I am sooooooo sorry this took me so long to get out, you guys! I mean seriously, this took me way longer than I thought I would and I'm not even totally satisfied with it; I didn't even manage to proof-read the entire thingamajigger but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer for it, so I decided to post it now and go back to fix errors later. :)
Anyways, this is the FINAL chapter and I hope it doesn't suck! XD I plan on doing some more FMA fanfics in the near (and/or not so near) future depending on how my schoolwork goes; coming into the new school year, yeah, it doesn't give me a lot of time to write. I'll be a sophomore this coming school year, soooo...
Work load. I want it to be like this: 0. But in reality, it's gonna be more like this: 1365152315236564127523518726481683748723423.
Haha, and I'm talking too much. XD Enjoy the final chapter, and PLEASE let me know if you like it! :D Thanks guys! Final author's note is at the end of the chapter! :D Enjoy chapter 8! :D
Summary: Edward takes a bullet for Roy during the fight against a psychotic criminal alchemist. Parental!Roy and injured!Edward.
There was a dull buzz, like the sound of a generator running, and this humming buzz was accompanied by a particularly bothersome beeping. The beeps fell in monotone, even fashion, never once missing their cue.
Edward squeezed his eyes shut tighter and tried to drown out the sounds. He recognized them too well, and he also recognized that too-clean smell laced with anesthetics and antibiotics.
The humming was produced by an oxygen tank, and the beeping, from a heart monitor. He could feel a tiny pressure on his flesh arm, and this, too, was familiar; an IV stick, imbedded in the skin of his wrist.
He mentally sighed. Dangit, I've landed myself in the hospital again, he thought, turning over on his side-
A sharp pain shot through his stomach, and he tensed, instantly regretting his decision. Crap, don't move, don't move! his brain screeched. Don't do THAT! He was in a hospital, and he was in the hospital for a reason; he should have known better than to shift around.
He paused to think, to regather his thoughts, but everything still felt somewhat scattered. He remembered a little bit, but he couldn't fully grasp what had happened, what had landed him in this hospital.
The pain brought back some more memories. Yeah, he remembered getting shot because he pushed Colonel Useless-When-Wet out of the way of Shredder's bullet, and he remembered Roy forcing some sort of fever-reducing pills into him, but…
...But that was it. He couldn't remember being taken to a hospital. He couldn't remember being found. Had help come, or had Roy dragged him to the hospital himself?
Nah...Roy's too lazy... Edward thought, pulling the rough hospital blanket up to his nose. Even as he thought it, he mentally added, But of course, I don't actually mean that...and of course I'd never actually say that to Roy out loud…
He considered opening his eyes, but rebuffed the thought. Hospital lights were always too bright in his opinion, and he had seen them too often for comfort. Frankly, he hated going to hospitals. He appreciated what the doctors and nurses did for their patients, but all the same, hospitals were full of sick, injured people, people who were in pain, and he hated that.
He hated knowing people were in pain.
He heard the door to his hospital room opening and closing, but he still didn't bother to look at who had entered. He heard clicking of thick boots, heard a chair being dragged over and a weight dropped onto it, and he still didn't care.
"Hey, Fullmetal?"
Edward didn't answer, trying to make his body limp. Maybe if they think I'm sleeping, they'll just go away. Yeah, that's right. They'll just go away. He felt too tired and drained to answer any questions anyone might shoot at him.
But the new arrival was persistent. "You awake?"
Gooooo aaawwwwaaayyyy.
A sigh. "Edward, I know you're awake, you're breathing unevenly."
Daaarrrrnnnn iiiiittt… He instantly checked his breathing and made sure to take deep, even breaths, one at a time. There. Now they're bound to think I'm asleep.
He paused.
Gah, who'm I kidding!? It's too late! Agh!
He rolled over on his back, eliciting another sharp pain from his bullet wound, and blinked his eyes open. Just as he imagined, the light was way too bright, and he winced on instinct, squinting upwards.
Roy Mustang straightened in his seat and smirked softly. Edward looked over, still blinking furiously. "Knew it," said Roy in triumph, standing from his seat and pressing the back of his hand against Edward's forehead. Only now, when Roy's freezing knuckles met his fevered skin, did Edward realize how hot he actually felt. It was no wonder he was being given antibiotics through the IV.
"Meh...so what…?" Edward prompted, when Roy pulled back his hand. He took a moment to blink about, surveying his hospital room. He felt tubes brush against his cheeks and run up his nose; oxygen tubes, trailing from the oxygen tank. White washed walls. Bright lights overhead. Heart monitor, still beeping. IV drip. Just your standard hospital. Nothing new.
