A/N: I wonder if some people are waiting on the third part of this to read/review, or if maybe this just isn't getting the readership I expected... Meh. I'm happy to have written it no matter what. It was fun ;)
(For disclaimer, etc. - see Part 1)
3. Monday
"Good morning," said Rory as she watched Jess open his eyes.
"Morning," he replied, running a hand over his face. "What time is it?"
"A little after seven," she said, putting down her book and shifting back down under the covers. "I guess we have to head home soon."
"I guess," he agreed, pulling her closer to kiss her lips. "I figure we leave after breakfast, make sure we're home before the kids are out of school."
"Sounds like a plan."
The daydream was almost over. It had been such a great weekend, Sunday most especially, just being alone together. At the same time, neither Rory nor Jess could be sorry to know they were headed back to reality. Their lives in the Hollow were pretty darn good a not-small part of the time.
"You wanna order in?" asked Rory, moving to reach for the abandoned room service menu from the night before. "Or we could actually go down to the dining room? Or out into town?"
"Whatever you want is cool," Jess assured her, turning to the night stand and retrieving his cell.
He checked for messages and was surprised to find two from Matthew. With a frown of concern, he opened them up and then smiled.
"Apparently we're predictable," he said, showing Rory his phone.
She went a pretty shade of pink when she realised that along with inviting them out to breakfast, Matt and Chris had also surmised that Rory and Jess were probably too busy 'getting it on' to actually want to eat with their friends.
"Tell them we'll be there in thirty minutes," she advised. "And that they're only jealous of our love... and our stamina," she added as an afterthought.
Jess was laughing as he typed an answer, paraphrasing just a little from what Rory had said. When he next looked up, he caught his wife headed for the bathroom, and heard her say she was going to get the first shower if he didn't mind.
"Or maybe we should do our part for the environment and conserve a little water?" she suggested from the doorway, a look on her face that was impossible for Jess to resist.
"Hey, they're perpendicular!" cried Chris with a grin as Rory and Jess walked into the cafe, hand in hand. "Who knew that was possible?"
"You do know you don't have to be horizontal to-"
"Jess!" Rory stopped him before he really embarrassed her. "How about we sit and eat like civilised people, instead of making tasteless sex jokes in public?" she suggested.
"Anybody else think Rory just got more attractive the second she hit mom mode?" asked Matthew, wincing a second later when Jess smacked him for his trouble. "What? I can't compliment your wife? C'mon, Jess, you should be happy. You get to take her home!"
"Yes, he does," said Rory, pulling her chair under the table and happily kissing her husband's cheek. "And pretty soon too. Breakfast was a great idea, guys, but after this we really have to go."
"That soon?" asked Chris. "I thought you'd be around a little longer. Chelsea was saying she would love to take you shopping, Rory, and we were hoping to run a couple of transcripts by Jess."
"Sorry, guys," he said, shaking his head. "We got those grown-up responsibilities waiting on us."
"But next time we're around, please tell Chelsea I would love to hit the stores with her," insisted Rory, just as the waiter came over.
With everybody's breakfast duly ordered, conversation resumed around the table. Jess assured Chris he was welcome to email him those transcripts if he wanted a second opinion and he would be happy to take a look. They also discussed the latest novel Jess was working on, whilst Matthew was complimenting Rory on her latest article that he had read just the other day.
"You sure you have to head back to quaint little Stars Hollow so soon?" he asked her between mouthfuls of eggs.
"We're sure," Rory insisted, sipping her coffee. "As responsible as our teenagers are compared to some, I'm still not happy leaving them for more than couple of days."
"Jack and Tori: Teen Geniuses can't order take out and do their homework alone for one more night?" asked Chris.
Jess smirked. "They probably could, but it's not that simple. Did we mention that Jack has started dating? And that the lucky girl is the daughter of one Dean Forester, the giant that use to date Rory?"
"Seriously?" gasped Matt. "How did that happen?"
"A weird twist in fate and destiny," said Rory with a wry smile. "But of course, that's not what's really bothering Jess. The part that scares him is Tori having met a boy that she likes."
"She's fourteen, Rory!" her husband reminded her. "And that creep-"
"Dax is not a creep," she cut in. "At least, not from what Lane says. He's only sixteen himself, and you know boys mature more slowly than girls. With Tori being so grown-up for her age, she's practically older than him in terms of mentality and emotions."
Chris blinked at her and then nodded. "You can't argue with that."
"Believe me," Jess sighed, "I know. I've tried!"
"It's still crazy to me that your kids are old enough to date," said Matthew, leaning back in his chair.
"Agreed." Chris nodded. "Makes me feel old."
"Our kids growing up makes you guys feel old?" Jess checked. "Imagine how we feel."
"Speak for yourself," Rory told him with a smile.
They got to reminiscing a little bit more, and then the time came when the Marianos really should be heading out. Matthew made a last ditch appeal for them to stay just until tomorrow, but neither Rory nor Jess were budging. He and Chris walked with their friends to the parking lot to say goodbye for now.
"It's been great seeing you guys," said Rory, reaching to hug one and then the other.
"You too," said Chris, kissing her cheek.
"Next time don't leave it so long to come see us," Matthew told them seriously.
"Hey, you can always come visit in the Hollow," Jess reminded him. "Lorelai would love to rent out a couple of rooms at the Dragonfly."
"Yes, and the kids would love seeing Uncle Matthew, Uncle Chris, and Aunt Chelsea," said Rory with a grin.
The guys agreed that if they could find a time when Truncheon could cope a couple of days without them they would definitely drop by for a visit. They waved to Rory who responded in kind as Jess started up the car.
"Ready to head home?" he asked his wife.
She looked oddly emotional for someone just leaving the city after a weekend visit. They were only four hours from home, and it wasn't as if they would never see Chris or Matthew again, but that was Rory. She felt a lot, and Jess was well used to that by now. It had become just one more thing to love about her.
With a deep breath, Rory pulled her I-Pod from her bag and placed it in the dock. She was smiling by the time she found the playlist she wanted.
"Let's go!" she said with a grin that Jess found infectious, especially when he realised what music she had chosen - The Greatest Hits of Hep Alien.
They drove without conversation, what might've been a comfortable silence, except for the vocal stylings of Zach, Gil, Brian and Lane. Jess' fingers tapped on the steering wheel as they went along and Rory rocked and bopped happily in the passenger seat as the city flew by the window.
As they passed the sign proclaiming they were leaving Philadelphia, Rory sighed and gave a little wave, and Jess followed up with his own salute of a goodbye.
"Bye bye, Philly."
"Until next time."
"Next time?"
"Next time."
She turned to him, found him smiling, and returned the look. Shifting across the centre console, Rory leaned on Jess a little and he drove one-handed so he could put his arm around her and kiss the top of her head.
It would be nice to come back again sometime, but for now they were headed home, and it was the only place they wanted to be.
The End