So I was reading the reviews in my story With Star's Help and someone named joseftanti suggested I write another harem fic and they wanted me to add Brittney too and I decided why not. So here you go, enjoy and also AU.

The students walked around the university looking around in wonder as they headed towards the auditorium for evaluations. Crowding in the auditorium, the students talked to one another as Dean Skeeves walked up to the podium. Clearing his throat, everyone to fall silent and looked at him, "Welcome freshmen to Echo Creek University, one of California's finest Ivy League Schools. I hope all of you like it here and…" as he continued to talk, the students began talking to each other again. After the evaluations were finished, the students left the auditorium and headed towards their designated homes.

A blonde haired, blue eyed woman opened a door and walked into a house and saw an Asian woman with dark hair and brown eyes, a woman with auburn hair and light green eyes, a woman with dark blue hair and brown eyes and a woman with blonde hair with a streak of teal going through it and aqua eyes. They looked up and she waved with a smile on her face, "Hi, my name's Star Butterfly,"

The woman with dark blue hair smirked, "Janna Johnson."

"Jackie Thomas," the blonde woman said.

"S…Sabrina Griffin," the woman with auburn hair said nervously.

"Brittney Wong," the Asian woman said in an irritated tone, "I guess you're our final housemate so we can…"

"Don't count on it," they heard a voice say and they looked up to see a redheaded woman in her forties standing in the doorway, "You have one more housemate. Their running late, but they should be here within the hour."

The five looked at each other and then at the woman and Janna asked, "So what's her name?"

"His name is Marco Diaz," the woman answered and the five looked shocked, "I expect the six of you to get along and I want nothing happening while you six are living together during your time here, do you understand me!" the five groaned and nodded before the woman slammed the door closed.

Brittney sighed and sat down on the couch, "Great, we're living in a coed house, damn it."

Star looked at her and shrugged her shoulders, "It can't be that bad. Maybe we'll get along or something." Brittney rolled her eyes and ignored her and stood up. The five of them of them stood up and walked up the stairs and picked out their rooms.

The sound of the door opening caught their attention and they looked back to see a man with brown hair walking inside. He stopped and looked around before looking at a piece of paper and then at the door, "Well I am in the right house."

"Wait, you thought your key opened the door to the wrong house?" Jackie questioned, "What kind of idiot thinks that a key opens the wrong door?"

The man rolled his eyes, "Jeez I'm sorry, it's not every day I walk into a house with five women, I just wanted to be sure." He extended his arm out, "My name's Marco Diaz and I guess we're going to be housemates."

They stared at him for a moment and Star walked up to him and shook his hands, "Hi Marco, I'm Star Butterfly," she said before introducing the rest of them.

Marco half smiled and waved and they waved back in slight annoyance. Star looked back at Marco with a slight smile, "C'mon I'll show you to your room." Marco nodded and the two of them walked up the stairs.

Walking down the hall, the two turned to the final door on the left and opened it. Marco stepped inside and looked around before putting his bags down. Star looked at him and half smiled, "So I'll let you get settled," he looked back, "And I'll see you downstairs when you're done."

"Yeah, thanks Star," Star nodded before closing the door and Marco began unpacking.

Star walked down the stairs and sat on a chair. The others looked at her and Jackie asked, "So you're going to be all friendly with him?"

"We don't have much of a choice, and besides he doesn't seem like the type of person that'll hurt us like that."

The four of them looked confused and Sabrina said, "How can you be sure?" Star looked at her, "He could be putting on an act and then when we least expect it he could try to kill us or something."

Star rolled her eyes and stood up, "Like I said Marco doesn't seem like that type of person." She started walking towards the kitchen, "And besides if he does try something then we'll handle it. There are five of us after all," the other groaned before sitting down.

Marco walked down the stairs and saw Janna, Jackie, Sabrina and Brittney staring at him before standing up and walking out of the house. Marco sighed and sat on the couch. Star walked into the living room and sat down next to him, "So are you settled in?"

"Yeah," Marco sighed and Star looked confused, "But I get the feeling that the others don't really want me here."

Star half smiled and rubbed his back, "Don't worry about them Marco, they're just a little uncomfortable living in a coed house. Just give them some time, okay?"

"Yeah," Marco stood up, looked back and held his hand out, confusing Star, "I'm going to get something to eat, would you care to join me?"

Star half smiled and took his hand. He helped her up and she nodded, "Yeah that sounds good right about now." Marco half smiled and the two of them walked out of the house without any problems and headed towards the cafeteria.

Alright the whole harem thing is going to happen as the story progresses and everything and like I said at the beginning of the story it is going to be AU. But for now enjoy everyone and please let me know what you all think.