Author's Note: Hello, everybody! I've been writing a lot of Naruto fanfics lately so my mind is mostly filled with anything related to Naruto. That is also why I came up with the idea for this one shot! I think I should give it a try and turn my idea into an actual story. I hope you'll enjoy reading my very first one shot!

Lee's Sex Education

Lee's POV

"Naruto-san, Kiba-san, please let go of me!"

I shouted at the top of my lungs as Naruto and Kiba dragged me by my arms. I had been trying to free myself from them but had failed miserably. I didn't know what was going on and was very confused.

"Can you kindly tell me what is going on?" I had not given up trying to escape but I was curious as to what my friends wanted to do. I looked around and noticed that more of my friends were there as well.

Sasuke was walking with Neji, looking disinterested as always. I saw Shikamaru yawning as he walked alongside Chouji, who was busy eating from a bag of potato chips. As for Shino, he was walking at the back with an unreadable expression on his face.

I looked at my sides and noticed the mischievous grins on Naruto and Kiba's faces. I had a bad feeling about the whole situation but was clueless as to what was really going on.

When I noticed that we were at one of the training grounds, something came to my mind.

"Do you guys want to train? If you do, you can just ask me. I am more than willing to train with everyone!"

Nobody responded and they began using a rope to tie me around a tree. I tried to break free from the ropes but I realized it was infused with Naruto's chakra.

I was trapped.

"Relax, Lee. We won't hurt you." Kiba had an evil look in his eyes which made his words almost unbelievable.

"That's right. We just want to give you a lesson regarding something important." Naruto had a menacing aura which made me gulp nervously.

When I saw my other friends coming closer, I begged my teammate to help.

"Neji, please release me!"

Neji looked at me in silence for a few moments with an expressionless face. I felt my heart skip when Neji spoke in a cold tone. It was clear he wasn't planning on helping me escape.

"I'm sorry, Lee. But you must receive this lesson."

"I do not understand what lesson we are talking about!" I was beyond confused and all I wanted was to be released from the tight ropes around me. It was suffocating and I felt very uncomfortable.

"I'll make things simple so you even you can understand." Kiba took a few steps towards me and his grin widened. "It's time for you to receive some sex education."


No words could describe how speechless I was. I felt my soul leaving my body as I stared at my friends. I did not understand their intention for giving me that lesson.

"Why?!" It took all the tiny bits of energy left in my body to shout that one word. I had never felt so confused and I couldn't comprehend the whole situation.

"Remember what happened yesterday?" Kiba was the one who explained things to me. "We were all having dinner together with Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei and Gai-sensei. When Kakashi-sensei mentioned the word 'sex', you ran off like a 3 year old."

"Actually, I don't think a 3 year old would act the way Lee did yesterday. It is because Lee was running while covering his ears and even shouted so he wouldn't be able to listen to the conversation." Shino spoke so calmly even though he was technically insulting me.

I could never stand talking about anything related to that. It was something we shouldn't speak off so lightly! It wasn't something to be discussed in public or in front of a crowd. I just couldn't bear to watch or hear anything when someone actually tried to have an open discussion regarding that.

And running away was an act of reflex.

"Such things shouldn't be discussed in public!" I managed to defend myself but my friends weren't even affected by my words. They were staring at me in disbelief, as if I had grown a horn or another eye on my face.

"You're talking like a virgin." I was startled at Sasuke's words. He was talking as if I wasn't supposed to be a virgin. I was just eighteen years old, how could I not be a virgin?!

"He is definitely a virgin." Neji commented in a tone which made me feel like I should be insulted by his words. And I just couldn't understand what was so wrong about me being a virgin when I was still a youthful eighteen year old boy?

"Of course I'm still a virgin! I'm still eighteen years old! I still have a long youthful journey to go before I will part with the thing that proves my youth!"

"Kami-sama, what is this guy talking about?" Kiba slapped his forehead and looked downwards for a few moments before turning towards Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru, you're a genius, aren't you? You must have a way to bring some sense into this guy's head?"

Shikamaru yawned again as he lazily stared at me. But at that moment, even the laziest gazes from Shikamaru could bring shivers down my spine.

"Troublesome." Shikamaru was muttering under his breath as he walked towards me. He looked into my eyes and sighed before continuing. "I hate to break it to you, Lee. But you're the only virgin among us."


"Please do not joke about your youths! It is un-"

"Lee." Neji interrupted me and it made me turn towards him. "Shikamaru is saying the truth."

