✋ Toppa The Morning to ya' laddies it's me Sora Pendragon, and welcome to my new Zootopia Fanfic, saw the Movie loved it so I am ready, pumped to give this a shot, Also here is my disclaim I Sora Ignitus Pendragon solemnly swear that I do not own Zootopia or it's characters, except for the OC's, also big shout out to Seniorcopycat, and Thinker29 for inspiring me to write this, and redhoodfan for always supporting me, and now without any further ado.

Chapter 1: My Name is Nico

Nico's POV

I was only four, when it happened, All I remember was a voice.

" Hey, hey kid wake up."

I turned, around trying to stay asleep. That's when I felt something wet swipe across the back of my neck, and something cold, and wet press up against it.

" YIKES!" I shouted shooting, up into the air, and right into the arms of a large fox standing right there with cool, calm look on his face he stood on, his back legs, both he, and I were stripped down to our Boxers, both green.

I pushed myself out of his arms, and tried to run, but I tripped, spraining my ankle causing me to fall, and cry out in pain. The Fox started walking towards me, all I could feel was fear, as I backed up into a wall cornered.

" NO!" I shouted in fear. " PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!" I shut my eyes as he got closer, and closer. Then took my ankle into his paws, I was afraid he might kill me, and eat me.

" Sprained."He said, as he went into a bathroom, and came out with a first aid kit, and wrapped it. " There that takes care of that." He said, closing the kit. " Just stay off it, and you'll be fine within a few days." He said gently, as he reached to pick me up, causing me to back up or, try at least.

" Hey, Hey calm down kiddo." He said gently, approaching slowly. " I'm not gonna eat you." He finally had me up against a wall again, he bent down, scooped me into his arms bridal style, and brought me in real close, I felt warmth, comfort, like this fox really was opening his heart to me, but then again that was probably his fur, it felt so nice, warm, and I felt as safe as a four year old would be in his father's arms. Why did I think that. " Now you lie down here, and I'll fix a nice healthy Breakfast." He said, trying to put me down on the couch. Unfortunately I was really comfortable, and I just didn't want to let go.

" I see your getting attached to me." He chuckled, as he tickled me.

" N-No please s-s-stop." I laughed, as he continued to tickle me, that's when my injured foot accidently knocked against the arm rest at my feet. " Ow!"

" Oh man how could I forget, I need to elevate, and ice that." He said, putting a large back pillow underneath my ankle. " I'm so sorry kid, just try to relax."

He took off for the kitchen, I heard kitchen stuff going off, and smelled breakfast being made. The Fox came back, and put a blue ice pack on my ankle, looked at me, smiling, then frowned. He noticed I was shivering.

" You're cold!" He said, making him run to the hall closet grab to grab me a blanket. He also came back with some Clothes for me, A blue jersey, and a pair of black sweat pants, which I proceeded to put on, being careful with my ankle. He had a set of clothes, for himself, a green Hawaiian shirt with palms on it, and gray jeans which he proceeded to put on himself. He then walked back to the kitchen and brought, back two plates of waffles that looked entirely homemade, with syrup.

After my first bite I was in heaven, when we were done I was absolutely happy, I could remember the last time I had such hospitality shown to me. Actually come to think of it I can't remember exactly where I came from, or anything for that matter, except for my name.

" Thank you for breakfast, Mr. Fox."

" Don't call, me Mr. Fox. Call me by my name, Nick, Nick Wilde." He said, taking the empty plates, putting them in the kitchen, and coming back with glass of Orange Juice for me, and Cup of coffee for himself, and sitting down, on the couch placing me on his lap while keeping my ankle on the pillow. " Which brings me to my next question, who are you? What are you? Where do you come from? and how did you get here?" He asked, handing me the juice.

I looked at it sadly, and pressed myself into him.

" I can't remember." I said sadly as I sipped my juice. " I do remember my name, and what I am."

Nick pulled me close, placing his chin on my head, messaging my back which felt good by the way. " Tell me what are you?, and what is your name?"

" I'm a Human." I answered, " and my name is Nico." I began to feel tears stream from my eyes. " I wish I could remember more, but I can't. I can't even remember my Mom, and Dad, or even if they're alive, or if I have any." I cried, starting to lose it.

Nick pulled me in a little closer, and rocked me back, and forth gently, hushing me, as I cried into him. " It's alright kiddo, we'll find out more about when the time comes." He promised as he ran a paw through my hair." In the meantime, we need to keep you off your ankle until it heals." He pulled me a for a while kissed me on the forehead, and hugged me again. " Good thing I'm on Vacation this week." He said happily.