But even so. "Where am I?" Edward murmured. "I thought...I thought we were...still at that...abandoned house."
"We were," said Roy. "When you passed out, Hawkeye found us and called you an ambulance. Right now, you're in a private military hospital. We decided it'd be best to take you here; otherwise, a panic could spread."
"Yeah, I getcha," said Edward, imagining a riot of people demanding to know why the Fullmetal Alchemist had been hospitalized. "How'd Lieutenant Hawkeye find us, anyway?"
"She and Fuery are to thank for that. They'd traced us from my receiver," Roy said. He held up his small communication device in somewhat triumph: the same device he had dropped while battling Shredder. "Once they pinpointed our general location, they came down here to scope it out for themselves and, well, they found us."
"Huh…" Edward said. "Well, it would've been easier on everyone if you hadn't dropped your communication thingamajig in the first place, Colonel Klutz."
"Interesting," said Roy, folding his hands, resting his chin on his knuckles. "Klutz, huh? That's a new one. Normally it's Idiot or Jerk."
"What? Do you have a preference? I think Stupid would fit you pretty good as well."
Roy chuckled softly and shook his head. "Nope," he said. "Whatever you do, though, just don't let it slip your mind that I am your superior officer, alright?"
Edward smirked, tiredly, but sarcastically nonetheless. "Don't let what slip my mind? Did you say something?" he said innocently.
Roy sighed. "Same Fullmetal," he said, shaking his head. "Well, I'm glad you're coherent again. Your fever scared me big time back there. I seriously thought I was going to lose you."
"Yeah, I know," said Edward, looking down at the small needle in his arm. As much as he hated needles, he knew that right now, this IV drip was probably not only keeping him hydrated, but also keeping his fever tamed. "How high is it now?"
"I believe it was 38.7 last the doctor checked," said Roy, "and that was an hour ago. He upped your medication, so it should be lower now...you still look pretty flushed, though."
"No big deal," said Edward. "I can deal with that." He paused, looked around for a moment, and then, asked, "Where's Alphonse?"
"He was here a little while ago," said Roy. "I sent him off with Hawkeye. He wanted to stay, but he looked like he needed some time away. He was worried about you. Scared the daylights out of the poor receptionist when asking which room you were in."
Edward hummed, looking down in disappointment. "Alright," he said, and he turned over on his side and yanked his blanket back over his shoulders.
Edward now had his back to Roy, but he could still feel the Colonel's eyes burning into him, questioning. "Do you want me to send for him?" Roy asked.
Yes. "Nah, it's alright," Edward lied, shutting his eyes. "I think I'll just go to sleep again. Don't worry about calling Alphonse, I'm alright."
He heard Roy sigh and stand, pushing back the chair.
And then, he heard the familiar click of Roy's communication device being turned on.
Edward's eyes flew open, and he flipped over on his back again.
"Hello, Hawkeye?" Roy spoke into the receiver, flashing Edward a look.
"Yes, Sir?" Hawkeye's voice shot back from the speaker.
"Edward's awake. Could you send Alphonse down here?"
"Yessir," said Hawkeye. "I'm on it." The device clicked again, and Roy snapped it to his belt. Edward groaned loudly and pulled the blanket over his head.
"I told you not to bother with it," he grumbled. "I said I was alright, you didn't have to-"
"And you lied," said Roy flatly, cutting him off. "Alphonse is the only family you have left. I know you want to see him, and I know he wants to see you, especially now that you're awake."
"I said I was going back to sleep again." But even as he said it, he didn't mean it; he'd wait up if it meant reassuring Alphonse that he was, indeed, alright. And Roy was partially right, anyways. Edward did want to see his brother, for comfort if for nothing else. "I'm going to sleep now."
"Sure you will, Edward," said Roy, and by the tone of his voice, he knew, once again, that Edward was lying. "Sure you will."
Edward huffed in annoyance.
"...And don't think for one second that you're getting out of work, either," said Roy, making for the door. "I expect a full report as soon as you're out of the hospital, alright?"
Edward could hear the smirk in Roy's voice. He could hear the teasing tone he used only when trying to be particularly thoughtful. Great. He teases me when he's worried. I'll remember that for future reference.
"Yeah, whatever," said Edward. "Expect that report all you want. But don't blame me if I smash my fist in your face."
