Work of fanfiction

When Albus Dumbeldore and Cornelius Fudge entered the medical wing they met with a strange view.

On one bed a short haired redhead was stroking a similar furred wolf

On another was Ron Weasley being treated by the matron.

Beside him on a bed laid his potion master

Hermoine Granger sat on a chair beside some unknown people and beside them stood two cages one holding a happy dog and the other a very morose looking rat.

One of the people a black haired man stood up and walked to him and the minister.

"My apologies he started in a heavy German accent we did not know that this was a school of magic, our sorceress is taking some time off.

We received word about a mutant manifestation in this area and as you know any one different usually is feared."

Both men nodded to this

He offered his hand "Kurt Wagner adopted son of Margali Szardos."

When hearing the name both the chief warlock and the minister frowned.

And after feeling the hand Dumbledore knew there was something wrong.

"finite." he spoke. Nothing happened and his eyes focused on the man.

"My apologies headmaster and who are you sir?"

"Cornelius Fudge the minster of magic" was the pompous response of the minister.

Kurt touched a band on his arm and his image was replaced by a blue furred demon look alike.

"Is that electricity." asked Fudge

"One of the new models but it is burning out in this place." The owner answered.

"Mister Wagner you said you found a manifestation of a mutant around here?"

"Yes a new manifestation."

"Could you say something about his or her power?"

"Yes a very grumpy feral" There came a growl from one of the beds.

"Moira behave." A strict voice spoke in a familiar Scottish brogue "Your headmaster asked a question."

The wolf whined.

"the removal of the glamour and your feral nature will not be a problem attending here" the wolf whined again.

The women apparently understood wat the whine meant..

"Moira calling them both that is not nice."

Moira growled again.

"After you shift back I will wash your mouth out for that." the red haired woman replied Her face reminding him of a certain professor of transfiguration.

Both Dumbledore and Fudge raised their eyebrows.

"Sorry the removal of the glamour was a bit unsettling for her." The woman on the bed sitting with the very grumpy feral. "She is hiding in her wolf form."

The dog barked like it was laughter, a growl came from the bed as a reply.

"Moira behave." Yes Dumbledore mused they must be related

Hagrid and a not so smaller man entered the hospital wing.

"Professor Dumbledore, minister we have detained professor Lupin in his usual place." Said Hagrid. After giving that answer both men walked to the group of new comers

"Good. Thank you gentlemen." Dumbledore said looking to the two cages .

"Miss Granger, what are those to animals doing here? He asked

Well they are two animagus miss Potter, miss Granger and mister Weasley captured.

"Miss Potter?" the minister asked. Dumbledore chuckled "Well we know where she is hiding." Looking to the wolf lying on the bed.

She put her paws over her eyes and whined.

Hermione piped up "well you were rude to the teachers and the minister."

Lowering her right paw she glared at her best friend.


Not the best use of the English language i admit. But i hope it gives you a laugh.