A Day in Springfield
By BloodySimpsonChibi
(Hello everybody! This is the beginning of what I hope will be an awesome fanfic. This is an idea that I've had for quite a while. The premise is simple. The story is about one day in Springfield. Not a holiday. Not anything special. Just an ordinary day in Springfield. Each chapter will be a retelling of the same day but through the view point of a different character. Let's start with the obvious characters to start with: The Simpson family!)
"Homie! Wake up!"
Homer didn't even bother opening his eyes. He just yawned and said "Five more minutes Marge."
"Homer. It's 6:45."
"Ahhhhhhh! I'm gonna be late for work! Which means Lenny and Carl will eat all the doughnuts!" Homer jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. He changed out of his blue PJs and into his blue flannel pants and white work shirt. He came out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his left hand and toothpaste in his right. Just as he was about the brush his teeth for the first time in six months, the aroma of Marge's home cooking filled his nostrils.
"Oh boy! Breakfast!" Homer dropped the hygiene products and ran downstairs. His children, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, were already eating their morning meals. Just as he sat down, Marge presented him with scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and sausage links all squished between two slices of French toast.
"What? No pancakes or waffles?" Homer asked.
"They're on the shopping list." Marge said as she set the plate down.
"Thanks anyway Honey." Homer turned to his plate. "Mmmmmm. Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich." Homer drooled for a good minute before his daughter Lisa tugged at his shirt.
"Um Dad? It's 7:05."
"Ahh!" Homer ate the sandwich in one gulp and finished getting ready for work. "See you later Marge!" Homer kissed her on the cheek. "See you later too Homie." Homer got into his car and prepared to leave just as Ned Flanders came by the fence. "Hi-diddliy-ho Neighborino!"
"Shut up Flanders!" Homer shouted angrily.
"Oklly-doklly!" Ned called back.
"Stupid Flanders." Homer muttered under his breath as he drove off.
So if your beard line has overstayed its welcome, get yourself a bottle of Dr. Nick's Beard Line Removal Tonic.
"What a load of crap!" Homer yelled. "All that stuff does is make my ass itch real bad!" Homer's mood brightened when he heard his favorite song, It's Raining Men, play on the radio. He was so busy singing along to the song that he didn't notice the rail guard blocking his path until he crashed into it. "Uh. I'll pay for it later."
Homer drove into the last available parking space and entered the building. He ran into the lounge room where Lenny and Carl were eating doughnuts. "Hiya Homer!" They both said at the same time. "Can't talk! Must eat last doughnut!" Homer shouted as he rushed to the empty doughnut box. Much to his chagrin, there was but one doughnut left in the box. That didn't matter. A doughnut was a doughnut.
"Mmmmmm. Doughnut." Homer grabbed it out of the box and ate it in one bite. Just then, the work bell rang.
"See you later Homer!" Lenny said.
"Yeah! See ya at Moe's." Carl called out.
"Huh? What?"
It had been almost an hour since Homer ate that doughnut. He was sitting in his control panel at Sector 7-G, looking at his "Do it for her." Poster. The pictures of his youngest child made Homer unnaturally calm. He felt like taking a nap.
"I should take a little nap. Just to sleep off that doughnut." It didn't take long for Homer to fade into unconsciousness.
"What the hell?" Homer awoke with a start as a blinding red light flashed on and off in his office. It was accompanied by a blaring horn. "What the hell in going!" Homer shouted. A random worker came by Homer's door and shouted, "It's the core! It's beginning to melt down!"
In a desperate attempt to save Springfield, and by extension himself, Homer began pressing every button on his control panel.
"You fool! Are you trying to kill us all?" The man wrestled Homer to the ground and the two struggled with each other until the lights and horn stopped.
"Attention employees. The meltdown has been adverted, thanks to the courageous actions on Lenny Lenard and Carl Carlson."
Homer cheered along with the rest of the employees.
"However, we must ask that Safety Inspector Homer Jay Simpson report to Mr. Burn's office immediately."
"Simpson! You're fired!" Mr. Burns shouted.
"But Mr. Burns!" Homer tried to say.
"No buts! Now be gone with you!" Homer felt the ground beneath him disappear as his lower half fell into a trapdoor. However, thanks to his obesity, his torso remained on the surface.
"Damn that middle-sized door." Mr. Burns turned to Smithers and said "Release the hounds." Two minutes later, Homer was running to his car with the hounds snapping at his heels. He managed to jump in and close the door just as they were about to take a bite out of his behind. Homer drove out of there as fast as he could.
"Ok Homer. You've been fired. Again. It always works out right! Right! But until it does, I gotta make sure Marge doesn't find out. As soon as Homer said that, his cell phone rang. It was Marge.
