The feeling of love towards the woman that Derek held, cradled in his arms was overwhelming. They had been together as a couple for almost four years now, yet they still acted as if it was a new romance. They were devoted to each other, smitten as some would call it. And Derek knew that those four amazing, yet tough years together had made their relationship just that much stronger. She was all he wanted and needed in life now, and she knew it.

Derek worked for the FBI as part of the BAU department. A behavioural analysist, or a profiler with his main skill set being obsessional crimes. He loved his job and knew that he wanted to stay with the BAU for the rest of his career, unlike Katerina. After being honourably discharged from the Marines after ten years of loyal service, Katerina had entered a career with NCIS as a special agent. Although she enjoyed the work most of the time, there was not enough action for the seasoned Marine, and so she had been looking into open positions in law enforcement, including all the alphabet agencies. Specifically into positions near to Quantico and therefore Derek, as all the travelling not only for work, but to also see each other was long and hard, putting a lot of strain on their relationship. Even more so than when she had been posted in Iraq and Afghanistan.

His dark chocolate eyes roamed over her naturally tanned form, and his hand drifted through her wild mane of thick bronze, curly tresses, and down to her stomach. His hand splayed over her toned, yet slightly rounded abdomen, attempting to cover the whole stomach protectively. Katerina had told him of her suspicions earlier that day, and a trip to the doctors had confirmed it. They were having a baby. Ever since the couple had been bursting with excited, yet slightly nervous energy. They couldn't wait.

As they had driven back from the doctors appointment the couple had discussed almost everything and anything possible to do with their baby. They had both agreed that the sex of baby wasn't important, as long as the baby was born healthy and happy they didn't mind. They also knew that their two separate apartments in two different cities couldn't work anymore. Katerina had decided to go on desk duty for the next few months before applying for early maternity leave, during which she would move all of her things in with Derek. She wouldn't be returning to NCIS once her maternity leave was over. Instead she would look for another job closer to home, closer to Derek and their baby.

It seemed that now was the perfect time for Derek to introduce Katerina, his fiancée, to his team for the first time. Well most of them. Their schedules had never allowed him to show of Kat to his full team before, but she had however managed to meet Hotch and Garcia. Her meeting with Hotch had according to Katerina, been hilariously awkward. Hotch had found it plain awkward when she had opened the door in lingerie thinking it was Derek who had forgotten his keys. Being a Marine, Katerina had felt no shame in her body, and proceeded to offer him a coffee, which she made while still in only her underwear. Kat hadn't met the fabulous Penelope Garcia in person, but she had spoken to her over the phone multiple times, and they had chatted over Skype once or twice too. Kat had loved her fun and quirky style that suited her larger than life personality.

Although only Hotch and Garcia had physically met Kat, the rest of his team had heard of her and knew Derek was involved in a long distance, but committed relationship. His desk held two photos of her. One of which she was in her dress blues looking like a clean cut Marine. In the second she was stood on the beach wearing a long multi-coloured maxi dress with her curls fluttering in the wind around her. Her blue eyes were bright and happy as he had proposed just moments before the photograph had been taken by Derek himself. Tomorrow another photograph would find a home on his desk. Framed in a black photo frame was a complex black and white blurry photo. A sonogram of Baby Morgan. Kat and Derek had nicknamed the baby when they found out, and it seemed to have stuck for them.

Derek was excited to see the reactions of his team mates when they heard the news. Although, he could take a pretty good guess as to how they would all individually react. Elle was the one whose reaction he wanted to see the most. She seemed to think that Kat didn't exist and that he must be a player due to the amount of women he spoke to when they went out to bars and clubs as a team. What she hadn't realised was that most of them took part in his self defence class he ran, specifically for women. And the rest were friends of Kat's that she had met during her weekly/bi-weekly visits down to see him, and they were asking about her next trip.

He knew that his 'work wife' as Kat liked to call Penelope would be absolutely thrilled with the idea of her chocolate thunder having a sweet little baby that she could fawn would spoil that baby beyond belief, and probably take command of planning their baby shower later on. And Kat would most likely willingly hand over the reins after all the help Penelope had given with their wedding plans. Penelope had been using every single one of her technical skills, including a small amount of hacking to ensure that they were getting the best quality products for the best possible price. She also made sure that none of the businesses or staff they were using for their big day had any shady dealings going on anywhere, she was a woman on a mission.

Spencer Reid would act the same way any genius with an eidetic memory would. He would most likely rattle off every single fact and statistic he knew related to pregnancies and pregnant women. Many of which would be useless. Then there would be the few that terrify Derek and make him even more nervous and paranoid over Kat's health during the pregnancy. Thus making her even more irritated with him. An irritated, hormonal pregnant woman was not a woman that Derek wanted to be on the bad side of. Especially when she was carrying his first born child.

Hotch and Gideon would most likely be rather supportive of Derek and try to reduce the amount of travelling he ended up doing later on in the pregnancy so he could be there for Kat as much as possible. The understood what it was like and Hotch definitely understood with his wife Haley having just given birth to their first son Jack. They'd him the ropes of juggling being a father and husband along with being a federal agent constantly on the move.

Derek knew that life was just going to get harder. And he knew that his job would make him miss out on important moments of the pregnancy and his childs life in the future, but Kat understood. She knew just how important working with the BAU was for Derek, and she would never make him feel guilty for loving his job ewually as much as he loved her and their child. Derek knew that he was now putting a vulnerable life in possible danger. That criminals they profiled and stopped could target his family. If he wasn't there to protect them he'd never forgive himself, but he knew that Katerina Kwas strong and skilled enough to protect herself and their child with her life. Plus, when it came down to it, he knew his team would have his back and be there for not only him, but for Katerina and their unborn child too.

Hi guys. This is my newest story Alphabet Agencies, and I plan for it to span the length of the pregnancy which should equate to roughly most of if not all of season 1 and possibly even the start of season 2. Feel free to comment and tell me how you feel, no flames please, however constructive criticism is always welcomed. On another note, I'll be taking suggestions for baby namess and the ones that I like the most will be out into a poll for all readers to vote on, this will also help me to decide whether the baby should be a boy or a girl.

Please follow/comment/favourite and it shouldn't be too long for an update!