Teenage mutant ninja turtles


1987 ninja turtles

Summary:- Shedder captures Michaelangelo after he "accidentally" injured his ankle luckily April gets away and gets in contact with his amigos. But will they reach there little brother on time?

Chapter one:-

Note:- take it easy on me please suggestions are welcome but not hate having learning difficulties I can sometimes not make sense with words or write to fast etc. not trying to make excuses but please note I'm not lazy and I do enjoy writing. And I'm just doing this for fun anyway ;) oh and I don't own the ninja turtles I wish I did :)

Today was comic con and everyone was busy doing there own thing to go with Michelangelo who was quite excited about it. In the end Michaelangelo got in contact with April and asked her if she wanted to come with him, she agreed and teased him about it being a date making him blush red. She offered to take him in the channel 6 van as she was told to do a story anyway. And considering it was a costume comic con Michelangelo wasn't in danger going out in the day! April on the other hand was wearing a hit looking cheetah costume with fluffy ears and bracelets, yet again making Michaelangelo blush.

"Dudette! Totally awesome of you to take me to comic con April…this is awesome even bug man is here filling out autographs!"

"And you get to come as yourself, oh and i get a story it's a win win! It's just a shame the guys didn't want to come….."

"Come on April lets scope the ninja turtle comics I'm interested to see the new issue and if Raphael gets away from shred head."

"Not so fast turtle!"

Suddenly Michelangelo felt a stinging pain coming from his foot and leg he screamed in agony. Both friends look at who shot Michaelangelo and gasped as they saw Lord Dregg but even though the turtle was in pain he couldn't let them hurt April. And April immediately started to record to try and prove that the turtles really weren't the bad guys and Lord Dregg really was. But she hid under the table away from the fight and crashes and stuff. Poor Michaelangelo struggled to fight with his ankle but was doing pretty well until Lord buttbrain tied him up with his own grapple hook.

'Well…this is embarrassing…' He though trying to force himself free, April recording everything growled under her breath and was about to run and help her best friend, but as if he read her mind he halted and turned towards her looking serious enough to make her stop I. Her tracks and wait for instructions….something no one listened to Michaelangelo about ever.

"No April. Go and safe yourself…get in contact with the others!"

Lord Dregg grabbed the poor turtle and lifted him over his shoulder it looked difficult as Michelangelo was almost as tall as him but was luckily for Dregg the smallest and youngest turtle. Wing-nut and screw-loose were in the van they threw the poor turtle in the back of it after covering his mouth with a cloth to keep him from gaining more attention than necessary.