script. He thought he might understand a little bit why Manami kept wanting to touch him and hold him.

Manami's arms closed around him. Manami's face pressed into the side of his head. Onoda felt as much as heard Manami breathe his name.

"I'm so glad you're real," Onoda wailed into his chest. "No, sorry. I shouldn't say it that way. But I thought you were just a perfect boyfriend and you could never even know me, and we'd never be able to ride together even though you said if both our hearts wanted it. . . and I said I loved you because I wanted you to have a happy ending even if I couldn't see you anymore-"


Manami's sharp voice hit him so abruptly that Onoda gasped, realizing he had run out of breath. He was pressed so close to Manami it felt difficult to breathe, but for this moment he would chose Manami over breathing.

"I really love you. Is that okay?" Onoda whispered.

There were several long seconds of silence between them. Manami only moved in an attempt to gather Onoda closer, which Onoda wasn't sure did anything other than make his heart pound.

"I love you so much, I think you might have broken me for loving anyone else. Please take responsibility for winning my heart."

"Manami-kun!" Onoda cried in alarm.

"This is what we both wanted, isn't it? To meet with no screen between us. We can do and say anything we want. You know, I heard you when you said things to me and then changed your mind, so I'm looking forward to hearing your honest responses from now on."


"It's okay!" Manami laughed. "I'm sure you'll hear lots of strange things now that there's nothing to stop me."

"I look forward to it, too."

Manami laughed again and squirmed in Onoda's arms, separating them enough that he could look at Onoda's face.

"Sakamichi-kun," he started in a grave tone. Then he sighed and apparently changed his mind about addressing Onoda so seriously, because he hugged Onoda again so they were cheek-to-cheek instead. "I also want to see you have a happy ending."