Merry Christmas

Frank watched, as Jack kept shaking his head no, refusing to believe what they were saying. He couldn't imagine how hard this must be for his son, to find out that everything he'd ever known was a lie.

Jamie looked over at the man that was his brother, his twin. He could see the guy was scared, hell, who wouldn't be. Jamie himself was scared. It felt like they were the only two who had a right to be at this point in time; that the two of them were the only ones who could possibly understand.

Connor thought these people were crazy. They were rushing to judgment just because he looked like Jamie, that wasn't a solid reason to claim him as their son. He didn't have a family; he had pain.

Jamie unconsciously started to move towards his brother. He wasn't thinking about it, it seemed natural, normal; his body knew what it was doing.

Connor almost leapt out of his skin when he noticed Jamie standing so close but for the first time in his life he didn't fear this man. Curious with this fact he raised his hand to meet Jamie's.

It was as though something clicked when they touched. The instant the tips of their fingers met they had shot apart only to find their hands pressed together again mere seconds later. It felt like they had just reattached a severed limb, like they had been missing something before and didn't know what it was but now that they had it back they couldn't fathom how they'd ever lived without it.

The whole family was watching the newfound brothers in awe. They looked identical, if the two were wearing the same clothes (and they were loose fitted) none of them thought they'd be able to tell the twins apart. It was incredible.

"Alright" the doctor barged into the room, "I have the discharge papers here though I do think it would be best…"

Jamie and Connor (Jack) had split apart when the doctor came in but had remained standing next to each other. Unconsciously they edged closer and closer together until their shoulders were touching.

The doctor was staring open mouthed at the two men. "How… I though…. Um…"

Frank couldn't help but chuckle, it was kind of funny. "I'm sorry doc. I never thought that the person in the bed wasn't Jamie, I should have known though."

"But the DNA…" the doctor started before he understood, "DNA is identical in identical twins"

Everyone nodded their agreement and the doctor finally moved on, "So which one of you do I get to sign these?"

Connor (Jack) reached for the papers and quickly signed his name. Before handing it back. The doctor just nodded his acceptance and left the room. No one thought to check the name that had been signed.

"Well," Danny said clapping his hands together, "I don't know about the rest of you but I am starving."

"Yeah," The brown haired woman agreed, "Didn't someone mention something about a family dinner?"

Frank chuckled, "I believe I did."

"I spent all day cooking a wonderful meal" Pop added, "It just needs a bit of heating up."

"Let's go then" The blond haired woman said motioning to the door.

Connor (Jack) was more than willing to get out of there. The rest of the people could go to eat and he could go… find a place to stay tonight. Though as he moved away from Jamie he found that he did not like the feeling of being apart.

Jamie shared Jack's (Connor's) opinion on separation because the second they were apart Jamie followed in order to touch again.

Frank chuckled, "You two won't ever change"

"What?" Jamie asked confused.

"You won't be separated." Pop explained.

"But they are separated" Sean said.

"They're actually touching each other right now" Danny laughed, "Ever since they touched hands they have been inching back towards each other whenever they move to far apart"

Connor (Jack) looked over and found that he was matching eyes with Jamie. They both looked down to see that, yes, they were touching, shoulder to shoulder. As though to prove that they didn't need to touch the two moved five feet apart.

"Let's head out" Pop said chuckling.

Connor (Jack) started moving out figuring he could just leave the group as soon as they were outside. Not as though any of them could catch him anyway. He was too fast and too skilled at evasion.

"They truly don't like to be separated do they?" Linda asked watching as the twins successfully made it all of thirty seconds before they were once again shoulder-to-shoulder.

Once again the two looked confused before seeing that, yes they were touching and, no they hadn't noticed.

"It's alright," Frank smiled as he clapped Jamie on the shoulder.

Or, Frank tried to clap Jamie on the shoulder. Before he could Jack (Connor) had yanked Jamie out of the way.

Everyone froze in shock and confusion as Jack (Connor) stood in front of Jamie, guarding him.

"Hey, he was just trying to guide us out of the hospital," Jamie told Jack (Connor) calmly, "It's no big deal. He wasn't going to hurt me"

Connor (Jack) turned his head to Jamie uncertainly. He didn't understand why he had jumped in front of Jamie like that. He didn't understand any of this. He wasn't one for jumping in front of others that was never a safe idea.

"Let's just head to the car" Pop suggested gently trying to guide the way without touching Jack or Jamie.

Connor (Jack) glared at Pop but didn't move. He didn't trust this man, how could he?

"We're just heading to Dad's house," Jamie tried to reassure, "You'll like it. It's big, red brick on the outside, two large white windows in the front, two stories plus an attic"

An image of a house flashed through Connor's (Jack's) head. The house sounded familiar. He dug through his bag and pulled out an old, worn, drawing. He held it up to Jamie to see if this was the place they were headed.

Much to Connor's (Jack's) relief Jamie nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, that's the house. How'd you get this?"

Connor didn't reply just tucked the picture back into his bag. This was the place he used to dream of. A place where he would be safe. It had always just been a part of his imagination; a dream. It couldn't be real. But Jamie said it was real and for some reason Connor (Jack) really wanted to believe Jamie.

Much to Frank's relief Jack (Connor) nodded his head in agreement but he still wouldn't let anyone of the family touch either himself of Jamie. So it was up to Jamie to lead the way back to the house.

Frank had come to the hospital by his personal driver but Jamie had come in his own car and Jack (Connor) wasn't leaving Jamie's side. "Is it alright if I catch a ride back with you?" he asked.

"Fine with me" Jamie shrugged.

Jack (Connor) glared but didn't stop Frank from getting in the car so the man counted it as a good sign.

When they pulled up at the house Jamie hopped out, "Come on," he wanted a couple of minutes alone with his new brother away from the prying eyes of his family.

"So," Jamie said upon throwing the door open, "This is my old room. You're welcome to use it if you'd like. What do you think Jack?"

"Connor" an eerily similar voice croaked out.

Jamie spun around like a shot. "What?"

"Connor" the voice creaked again.

And sure enough, it was Jamie's new brother. "Whose Connor?"

"I am"