Chapter One: Moving Out
Chara woke up, yawning. She looked at Frisk, who was on top of her, staring down into her eyes.
"Morning, sunshine." Frisk said, smiling down at Chara.
"Hi." Chara said. "You're up early."
"It's noon.' Frisk said, giggling.
"Whatever." Chara said. "I'm up. Let's eat."
"Should we tell them today?" Frisk asked.
"Yeah." Chara said, nodding. "We probably should."
"Okay." Frisk said. The two of them got up, walking down to breakfast (lunch at this point).
Downstairs, Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Asriel, Undyne, Alphys, Khara, and Rachaya (who still visited frequently) were eating their lunch, talking normally. Rachaya noticed Frisk and Chara and spoke up.
"Well" she said, a chuckle escaping her lips. "It's the Fallenchild girls. You sure slept late. What'd you do last night?"
"None of your business." Chara said. "But, I did take your advice you gave me for Frisk and mine's first date."
"Man." Rachaya said. "That was quite a while ago. That handy huh? I told ya it'd be the best advice you'd ever get."
"Yep." Chara said, grinning as Frisk blushed slightly. "Definitely helped."
"A-actually" Frisk said, nervous. "There's something we wanted to tell you guys."
"What is it, my child?" Toriel asked.
"W-we're" Frisk began.
"You're what?" Toriel asked. "Going on a date? Hungry? Tired?"
"Well, the hungry part is accurate." Chara said. "But, that's not it."
"Then" Toriel asked. "What is it?"
"We're moving out." Chara said.
The room became eerily silent as everyone stared at the two of them for a second.
"M-moving out?" Toriel asked. "Why would you want to do that my children?"
"Just 'cause." Chara said, shrugging.
"Well, my children." Toriel said, hugging the two of them. "If you wish to be more responsible, then good for you."
"Yeah." Chara said, chuckling nervously. "Let's go with that one."
"Well" Toriel said. "We all wish you luck. So, have you found a house?"
"We found a good one." Chara said. "But, we gotta set it up first, so no visitors until then."
"That's good." Toriel said. "Well, we'll visit you often."
"That's great, punks!" Undyne said, grabbing Frisk and Chara in a headlock. "You're showing how tough you are!"
"Thanks, Undyne." Frisk said.
They resumed their meal, Frisk and Chara joining them. After they finished, Khara and Rachaya were the only ones still sitting. Rachaya looked at Khara, who had propped up her feet.
"You don't believe that whole 'responsible' thing do you?" Rachaya asked.
"What do you mean?" Khara asked.
"What's the real reason you think they're going to move out?" Rachaya asked, grinning.
"well" Khara said, shrugging. "I know that it's not to be more responsible. That's for damn sure. One look at my daughter tells me that."
"She's got a lot of you." Rachaya said. "Didn't you even grow wings at one point?"
"Once." Khara said. "For a transformation. But, never permanently like Chara."
"yeah." Rachaya said. "But, she does have a lot of you."
"Right." Khara said. "So, why do you think they're moving out?"
"Oh, you know the reason." Rachaya said, chuckling.
"Speaking of which" Khara said, thinking. "What was that 'advice' you gave her for their first date?"
"Well" Rachaya said, shrugging. "I told her that she should take Frisk to do something like dancing."
"Oh" Khara said, the answer unexpected. "Well, that's very romantic."
"Also" Rachaya said, grinning. "I told her how to get around the fact that the walls in this house are so damn thin and it makes it hard to be unheard."
"There it is." Khara said. "There's the hints I expected out of you."
"Yep." Rachaya said. "Though, I'm gonna have to visit the two of them a lot."
"Yeah." Khara said, drinking some coffee. "I wonder what they're doing about the move in."
With Frisk and Chara—three days later—Toriel's old house in the Ruins
"Remind me again, Chara.' Frisk said as he two of them entered the house Frisk had entered on her first day in the Underground. "Why are we here?"
"I gotta grab some stuff." Chara said, shrugging.
"But" Frisk said. "We already moved stuff into the new place."
"Yeah." Chara said. "But, there's some stuff here that I want."
"Right." Frisk said. "But, what?"
"Well" Chara said, going up to the fridge which was still receiving power. "She always kept some things in the fridge for me in hopes that I'd come back."
"Like what?" Frisk asked, curious.
"Like" Chara said, pulling a huge bag out of the fridge. "This."
"What's in it?" Frisk asked.
"Chocolate.' Chara said, grinning as she took a bar out of the bag and ate it. "hmm. Still fresh."
"Is there anything else we should take?" Frisk asked. "I mean, besides the chocolate."
"Yeah." Chara said. "I think she left some stuff in the room you stayed in."
"Well" Frisk said, shrugging. "Let's see."
The two of them entered the first door in the hallway, looking around the room to see anything of interest.
Chara grabbed a dusty picture of her, Asgore, Toriel, and Asriel that was on the desk in the back of the room. She wiped the dust off, smiling at the picture.
"Heh." She said. "I remember when this was taken. We had just turned seven, Asriel and I."
"You looked so cute as a child." Frisk said, wrapping her arms around Chara and looking at the picture.
"And you look cute now." Chara said, kissing Frisk. Frisk giggled and blushed slightly. "This should be everything. Let's head to the new place."
"You mostly came for the chocolate, didn't you?" Frisk asked, a smile on her lips.
"Pretty much." Chara said, nodding, a mischievous grin on her face. "But, I wanted to see if there was anything else I would want."
"Well" Frisk said, shrugging. "We should go take this to our house for now and then maybe come back later."
"Right." Chara said. The two of them walked out of the house, exiting into the Ruins.
"So" Chara asked. "You wanna fly or teleport?"
"How about we teleport?" Frisk said. "It's a bit of a far fly."
"Okay then." Chara said, picking Frisk up bridal style. "Hold tight."
"Alright." Frisk said, holding onto Chara. "Let's go."
Chara teleported the two of them and the bag of chocolate and picture, leaving the Ruins behind.
They arrived at their home they'd moved into. The two of them entered it, Chara putting all of the chocolate in the fridge and the picture on a table near the door.
Frisk and Chara looked around at their house, taking in a deep breath.
"It's lovely." Frisk said, smiling.
"Yep." Chara said. "It might not be as big as Toriel's, but it's ours."
"Yeah." Frisk said. "I'm actually kinda tired though."
"Well it is" Chara said, looking at the clock on the wall. "Eleven forty five. Not our latest night, but when you stay up as late as we did fort the past three nights, it is pretty late."
"Well" Frisk said, shrugging and walking into their bedroom. "Let's get some sleep. We can worry about when to invite everyone over later."
"You said it, kid." Chara said, following Frisk. "I'm gonna sleep like the dead tonight."
"Well" Frisk said, grinning seductively. "How about I give you some CPR tomorrow to wake you up?"
"I'd love that." Chara said, kissing her.
"Good." Frisk said, giggling. "Let's go."
They climbed into their bed, stripping themselves of their uniforms and wrapping their arms around each other, falling fast asleep.
So, they've moved out. Great. Now they can have new adventures.
Okay, explanation time: this is a sequel, yes. And, it's obviously in another universe to Fallen Child (even though this is pretty much the first chapter to Fallen Child-I was gonna have them move out anyway, but I didn;t feel like writing a whole new chapter about it when I'd do pretty much the same stuff). This is going to be the true Sequel to Underschool, Fallen Child being an au. There are reasons for this, but I'm not going into them. I had a goal with Fallen Child, but, I don't think I'm going to meet it. But, this, while it may seem similar to Fallen Child in certain aspects, is going to be very different. I feel that I'll meet a goal that I have for this and will succeed better in this.