Great Pier gasped for breath when the water hit him he was going to drown.

When he opened his eyes he screamed.

"Quite manly great one." Said an auburn haired teenage girl sitting on her hunches in front of him.

"I do hope you don't mind it that we took your blade away. Swinging that around might hurt people." Moira said to him with a soft smile

Pier tried to crawl back in fear but the chains that held him between two poles stopped him.

"Werrreeewoolllfff." Screamed the large man.

"I am no lycanthrope you idiot." Moira yelled back. "Whoever told you that tricked you."

Great Pier looked at her like she had grown another head.

"Try this." the girl demanded. In Pier his hand was placed a crucifix off silver.

When it was taken from great Pier his hands he saw the priest who had given it hand it to the girl who shifted into a werewolf and accepted the crucifix. She laid it on the palm of her hand before she laid it on the other palm. After that she hung the crucifix around her neck.

To the surprise of the people that were standing around no burns where seen and no howls of pain rang through the air.

"They told me you were one." Stammered Great Pier.

"Who, your allies?" Asked Lady Oldenstein.

Great Pier nodded.

"A sergeant from Gelre told me. He said I could defeat my fear by defeating her." he said while pointing at Moira who nodded and asked.

"And the woman?" Asked lady Oldenstein.

Great Pier frowned for a moment but when he started speaking he looked embarrassed. "She captured me while I was watching your husband and his group travelling towards the tournament."

Walking away from the large man Moira was followed by Lady Oldenstein, the captain and the priest.

"At least I can make an educated guess about who has send me and Parvati back in time." Said Moira with a frown on her face. If I was a betting person I would bet the woman was send to kill me and Parvati because her ancestor did not like what she had done. He has too much going on."

The priest nodded. "I think you are right. But how has she broken free?"

Moira thought for a moment before speaking. "There was a great amount of magic when I escaped from the pyramid. The ritual was broken and the magic needed a release" The priest nodded

"Pyramid?" Asked the captain.

"A tomb for ancient Egyptian rulers." Explained Moira." This is not good."

"It is indeed not good. Can she find allies." Asked lady Oldenstein,

"The dark riders if she knows where they are." Answered Moira. "They defeated Vlad Tempes in the past. But I think she does know where they are yet."

"That was about eighty years ago." Said the priest.

"Let's hope they are far away." Said the captain.

"Travellers." Sounded from the walls.

"Or not." Muttered Moira while running towards the door that was in the gate.

When she arrived she saw a group of women and children enter.

"The dark riders the squires of the four horsemen are here" mumbled one of the women leading the group. Moira bit back her comment and ran towards Lady Oldenstein.

"I heard it already Moira." The woman said.

"Eighty years ago. My behind." Moira muttered after seeing the glare of lady Oldenstein she blushed and looked down.

"I agree with Moira her assessment. We have to warn the other villages and towns. Maybe even raise an army." Said the captain.

"I know." Lady Oldenstein said. A moment later she started to issue commands. Making men run for their horses to ride out.

The dark lady previous.

Having apperated away had taken her energy when she had fallen asleep she had not thought about others of her family. So when a horse

kicked her she sent a curse at it. The horse dodged it and its rider was thrown off.

Said rider stood up and grabbed the reins of his horse.

"Who are you? You wear the sign of our ancestor?" the man she had relieved of his horse demanded to know

"I am Cleo descendant of Nur."

"Most don't travel of our lands why are you here?"

"I am from the future. Our master angered a werewolf and send it back in time." Cleo said.

Their leader nodded. "And you want the wolf skinned?"

"Like our ancestor wants it." Cleo said.

The man nodded before turning to his companions and their followers.

"Draw it out." He ordered.

The other three riders nodded an rode on being followed by their men.

A hour later Cleo and the leader of the riders saw smoke appear in the distance.

"That will sent the werewolf a message." Said the leader of the riders.

Oldenstein P.O.V.

Looking at the survivors of the attack Moira wanted to scream.

She should not have tricked that woman in to fleeing.

Siting on the water well's stone surrounding the girl was brooding.

The refugees had talked about them looking for the werewolf.

Moira felt guilty before she chastised herself that the dark riders would have been here without her presence.

Standing up she made her way to Sindala his quarters.

Opening the door she entered the place said man had forbidden her to go in without his permission.

After a while she found what she needed. Sindala had let her try to make a foci. It was not like her wand but she could cast with it. taking it from the box the man had given her she hung it around her neck with a smile she let the emerald show shining for the world to see.

With a wave of her hand a patronus appeared. The stag standing in front seemed to smile. Moira was happy when it appeared. She had never managed to cast a corporal patronus before.

"Hello handsome you look like my dad's animagus form. Could you take a message for me?" asked Moira.

The stag nodded.

"Parvati our enemies are here. Be on your guard. This is a message to all that oppose the dark riders they are near Oldenstein"

After she saw the stag disappear she left the room.

Making her way to her room she nodded to the people she met. In her room she gathered the few things she needed.

When she walked into the courtyard night had fallen.

Walking towards the gate she was stopped by the voice of Great Pier.

"Charging blindly isn't smart girl."

Turning around Moira looked at the man who was still chained to the two large poles.

"What are you suggestion little one."

Pier chuckled at her words and replied "Take me with you. Both of us have a score to settle with that wench. And those riders remind me of the people who killed my family."

"I think that might be a good idea." Said a new voice.

Looking to the stairs both the man and the girl saw lady Oldestein looking at them beside her stood the captain holding a large sword.

"We have sent riders out but they need time if you two were going for the riders and that witch. They would focus on you."

Moira nodded.

Walking to the Lady Oldenstein she took the sword from the captain.

Kneeling she said "Thanks for everything."