Roy grunted. "I look forward to it, Edward," he said. "Get some rest, alright?" Edward muttered out an unintelligible response, and Roy headed off.
Edward smacked a large stack of papers down on Roy Mustang's desk, and Roy jumped without meaning to. He smirked at the young alchemist before him; even when Roy was sitting down, Edward was still shorter than he was.
"Welcome back, Fullmetal," he said, reaching forward to pull the papers towards him.
Edward turned on his heel and threw himself down on the couch, red trench coat swung around his shoulders, golden hair tied back in its usual braid. "Can't say it's good to be back," said Edward, "but it's better than being in the hospital. Three weeks was way too long."
"Even so," said Roy, flipping through the papers, "don't expect me to send you on any missions any time soon. I might wait another few weeks just to make sure you don't relapse...huh?" He paused, pulling a single paper from the stack of others. "And what's this?" he questioned, waving the paper around.
"Eh?" Edward said, looking up. Recognition flashed in his eyes, and he nodded. "Ooooh, right, that one," said Edward. "Well, I decided instead of just giving you my usual report, I'd throw in a list of requirements, too."
"Requirements?" Roy muttered, looking over Edward's list.
"Yeah," said Edward, like it was obvious, "requirements, in case you ever decide to go wandering around the most deserted part of the city with a crazed killer called Shredder on the loose."
Roy's eyes continued scanning the paper, and he couldn't help but sigh.
1. Hand cuffs.
2. Medications.
3. A communication device.
4. A second communication device, because everyone knows Colonel Klutz is bound to drop his first one.
5. A third communication device, just in case Colonel Klutz decides to be extra klutzy.
6. Hmm, going to the most dangerous part of the city? Maybe we should bring some, oh, I don't know, BACKUP, MAYBE!?
8. An umbrella (Useless-When-Wet)
9. Bandages.
Roy glared at Edward, who looked on innocently, pretending not to notice. "I'll remember this, kid," Roy grumbled, stowing the list away in his desk. "Now, what about the rest of your report?"
"Nah, who cares?" said Edward, crossing his arms. "Shredder was found dead in that alleyway. Apparently, he had some kind of severe brain disease while he was alive, and his brain shut down right after you set fire to the alley."
"Interesting," said Roy, frowning. "So he knew he was dying, and decided to go on a crime craze while he still had the chance."
Ed hung his hands. "Beats me," he said, "I'm not a criminal, so I shouldn't know." He swung his legs off the side of the couch and got to his feet again. "Well," he said, clapping his hands together briefly, "I should be heading back. I thought I heard meowing from Alphonse earlier; I'm gonna make sure he didn't pick up another dozen stray cats on our way home from the hospital."
He pivoted and made for the door.
"Edward," Roy called, and Edward paused, one foot already passing over the doorframe. Edward looked back at Roy, frowning.
"What?" Edward asked.
Roy smiled. "I still owe you one," he said, "from when you saved me."
Edward scoffed and blew his bangs out of his face. "See ya later, Colonel Jerk," he said pointedly, and then, with a mock salute, he headed off.
Roy smirked, shook his head with a chuckle, and took his seat behind his desk again, flipping through the multiple papers of Edward's report. He was just about to set them aside, when he noticed something.
A small note, pinned with a paper clip to the final piece of parchment. Roy pulled the note free, unfolded it, and read it over.
In all seriousness. Thanks for everything you did for me back at that stupid abandoned house. Turns out you're not as big of a jerk as I thought you were. Do me a favor, though, wouldja? Burn this note as soon as you read it. We'll call it even and forget it ever happened, 'kay? (Even though I'm never letting you live down the fact you dropped your communication device).
Thanks. A lot.
Roy smirked. "Don't worry, kid, you don't need to thank me," he said, folding the note and stuffing it in the breast pocket of his coat, close to his heart. "It was my pleasure."
Author's Notes:
Bam, WHAT? And there so ends my first FMA multiple chapter fanfiction! :D I think I did okay! *explosions in the background* Haha, YEAH, I think I did okay. :D
You can expect a lot of one-shots from me in the near-not-so-near future. I have quite a few ideas I want to put into words, but I don't know if I'll be writing another multi-chap fanfic for this fandom any time soon. I had a blast with this one, though, so I'm sure I'll do another eventually. :)
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT, I MEAN, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! :D I want to thank all my readers, all the people who favorited this story, everyone who followed it, and everyone who reviewed! Your feedback helped a lot! :D
Let me know how I did, 'kay? :) I hope to see you all in my next story! :D
Cheers! :)