A/N: Hey so, I just finished my midterms and I'm on Christmas break so I have time to write. I also just saw Rogue One and I was figured I'd start writing again, so um… This feels really OOC to me but I feel bad for leaving y'all hanging for almost six months. I can't tell if I don't like this just because I wrote it or because it's shit. Sorry guys. But, hey, I also wrote a quick RebelCaptain fic, if you want to read it. Kylo gets mad in this chapter. So there's that Kylo Ren temper y'all know about. Heads up. A table dies. But I mean, who doesn't cut through the table with a lightsaber when playing Monopoly? Anyways. From where I left off, Rey just ran into a stormtrooper.

Kylo was right when he'd said not everyone here trusted her.

"Halt!" Kylo heard a stormtrooper say from the hallway. Sighing, he put on his mask and walked to the door.

"Do we have a problem here,..." Kylo paused.

"JH-309," the stormtrooper said.

"Do we have a problem, JH-309? You know I am training Rey."

"Yes, sir," JH-309 replied. "She was not authorized to be here right now, is all."

"Because I'm the person you want to try to correct," Kylo said sarcastically. "Go."

Kylo grabbed Rey's hand and escorted her back to her room while JH-309 continued the other direction.

When they got to her room, Kylo unlocked the door and turned around to leave.

"Do you have to go? I never had time to be bored on Jakku," Rey asked.

"They don't need me for a couple hours," he informed Rey. Her face lit up. "What exactly do you want to do?"

"We could play a game," Rey suggested. She looked so happy, like a little kid, at the idea.


"Yeah, maybe a board game," she giggled. Kylo just stared at her. "Does the First Order not have board games?"

"I think I have Monopoly," Kylo replied awkwardly. "I'll be back. Actually, come with me. It's in my room, so we might as well play there. I think you'll enjoy the view." She followed close behind him all the way to his room.

A large bed with black sheets was on the right wall, with two doors opposite it. There was another table with chairs, similar to the one in the training room, and a gray couch with a chest in front of it like a coffee table.

On the far wall, taking up most of the wall, there was a huge window. Rey ran over to the window. Kylo was right, again. She'd seen tons of stars, sure, but this was different. It was breathtaking.

Kylo opened the chest and riffled through it until he found the green box. He took off his mask and set the board on the table. Rey walked over and dug through the pieces.

"I want to be the iron," Rey said, pulling the piece out.

"Do you know how to play?" Rey started at him for a minute. "Riiiight. Well, you can teach me the Force, and I can teach you Monopoly." She looked away, then set the money bag piece next to the iron on the start square. Kylo put the money bag back and shook his head.

"I have my own piece," he said digging through the chest again. He pulled out a small metal replica of Darth Vader's helmet and set it next to Rey's piece. "Custom made," Kylo grinned.

Rey rolled her eyes and tried to find the rule book. Kylo choose to be the banker because of the piece Rey had chosen for him, even if he didn't use it.

"Okay, now you roll," Rey said, handing Kylo the dice.

He rolled and moved his piece eight spaces.

"Vermont Avenue," Rey read. "Do you want to buy it? It's $100."

"Sure," he said, placing the cream-colored bill in the bank.

Kylo landed on Boardwalk, which Rey had a hotel on. $2000!? I'm going to have to mortgage a fucking property! Kylo thought as he counted his money. Deep breath in, deep breath out. He flipped over a card, Illinois Avenue, and grabbed the extra $120 from the bank.

"Here," Kylo said, handing Rey the $2000 he owed her.

"Thanks," Rey smiled. She rolled the dice. "Seven," she declared as she moved her piece. "Illinois Avenue. That's one of yours right? What do I owe you?"

"Nothing," Kylo growled. "I had to mortgage it to pay you." He picked up the dice with a sigh and threw them on the table. "Six. Well, at least I passed Go," Kylo mumbled as he moved his piece. "Reading Railroad. Oh, you own all the railroads." Kylo grabbed $200 from the bank and handed it to Rey.

She rolled the dice and moved her piece nine spaces. Community Chest. Rey picked up a card. "You inherit $100! Nice!" Kylo rolled.

"Two," he declared. "Make general repairs on all your property – for each house pay $25 – for each hotel $100." Kylo stood up and grabbed his lightsaber. When he flicked it on, Rey jumped out of the way and behind the couch.

Kylo slashed the table in half, but he wasn't done. He slashed the table a few more times. Then, he just stood there, facing the wall, lightsaber still on in his hand.

"Kylo?" Rey asked cautiously, sticking her head over the back of the gray couch. "Are you okay?" Kylo shook his head slightly, turned off his saber and fell to his knees. The lightsaber dropped from his hand and rolled across the floor to Rey. She picked it up and walked over to him. She sat down next to him and put her arm around his shoulders. "I should've let you win," she said softly after a few minutes. He turned to her, worry on his face. He realized something: he didn't want to hurt her. Sure, he was trying to kill her a few days ago, but now?

"I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, Kylo," Rey said hugging him tighter. "You didn't hurt me." He threw his arms around her.

"I'm sorry, Rey." Kylo never apologized. He'd killed so many people ruthlessly, but never apologized. "I don't want to hurt you anymore." She put her head on his chest and they silently vowed to stay like that as long as they could.

"You didn't hurt me."

A/N: Guys sorry it's so OOC! I keep mixing up canon with other people's fanfics that I've read. Anyways, here's a fun fact that no one asked for: Ben's memory in chapter 5 is based off a story my brother told me of when he was a little kid in daycare. I changed it up a bit for the story, but that's what inspired it. Also, JH-309's name is a tribute to him. It's his first initial, his fiance's first initial, and the date they started dating. (03/09). Anyways, Happy Holidays everyone! Thanks to all my fans for sticking with me even through that super long hiatus, I'll try to add more soon, although I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this right now. Love you guys!