It was a whole different story if Neji was the one talking. I knew Neji for the longest of times and I knew he wasn't the type to lie. It could only mean one thing.

All my friends had thrown away their youths!

"How could you guys throw away a youth's most precious thing?! How c-"

"Lee, not losing one's virginity at the age of eighteen is the real act of throwing away one's youth." Kiba was grinning at me again and I felt even more uncomfortable than I already did. "Do you even know what sex is?"

I felt my face burning at the question Kiba just asked. My ears were radiating a high amount of heat and I almost believed that there was steam escaping from my insides. Despite feeling horrible, I wanted to prove that I had sufficient knowledge regarding the matter.

"I-It's the act of producing offspring."

I heard Kiba groaning angrily as he raised his voice at the next question.

"How do people have sex?"

This time, my head started to spin and it felt as if the heat on my face increased by at least fifty degrees Celsius.

"B-By allowing the male and female g-g-genitals to m-meet."

"Oh, Kami-sama, his answers are killing me." Naruto slumped onto the grass and placed his face on his hands. He then turned towards the others and spoke weakly. "Let's get to the point and tell him what normal teenagers do."

"Let's give his teammate the honor to start the sharing." Sasuke smirked at Neji, who sent deadly glared towards him.

"Come on, Neji. Go ahead! Kill him with the truth." Kiba sounded so evil that I was beginning to feel very scared. I didn't know what they wanted Neji to do or say. But judging from the look of the situation in front of me, it was definitely something bad. No, it must be something very bad.

Neji glared at everyone and cleared his throat when he was facing me.

"Lee, do you remember the time we had a mission in one of the villages near the border three years ago? The time we were assigned to retrieve some stolen scrolls?"

I blinked a few times before nodding. I remembered that mission as if it happened yesterday even though three years had already passed. Neji, Tenten and I were assigned on that mission together. I also remembered how disappointed I was to find out that Gai-sensei wouldn't be joining us.

Neji's had a smirk on his face as he looked at me in the eyes. I felt another cold shiver down my spine as I stared at my white eyed teammate.

"After we finished our mission, we stayed for a night at village we passed by on our way back to Konoha. The next morning, you noticed that Tenten was acting different, right?"

"Y-Yes." That was something else I remembered clearly. Tenten looked really tired the next morning and she was even limping. I thought an enemy attacked her the night before but she assured me that everything was alright. "She had trouble walking properly the next morning. You even had to carry her back to Konoha."

I was confused as to why Neji suddenly brought up the mission from three years ago. I got even more confused when I saw my other friends chuckling or snickering. Naruto and Kiba didn't try to suppress his laughter though.

"Do you have any idea what happened to Tenten that night?" Neji asked in a challenging tone. I had always seen him as a rival and his tone had triggered the competitiveness inside me. I tried to appear as confident as I could before answering.

"An enemy must have attacked her but she refused to tell me because she didn't want to make me worried!"

I was still feeling slightly hopeful that my answer was right.

But my hope was crushed soon afterwards.

"Well, someone definitely attacked her but it wasn't an enemy." More laughter was heard from the others as Neji continued. "It was me."

I suddenly felt very angry upon hearing Neji's words. How could he attack his own teammate?!

"How could you do that, Neji?! Tenten is our precious teammate! Why did you attack her?!"

I wasn't even trying to control my anger towards Neji. He had never made me feel so angry at him. And how could I just know this after three years?

"Because both Tenten and I were filled with lust and decided to attack each other to satisfy ourselves. Our attacks were rough and Tenten ended up limping the next day. Oh, and all her energy was sucked by our attacks as well. And that explained why she looked weak in the morning."

"L-Lust?" I repeated the one word that didn't fit the whole explanation. Wasn't lust a feeling you have within you when you wish to bear children?

"I think we need to be straightforward with this guy so he understands." Naruto groaned in frustration and ran his fingers through his hair. "To conclude, your teammates had sex during that mission three years ago. And they did it when you were close by."

"Must you add that last part?" Neji rolled his eyes at Naruto. He then looked at me in a way that said I should believe Naruto's words.

There were too many things to digest at once and I wasn't strong enough to comprehend everything Neji had just told me. My mind was turning into a huge mess and I wasn't sure how am I supposed to face my precious teammates from then on.