"Homer! Are you okay!?"
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"I heard on the news about that near meltdown at the plant. I just needed to make sure you were alright."
"Yep. I'm fine. Honestly."
"You didn't by chance cause that near meltdown in anyway, did you Homer?"
"Of course not!"
"You still have your job, don't you Homer?"
"Of course I do Marge! Why wouldn't I?"
"Okay. Well then.."
"Bye!" Homer hung up and began banging his head against the steering wheel. "Dammit! What the hell am I going to do now?
"Well if you listened to me for once, you wouldn't be in this mess.
"What the? Brain? Is that you? Homer was surprised. His brain had been silent for quite a while.
Yeah. It's me. Now listen up Homer. Here's what you're going to do. You're gonna go to all the jobs you used to have and try to get some work. You've had 187 jobs other than the power plant. One of them's gotta take you in.
"Oh! But that requires remembering stuff and junk.
Hey! I'm not the one who fell asleep on the job and almost got everybody killed.
"Yes you are!"
No! I'm not!
"Yes you are!"
"No! I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
That's it! I'm going back to the ether.
"Wait! Come back! Ahhhhhh!" Homer swerved just in time to dodge Han Moleman. He ended up crashing into a bar instead. As he pulled his head out of the broken windshield, he said. "No more fooling around! I got to find a job to put food on the table and then another job to put food on the table for my family."
"Or you could work one job for $100,000,000." Homer looked up to see Fat Tony standing over him, lit cigar in his mouth and everything!
"Ahhh! Fat Tony!"
"Mr. Simpson, there is absolutely positively nothing to be scared of. I am only offering you means in which to get by. All you must do is deliver a package to a certain address. You can do that, right?"
"I think so." Homer said.
"Very good. Here's the package." Louie handed Homer a completely blank package. "And here's the address." Legs handed him a piece of paper. It rea Fake Street.
"Just so we're clear, I get money for this right?" Homer asked.
"Oh yes." Fat Tony said.
An few hours later.
"Well it took me a few hours but I finally found it. 1 2 3 Fake Street. Man, what a dump!" Homer entered the run down and rat-infested building. The walls were crumbling away and although he couldn't see it, Homer was pretty sure there was a dead dog here somewhere.
"Hello? Anybody home? I got an unmarked package from Fat Tony for ya."
"Freeze!" Chief Wiggum and the police suddenly surrounded Homer. "What the? Chief Wiggum? You ordered a package from Fat Tony?"
"Nope. Snake Jailbird did. We just intercepted the delivery and now we're gonna take you into custody."
"But why!" Homer whined. "I'm not a drug mule."
"Oh really? Wiggum took the box away from Homer and opened it. Inside was a Tomaco plant crop. "Tomaco! This plant's gonna put you away for a really long time. Cuff him Lou."
A few MORE hours later.
"Simpson, your wife is here to bail you out." Wiggum said.
"Awww! I was just about to perfect the art of toilet wine." Homer got up from the toilet and walked out of the cell. Wiggum lead him to the front office of the police station where a very angry Marge was waiting.
"Homer Simpson. What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked.
"It's my first day?" Homer literally couldn't think of anything else to say.
"Can I assume this has something to do with you losing your job?" Marge asked.
"Maybe." Homer said sheepishly.
"Well I hope your happy mister! Not only did I have to spend all your savings to bail you out but this was your 666th strike. We can lose everything!" Tears formed in Marge's eyes as she said this.
"I don't understand. I'm the one who created that plant in the first place."
"Hahahaha! Sure you did." Wiggum said.
"No really!"
"Yeah well, see you in court, Farmer Boy!" Wiggum and his entourage left the room.
"Marge." Homer said "I'm sorry. Maybe when we get home we can-"
"Oh no you don't mister!" Marge shouted. "I don't wanna see you for the rest of today. I already washed and ironed your suit so you don't have to come back home." Marge handed him the folded up suit and left, tears still streaming down her cheeks.
Homer felt like such a failure. Thanks to him, his whole family could wind up on the streets. There was only one thing he could think of that would make this all better.
A beer.
"Give me another one!" Homer shouted. He had already guzzled at least sixteen bottles worth of Duff beer and needless to say, he was drunk off his ass. Despite this, he still felt guilty about today's events and how they were going to affect his family. It made him feel like garbage. His miserable thoughts were only interrupted by the ringing of the bar phone which Moe quickly answered.
"Moe's Traven…Hold on. I'll check." Moe then called out to everyone in the bar, asking them if they had seen a "Master Baying."
"Master Baying! Call for Master Baying! Come on! One of you guys has got to be Master Baying here!"
