The pain was overwhelming, not the gunshot wounds but the emotional turmoil I went through while holding the broken frame of my companion, my one and only true friend, whom I felt over the years was so much more than just that. "You're gonna be alright carrots" I choke "Please, just be alright"

Once the sun comes out, so does Judy. She awoke around 5:30 am every day with the same routine of a shower, brushing, clothes, and shining her badge while looking herself over in the mirror to make sure her fur and uniform were on spot. While on the other side of the spectrum, Nick does not even wake up, It's Judy who drives up to his house and forces him up at around 6:30. He'd never fail to complain how early it was and why he gave her a key, along with the "torment" she put him through which would earn a giggle and a "You're welcome" every time. Except this time.

POV Judy"

"Nick! Ugh why must I do this every day with you?" I say in annoyance. "Aww come on carrots, where would I be without the help of my favorite alarm clock?" He said with a sleepy smile. "Apparently without a job" I reply back. He sat up in mock shock as he put a paw dramatically to his chest, "Now that one hurt carrots, you truly wound me" "Good" I replied "now get dressed before we're late."

"Late? Now cottontail you know that's not happening, we still have a full hour and a half" "Knowing you?" That's all she said as she walked away clicking her tongue.

"That bunny" He sighed as he got up, dressed and met her at the door.

"Really Nick?"

"What is it carrots?"

"Are you really not gonna take a shower, Nick that's disgusting!" I hollered

"I took one last night before bed, I'll be fine, no need to waste the water"

"You really are an unbelievable fox you know that?"

"You know you love me" he said with a bemused smile

"Do I? Yes yes I do. Would I love you more if you took a shower? Yes, yes I would." I'm pretty sure mammals from the other side of town can smell you"I say as I pinched my nose.

"Ok then fluff, what the lady asks she'll get."

As they left after Nick's much needed shower, they went down to Furbucks for the usual coffee and donuts each

"You know you could pick up the tab sometime right?"

"I would fluff, I really would but I seem to have left my wallet at home."

"Sure" I roll my eyes "let's get a move on"

At the station they were greeted by the usual hustle and bustle of the ZPD building, everyone doing something of some kind of importance, and I loved (almost) every second of it. Nick however,

POV: Nick

"Ready for another day of exciting paperwork?" I say dripping with sarcasm.

"The better question is are you ready? Yesterday you fell asleep in the file room"

"Well I was hard at work and I needed my beauty sleep carrots"

"Well you're right about one thing, you really needed that beauty sleep"

POV Judy

His ears went down at that remark before they shot up and he flashed his grin she noted feeling a bit guilty

Returning the smile as I said "Well let's go then, don't want chief getting mad again"

"Lead the way fluff"