The rest of the day, went by getting to know him more, until lunch rolled around. " Here we go kid, two bug burgers hot off the pan." He stated.

" Uhh what burgers?" I said, thinking I misheard him, and hoping against hope that I had heard him wrong.

" Bug-Burgers!" He saw, my big eyed expression inclining that I was not to keen on the concept of eating bugs." Have you ever tried it?"

" Well, No." I admitted, or at least I didn't think had, loss of memory.

" Then how do you know, you don't like it if you never tried it?" He questioned.

I just grabbed the burger, and looked at it skeptically. " No Worries." I said uneasily, taking a bite, to my intense surprise I liked it. " Slimey yet satisfying."

" See." Nick said, cuddling me close. " All you had to do was try it." He said getting started on his burger.

I just hugged him around the waste, and he returned it. The rest of afternoon went smoothly, then I noticed the rain outside. " Nick does it ever stop raining?" I asked.

" Well we're in the rainforest district of Zootopia, so it does let up from time to time." He explained, placing me back on his lap, running his paws through my hair again, which he seemed to like doing alot.

" District?"

" That's right kiddo see we're in a city called Zootopia, and their are ten pieces that make it one big whole." He explained, " and I am a cop, so it's my job to keep kids like you safe."

" Does that mean there are other humans here in Zootopia?"

" No, You are the first."

When dinner came around, Nick fried up some chicken, which gave me time to look through a photo album I found, and ran across a photo of Nick as a cub in what looked like a uniform, wearing a cap in the same color, and a red bandana around his neck. " I see you found, my old photos. My Mom took that photo just before I joined the Junior Ranger Scouts." He told me, as he brought by a plate loaded with fried chicken. " I was probably four, or five years older than you when I tried out, but the thing was they didn't trust predators, foxes are known to be sly, shifty, and untrustworthy, so the wrestled me into a muzzle." He said, sadly. " It was the most traumatic thing I had ever experienced."

After dinner which was delicious, Bedtime rolled around, and Nick was kind enough to offer me some sweat shorts to sleep in, which I chose to sleep in solely, the rain outside was coming down in rain barrels, and I loved the sound it made when it hit the roof.

" So your shirtless sleeper too!" Nick said walking in wearing only a pair of green sweat shorts. " Now get a good night's sleep okay Nico, hopefully your ankle will heal by then." He finished tucking me in, and kissing my forehead.

" Goodnight Nick." I said, hugging him, and getting one in return. " Thank you for taking care of me."

" Goodnight kiddo." He said, holding me close. " I'll see you in the morning."

Just as the witching hour rolled around, a clap of thunder boomed with a flash of lightning, and I was awake, my ankle still hurt. I had wondered if it had been a dream, When Nick appeared in the hallway.

" Nico what are you doing up at this time of night?" He asked, with concern. " Did the Thunder, and Lightning wake you?"

I just nodded, then he scooped me off the couch and carried me to his room where he put me into his bed, placed another pillow under my ankle, and got into bed with me, holding me close into fur, and wrapped his tail arround me. I could hear, and feel his heart beat as he cuddled me into himself.

" Feeling warm?" He asked, pulling the covers over us.

I just nuzzled right into him in response.

" I'll take that as a yes." He confirmed, " Nico?"

" Yes, Nick?"

" I know we only met but how would you feel if I adopted you?" He asked, " I know it's sudden but, I really want to be your dad."

I just snuzzled in further, to signify a yes, I wanted Nick to be my dad, more then anything.

" You pretty quick to adapt kiddo, you're like a little fox that way." He smiled warmly. " Well sweet dreams My Pup."

" Goodnight Dad." I said sleepily as he messaged my bare back. Just before I fell asleep i felt him fall asleep too, as I smiled in my sleep.


Okay I know Nick started treating Nico like a son from the get go despite Nico being a species he's never seen before, but what I did was I thought toy with some natural instincts, and behaviors foxes do have. Now Foxes are devoted parents in the wild they will risk life, and limb for their pups, and there is something about Nico that's driving Nick to follow this natural instinct but he just doesn't know what it is yet, but he just feels the need to do it. So any if you liked liked it write those reveiws the send them like a BOSS! Also remember Constructive Criticism, and High Fives all around ✋,✋ thank you guys love your faces, and I'll see all you Dudes, and Dudettes IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.