I'm sorry the last chapter was short I'll try and make this one longer I seem to struggle making the chapters longer on my iPad. I really hope you like my story. Again nice reviews welcome help will also be appreciated.

Chapter 2,

Michaelangelo was still trying to escape from his own grapple hook when the van finally came to a halt. Refusing to let any tears fall or show he was scared he glared at Dregg as he approached him and tried to kick him as he lifted him over his shoulder again. He was put into an abandoned building and leant against a wall with machines all around him. Michaelangelo whimpered slightly as he was kicked viciously.

"Isn't this a kids show? Lay of dudes you'll scare the kids." Michaelangelo tried to say forgetting a cloth was around his mouth. So all that came out was slight muffles which made the villain chuckle slightly. His two henchmen robots came in and saluted him, waiting in a shoulder stand for there next orders.

"Beat him, make an example of him to the others that you don't mess with the bad guys."

Michealangelo panicked and frantically tried to get away the robots slowly and intimidatingly walking towards him. They kicked his stomach, twisted his arm and stood on his feet. Laughing evilly while Michaelangelo was screaming and sobbing in the cloth, so much for a kids show this episode must be for teenagers like us.


Meanwhile April had made her way to the sewers she had left her turtle com at home and was now regretting it as she ran faster and faster to the turtles home.

Raphael had just finished training with master splinter when April came rushing in frantically, she started crying loudly alerting Donatello and Leonardo to the scene. They sat there friend down and splinter passed her some calming tea, they listened while April told them everything that happened. All of a sudden Leonardos turtle com rang, he answered it fully expecting Michaelangelo on the phone saying he had rescued himself and to save a guy some pizza as he was starving. Unfortunately this wasn't the case Lord Dregg came on the phone and smiled a unfriendly smile at them. Complete opposite of Michaelangelos big friendly grin

"Hello turtles, I have something of yours here." His red eyes starting shining indicating he was happy.

"Where's our/my son/brother/Michaelangelo!" The group screamed all at once.

"Well I'm afraid he's a little tied up right now.."

Raphael rolls his eyes "constantly hearing bad guys say this tell me something I don't know I'm bored"

Lord Dregg smiled making Raphael grimace he had a feeling he'd regret that sarcastic remark. He was right they all gasped as they saw the battered version of there brother, he had a back eye blood running down his cheek and lip, an unmistaken booked arm and twisted ankle. April burst into tears again and ran out of the room.

"Now turtles, if you wan your friend back in one piece…

"he isn't in one piece you've hurt him!?" (Donnie)

"What do you want us to do." (Leonardo)

Everyone turned round to look at there leader he nodded and gestured them to trust him. They listened to what the Villain wanted which ended up being them surprise surprise and he'd gladly not hurt him again. Raphael growled in frustration they couldn't turn themselves in could they…risk the world or there little brother. It was a simple answer…they'd always rescue there little brother Michaelangelo always came before anyone else, so they set of towards Lord Dreggs domaine to rescue him and master splinter stayed with April as she wasn't really in the right state of mind to help his students right now.


Michealangelo groaned quietly as he heard what Lord Dregg and his buds where saying, he couldn't help but smile slightly behind the gag he wore when they all asked where he was he felt lucky to that he had people..a she said/father..and three turtles bros who loved him.

"Constantly hearing bad guys say that…..boring….something I don't know" Michealangelo giggled his bro was one sarcastic piece of work sometimes he just hoped he did annoy him to much as he'd probably take his anger out on me..and to be honest he'd admit he was in enough pain already.

Suddenly the camera was facing towards him, he tried to look less pitiful but failed. He heard his family gasp and his heart went out to April as she ran out in tears poor dudette didn't have to deal with this. He tried to signal to his bros he was fine but moments later he hears Donnie scream at him saying he was in one piece that they'd hurt him…yeah they had actually his ankle felt numb and arm arm was in a lot of pain he wasn't sure what the injuries were but he knew Don would know and he didn't sound very happy. Then he heard his fearless leader say "what do you want us to do." No! No, they couldn't give in to him he was the bad guy. Michealangelo's heart hurt hearing the defeat in Leonardos voice he knew this was going to be a long day.