Teacher's Pet
By Koneko
Disclaimer: I have no idea who owns Gundam Wing but it sure as Hell ain't me... any questions?
Warning: Shounen ai
Note thingie: Okay, It's been a while since I've updated this thing and well... gomen. I had some serious writers block that would just NOT go away. But anyway I reread the third chapter and suddenly POOF I had inspiration. That and I had some Laptop issues... damn thing kept breaking... _ grrr

Koneko: Woohoo! It's been a while! But, I'm ba~ack *evil grin*

Duo: YEAH! I love falling in love with Hee-chan. ^_^

Koneko: ...how often do you do that?

Duo: Whenever someone writes a sappy 1x2 or 2x1... ^_^

Koneko: =^_^= aaawwww

Heero: *twitch* You make my head hurt.

Koneko: *points at sign*

(Sign: any hurting of one's head will result in a fine of a Duo glomping)

*random people start to complain of a headache*

Heero: *twitch* *death glare* BACK OFF! He's mine!

Koneko: ...heh... ri~ight... anyway, on with the fic

italics w/ little ~~ thingies=flashback
The rest of the time italics=thoughts


Duo sat in Heero's car looking out the window, watching the rain fall down the glass. He was thinking about what had happened after the lights went out.

~~Duo? What are you doing here? Heero's voice had carried through the dark to send a shiver down Duo's spine.

Duo tried to make his voice light. Standing in the dark.

Heero chuckled. A soft warm sound. You know what I meant.

Truth be told, Duo didn't know exactly why he was there. All he knew was that he had wanted to see Yuy- Sensei. And seeing, or lack there of, how the lights went out, that didn't seem to be happening. I don't- He stopped. He felt Heero's thumb tracing small circles on his cheek. When had he moved?

You shouldn't be here...~~~

After that the lights had flickered back on and Heero had backed away. He had acted as if nothing had happened and went back to his desk. Only after a small admission on Duo's part that he didn't have a way to get home, did Heero agree to take him. Reluctantly at best.

Which way do I turn? Heero's cold voice broke through the silence that had engulfed the car.

Left at the stoplight. Duo didn't take his eyes off of the window. He mind was spinning trying to come up with an explanation of what had happened. Had he just imagined it all? No! I know what I felt! But maybe I was just imagining it... He was mentally debating with himself. But still... His heart hurt with either possibility.

We're here. Heero stated flatly.

Duo didn't reply. He just mechanically got out of the car and headed for his apartment. If he had bothered to notice his surroundings he would have seen the saddened look on Heero's face. But as it was he was too busy trying not to let the other man see his own look of pain...


Duo awoke the next morning in the same place he had fallen asleep (as one would hope...), on the couch. He had been too tired to make it to his bedroom and instead had planted himself on the couch, originally only for a few hours. But things didn't go as planed. He stretched and popped his neck to try and get the small krink that had formed in the night, out. It didn't go away.

It was a whole five minutes before the previous days events came flooding back to his brain. Oh yeah... How am I supposed to face him now? Duo mentally groaned.

He pulled himself off the couch and stumbled into the kitchen. His bare feet met cold tile. As he placed a pop-tart in the toaster he saw the clock. 7:25. He blinked and looked at it again. Still 7:25, oh wait, now it was 7:26. Either way it was at least a half hour earlier than he usually woke up. So that gave him enough time to take a shower and finish the previous night's homework.

The pop-trarts popped up. Well, he could do all that after he had his breakfast.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Duo rushed out of his apartment at top speed, How was it possible that even when he woke up early, he still found himself racing against the clock, to the school?

He rounded the last corner and heard the warning bell ring. Aw damn! He kept up his pace and made it too the classroom just as the final bell rang.

Duo's feeling of triumph was short lived for as soon as he turned around he saw Heero. Immediately he wanted nothing more than to crawl into a corner and curl up into a fetal position.

Sit down, Maxwell. Heero's usual soft demeanor was gone and in it's stead was someone cold. As short lived as it was. Almost instantly Heero was back to his more student-friendly persona. This didn't go unnoticed by Duo.

Maybe he just hates me... But I know I felt something yesterday! I know... but what do I know? Duo walked to his desk, head down and so deep in thought that he walked right past his desk and into the far wall. Huh... where did this come from? He turned around to see all eyes staring at him, giving him odd expressions. Then the laughter began...

Damn, Maxwell. Have you ever considered medication? Wufei asked as he made it to his desk.

Or at least laying off the coffee? Quatre added.

Sleep couldn't hurt either. Trowa also put his two cents in.

Duo turned to glare at all of them. Thanks guys. I'm glad to know I entertain you so much.

It's the least you could do... HEY! Wufei bent over to nurse the foot that Duo had accidentally' slammed his heel into.


The next two classes were uneventful. Mostly because Yuy-sensai barely acknowledged Duo's existence all through History. And because of that Duo's mind had been elsewhere all during Gym. But now it was lunch. A time to enjoy one's self.