The hand that Lady Oldenstein. Placed on her head before pulling the girl in a gentle hug said much.

"Be safe and good hunting. And remember you are always welcome here,"

Moira nodded before turning around and Walking to Great Pier she was accompanied by the captain and a group of guards while archers positioned themselves at the wall aiming for the man in chains.

When the man was released he stood up and gave a bow to the lady of the castle before he took the sword from Moira. Together both walked through the door of the gate and disappeared into the night.

"Good hunting." Whispered the captain.

Parvati P.O.V.

Parvati loved the travelling to the tournament and that she could act as a lady in waiting.

While Moira was in much a girl she was a boy in at least most other things.

After meeting up with lady Ada she had a bit more of fun.

Hugo and Rembrandt had relished in talking about the tournament. But they were boy's and muggle .

When Viola and lady Ada gave her a knowing smirk when she steered her horse to ride beside the two of them.

"Hello Parvati. Kept your fellow amazon at home." Teased Viola in greeting.

"The lady would not let us out with the two of us." Replied Parvati.

"To bad. Moira would be a hit among some of the ladies and gents." Replied Viola.

When she saw Parvati her face she grinned and said. "just kidding Parvati. She would have only eyes for you."

Parvati fought the blush that was making it way in her cheeks.

A few hours later they reached the castle where the tournament was held.

They were met at the gate of the castle Sir Reinbout.

"welcome my friends it is good to see you again." The white haired man said. Beside him Flip the fool bowed with a very mocking deep bow.

"Sir Reinbout, It is great to see you again." Sir Wolter said after dismounting beside him Floris and Sindala were enthusiastic greeted by Flip.

Behind the two man serves helped with dismounting and taking the horses away or the ladies.

Parvati was helped down by a redheaded teen.

"Welcome to the tournament milady. I am Eric Potter squire to lord Willem of the fields of Nieuwoorde and its lo*."

Parvati smiled at the boy before taking his hand and making a sign like the levitation charm in his hand,

The boys eyebrows raised in surprise.

"A double welcome then milady. Not many of our craft live in the area,"

"Indeed young man and my descendant has already discovered that." Said Sindala from behind Parvati.

"Parvati go with lady Ada and her lady in waiting please."

"Yes sir." The girl replied.

"I have no intentions to her sir.?" The squire said.

"I know but at the moment there are people looking for her and her friend who is a member of your clan."

"Sir I am the only one of my clan in this area."

"She is a descendant just like Parvati."

The boys eyebrows rose in understanding. "Clan is clan sir"

Sindala nodded.

The young Potter bit back some words he wanted to ask..

"Patience is a good friend." Sindala remarked.

"A hard one to get." The young squire remarked.

"I learnt that lesson the hard way young man." Sindala replied.

Great Pier and Moira P.O.V.

Having ran to one of the villages that had not yet been attacked. Both great Pier and Moira were watching the village live going on from the top of a nearby hill.

"It reminds me of the old days." Murmured the man.

"Normalcy is a gift we lose after we had it." the girl beside him replied.

"I agree. But why do you say it?"

"My aunt and uncle wanted to be normal people. Well I am not." The girl said. 'I have magic and a trick."

Pier frowned at the answer but his asking for a reply was stopped by the arrival of horsemen who rode into the village square.

"Kneel before the Squires of the Horsemen." Ordered the man leading the horsemen.

He saw children and people hiding themselves away.

Beside him he saw his companion shift into her wolf form and disappear in the woods.

From the village the voice of the leader carried it's message

"I am lord Tred. And I want to know where the werewolf is." Around him his horsemen dragged and herded the villagers to the square.

Standing up he wished his troops where here. Alone it would be five or even ten that he would take with him. And there were at least two dozen more.

"What was the girls plan?" He asked himself.

A moment later the girl returned to him.

"No other groups of soldiers. Let's chase them away." Moira said.

"Only chase." The big man said.

"Well having them licking their wounds takes time too."

Great Pier smirked at that remark.

Castle Reinbout.

The preparations for the feast starting the tournament where in full swing.

Eric had been ordered by Sir Willem to help with the preparations.

At home at the Potters keep the elves would have done the work. But like his teacher said. "Don't mind the work serfs do. You learn from it."

From the corner of his eye he saw Parvati carrying water from the well to the rooms of the guests.

"Some things don't chance it seems. Or would it be counted as fitting in?" He asked himself. "Around his clan and friends there was talking going around to separate from the muggles. His father had tried to counter that by making him a squire for sir Willem.

lifting the basket with food he carried it towards the kitchen.

Village near castle Oldenstein.

From outside the village fog started to appear.

"Form ranks!" Yelled Tred. Pulling his sword from his scabbard.

Most of his troops had dismounted and started to form a line with crossbowmen behind them. Many villagers disappeared while the men tried to pull ranks.

From the fog sounded a chilling howl. Tred knew that this could break his troops. Not many carried silver. A few coins or a crucifix perhaps.

"With a mighty roar a giant of man appeared and slayed a group of his men with one swing of his sword.

"goemiddei."* The man said before charging another group of soldiers.

Tred did not know what was happening they were the riders but before he could react he was thrown of his horse who fled. Looking up he was met by the muzzle of the werewolf who led out a frightening howl.

Throwing the wolf from him while yelling "Retreat!."

The riders followed their leaders ran or rode away from the village.

"Well that will make them think some more before riding into a village." Great Pier said.

Beside him fog enveloped the werewolf.

"Not for long three times is the charm they say." Replied Moira.

"Next time we face the horsemen and the sorceress."

"Good." replied Great Pier.


* Lo or loo means forest in Dutch

* goemiddei means good afternoon in Frysian

I promised two chapters but personal live took over. And on a second note yesterday being three saints a happy new year and many blessings to all of you.