Homer, Lenny, Carl, Barney and the rest of the bar flies started laughing hysterically.
"Why it's you, you little spitwad! I'm gonna find you one of these days and when I do, I'm gonna gouge out your eyes and stick'em up your nose!" Moe slammed down the telephone. As Moe was calming down, Homer happened to glance at the clock.
"Oh my God! I'm gonna be late for court!" Homer finished the last of the beer nuts and ran out of the bar.
Homer drove to the courthouse (or rather he crashed into it.) He figured it was close enough and went inside. Despite being drunk, he still managed to dress himself in the blue suit. He saw his family waiting for him by the benches. The kids looked sad and Marge had an angry scowl on her face. Homer walked up to them, feeling completely uneasy.
"Dad! How could you?" Lisa asked.
"It's okay sweetie. Daddy was just set up by mobsters is all."
"Smooth move ex-lax!" Bart said.
"Why you little!" Homer wrapped his hands around Bart's throat and began to strangle him.
"I'll teach you to make witty comments!" Homer screamed.
"Mr. Simpson! Are you strangling your son?" Judge Synder asked." Realizing that he was in public, Homer let go of his son. "No your Honor. I was just fixing his tie." The jury murmured to themselves which made Homer even more nervous. Suddenly, a hand patted Homer's left shoulder. Homer turned around and saw Lionel Hutz smiling at him.
"Are you our defense guy?" Homer asked.
"I sure am!" Hutz replied. "Don't worry Mr. Simpson! Everything's going to be okay!"
Homer watched in horror as the Hutz's unconscious body was carried out by Dr. Nick. The fact that he only made the jury hate Homer more and more before his heart attack didn't help. He stood before the judge knowing he was screwed.
"Has the jury reached a verdict?" Judge Synder asked.
"Yes your Honor." Hans Moleman said. "We find Homer Simpson guilty of drug smuggling."
"Very well." Judge Synder turned to Homer and said "I sentence you to pay a fee of $500,000,000,000 and for your family to-
Suddenly there was an explosion as a huge hole was blown through the walls of the courthouse. A giant robotic suit stomped in with a familiar peeking out from the master controls.
"Hello Bart."
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sideshow Bob!"
"Sideshow Bob!?" Homer exclaimed.
"That's right! It is I, Sideshow Bob! Here to kill Bart Simpson!" Bob shot a missile at the Simpson family. Everyone except Bart dodged it and the resulting explosion shook the whole courthouse.
"Bart!" Marge cried.
"Well that was easy. Guess I'll go ahead and kill all of Springfield!" Bob began shooting missiles all over the courtroom while swiping at people with his robotic claws. Homer noticed one of them about to hit Mr. Burns! For no apparent reason, Homer ran to Burns and managed to pull him out of the path of the deadly claws. Homer dropped Burns when he noticed local superhero Bartman fighting Bob while Marge and Lisa looked on.
"If only I could get to the kill switch!" Bartman yelled out.
"That's it!" Homer thought. "I'll distract Bob so Bartman can get to the kill switch." Homer grabbed a piece of rubble and threw it at Bob. "Hey! Jerkass! Over here!" Homer rushed toward Bob who sent razor-sharp tentacles his way. One of them sliced Homer on the side, inflicting major pain. Another one stabbed him in the brain, yet he still kept going. He punched through the glass and hit Bob right in the face. Bob winced and slapped Homer across the room. Homer could feel himself being picked up by the steel claw and knew he was going to be crushed. Then, all of a sudden, the machine stopped and fell backwards. Homer was dropped to the ground, hurt but alive.
"Oh Homie!" Marge ran to Homer and cradled him in his arms. Lisa soon followed, with Bart right behind.
"Boy! You're okay!" Homer said happily. "I'm so glad."
"Glad to see you're okay too, Homer." Bart said.
Just then, Wiggum came into the almost destroyed courtroom with Fat Tony in cuffs.
"I'm hope I'm not too late!" Wiggum said. "I managed to get a confession out of Fat Tony and it turns out Simpson is inno..Whoa! What happened here!?"
"Sideshow Bob! That's what happened!" Judge Synder said. "I sentence both Bob and Fat Tony to 88 consecutive life sentences and since Fat Tony confessed, I also acquit Homer of all charges."
"Furthermore!" Mr. Burns stated. "I hereby rehire Homer as a temp!"
"Whoo Hoo!" Homer shouted.
The entire family cheered.
"You did it Homie!" Marge said.
"No Marge!" Homer said as he hugged his family. "We did it!"
(So how did you like that story? I'm going to work on the rest of the Simpson family and then finish Simp-eds! Chibi out!)