Duo pulled up the seat next to Wufei and sat down. Quatre and Trowa were on the other side, completely absorbed in whatever they were talking about. Duo smirked.

So guys, whatcha talking about?

Quatre blushed. Duo, when did you get here?

Just now.

I guess I just didn't notice...

Duo supressed a large grin that was threatening to cover his face. They are so obvious.

Wufei cleared his throat. I'll meet you guys in Geometry. I have some things I need to do. He stood up and threw what was left of his food away, before he exited the cafeteria.

Duo stared after him. Well that was odd. He shrugged and turned back to his other friends. Anyway, want to go somewhere after school?

Quatre looked sheepish and Trowa looked... um... stoic? Actually, Duo, the two of us were planning on seeing a movie-

-But you can come if you want. Quatre interrupted.

Duo shook his head. No, no, I think I can manage.


The bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

Aw, Damn! Duo whined. With a sigh he threw away what was left of his lunch and headed in the direction of his geometry class, not waiting for Quatre and Trowa. He figured they would rather be alone anyway.

He turned the corner and saw Wufei walking out of the class he was heading toward. Which was odd since Wufei also had Geometry next.

Hey, Wuffles- Duo stopped when Wufei walked right past him. It didn't even look like he had seen Duo standing there. He shrugged and walked the rest of the way to the classroom.

Hello, Duo.

Hey, Khushrenada sensei! Do greeted his teacher as he sat down in his desk and the rest of the students started to file in. Khushrenada sensei was one of the only two teachers in the school he actually liked. He wasn't ancient like his science teacher, he didn't have a peculiar odor like his English teacher, and he wasn't a moron like his Biology teacher. He was pretty young, around 25 ish, good looking, and wasn't boring like he had originally expected from a math teacher. Most of the other students liked him also.

Quatre came in and took his usual seat next to Duo. Trowa sat behind Quatre. I just saw Wufei and he looked more tense than usual. Do you know what happened, Duo? Quatre asked. It was his subtle way of saying What did you do to him this time?'

I was walking down the hall and he passed me without a word, which is uncommon for him. He didn't even say Move it Maxwell'.

Trowa and Quatre looked at each other.

That is odd. Trowa finally said.

Okay, lets review what we did last class. Khushrenada said.


Class went on like normal. Except five minutes in Wufei walked in and sat down in an open desk at the back of the room. At the end of the period,Khushrenada sensei asked Wufei to come in after school and speak to him.


I'll see you guys later! Duo waved to Trowa and Quatre as the pair headed to Trowa's car. Well his sisters car... he just borrowed it on some days, but that was a minor detail.

See ya Duo! Quatre called back.

Duo sighed and headed back inside. Most people were already gone and those who weren't were leaving fast. But not him. He needed to pick up an extra credit assignment from his funny smelling English teacher. Halfway there, though, he ran into Yuy sensei who was walking to his car.

A long pause stretched out as the two just stared at each other.

Yuy sensei, I-

Come with me Duo, I think we need to talk. Heero's voice was cold.

Duo could just nod as he followed Heero the rest of the way to his car. They both got in, neither one saying a word. The only sound for minutes was the sound of the engine and passing cars as Heero drove toward Duo's apartment.

Finally Heero broke the silence as he pulled into the garage.

Duo whatever you think has been going on between us has to stop. What almost happened yesterday was an act of bad judgment on my part. I apologize for misleading you. If possible Heero's voice sounded colder and more withdrawn than it had all day.

Duo was completely unsure of what to say or think so instead he chose to be angry. Hey! You were the one who told me to come with you today!

Duo, please-

No! How can you tell me that it was an act of bad judgment when you didn't even act?! You didn't do anything! Nothing happened! Duo's voice was rising in pitch and tears were slowly trailing down his cheeks. He wasn't even sure why. He had no reason to be so upset. You're right, whatever it is I think has to stop. It was just a stupid crush. I mean what was I thinking?! I was just being stupid- His voice cut off as soft lips pressed against his.

Duo's eyes widened briefly before they closed and he leaned into the kiss. Then as soon as it happened, Heero pulled away.

He looked up into Heero's eyes.

Heero chuckled. I couldn't help it. I don't want us to stop.

This time Duo kissed him...

..........................After school

Please don't leave me.

If this keeps on sooner or later we'll get caught. I can't let that happen.

Please, I love you!

Blue eyes widened. Is that true?

Yes! I love you. Please don't leave me!

Oh, My Dragon... He leaned down to kiss the younger boy.



Koneko: *maniacal laughter* BWA HA HA HA HA! And the plot thickens...

Duo: Dun dun dun.

Heero: *positioning gun to his temple* anything is better than this *pulls trigger* *nothing happens* Noooo!

Koneko: well I tried to make this chapter good since it's been like 4 months since I last updated...

Duo: I got to kiss Hee-chan!

Heero: ... *blush*

Koneko: aawwww! =^_^=

Duo: *skipping around the room* I got to kiss Hee-chan! I got to kiss Hee-chan!

Koneko: *sweat drop* heh... until next time. Ciao

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