Afterwards, some of my friends started openly discussing about how and when they lost their virginity. Naruto announced that he lost his virginity to Hinata two years ago when she visited his apartment. Neji gave Naruto a punch on the stomach and the reason for that was obvious. As for Kiba, he said he lost his three years ago with an older girl he met in a club. How did he even enter the club when he was underage? I had no idea and I lost my strength to even think. As for Chouji, he said he lost his with Karui when he went on a mission to the Hidden Cloud Village.

Kiba forced Shikamaru to speak and he eventually admitted that he lost his virginity to Ino almost four years ago. My head was spinning at that time and I just couldn't imagine someone so young to have lost something so precious. It was unthinkable!

Sasuke and Shino refused to speak even though Naruto was desperately trying to make them. Naruto's act of desperation was interrupted when Chouji suddenly spoke.

"I think Lee needs more details if we want him to actually learn something." He was munching on his chips as he looked over to the others who seemed to be plotting something evil.

"Sasuke-teme, it's your turn." Naruto was grinning at Sasuke, who in turn gave him a sharp look.

"Why me?" Sasuke hissed and narrowed his eyes dangerously at Naruto.

"Because you're dating Sakura and the two of you are sexually active. And we all know Lee is in love with Sakura so perhaps by sharing what you do with her, he will finally embrace the fact that even her precious Sakura is enjoying her youth." Naruto emphasized the word 'youth' in a way that felt insulting. I really wanted to escape from these ropes but Naruto's chakra was getting stronger as time passed.

"Fine." Sasuke gave Naruto another glare before turning to look at me. His eyes were icy cold and there was a visible frown on his face. "I want to get this over with so I'm going to be direct."

"Blast him with the truth, Sasuke." Kiba laughed and was soon joined by Naruto and Chouji.

"Perhaps I can tell you some things Sakura enjoy doing with me." Sasuke's signature Uchiha smirk was on his face as he started tormenting me with his words. "She likes it a lot when I pleasure her down there using my fingers. And she liked it the most if I did it fast. Sakura doesn't care where we are, she will make me finger her whenever she wants. As for sex, Sakura loves to ride me. Speaking of that, we just did it that way last night."

I was overwhelmed by Sasuke's words and it was too much for me to take in. I felt my world spinning and I wasn't even sure whether we were speaking of the same Sakura. I didn't have the power to voice out my thoughts and simply stared blanking at everyone. Well, there was actually nothing in my mind to be voiced out in the first place.

I was shocked in ways I never knew was possible.

"I think Sasuke-teme had just killed him." Naruto poked me in the face, as if checking whether or not I was still alive.

"I think we're almost done here. Let's give him the finishing blow!" Kiba exclaimed and was laughing like a mad man. Even though I looked like my soul was removed from my body, I was still aware of my surroundings.

"Why don't Neji give him the finishing blow? I think it will bring the most impact if you're the one who did it." Shikamaru's suggestion made Neji groan in frustration.

Neji looked at me with more intensity than earlier and I felt myself tremble under his gaze.

"Lee, what I'm about to tell you is the truth. I was told about it by the man himself."

I could feel a cold sensation flowing throughout my whole body as I waited for Neji to continue.

"Gai-sensei lost his virginity at the age of thirteen during one of his missions. Ever since then, he continued being sexually active up until this very moment."

And with that, I was defeated and my world became pitch black.

Kakashi's POV

I was reading my Icha Icha Paradise book at the dango shop while Gai and Asuma were drinking tea and enjoying some dumplings.

I was suddenly reminded of the mission we gave the boys last night.

"Do you guys think the boys managed to properly teach Lee?"

Gai looked up at me and seemed to be deep in thought. I knew how much he cared for Lee and I was actually surprised that he didn't want to give him the talk himself. I guessed even for someone like Gai, it would be much too awkward.

In Lee's eyes, Gai was the perfect person. He wouldn't have guessed that the person he looked up the most actually lost his virginity at a young age and was one of the most sexually active jonin in Konoha.

If Gai personally revealed the truth to Lee, it might be too much of a blow for the younger one.

"It should be fine." Gai didn't sound as confident as usual and something told me he wasn't expecting things to go smoothly at all.

My thoughts began wandering to last night's events. After Lee ran away at lightning speed when I started a conversation on sex, we all agreed that it was time for him to receive the sex education he very much needed. All his friends had reached the fourth base and Lee didn't even have sufficient knowledge on what sex was.

It was simply unacceptable.

Gai felt the same way and suggested that the younger ones should teach Lee a lesson on sex. Some of them, namely Naruto and Kiba, were more than willing to take up the task. And some other, namely Sasuke, Neji and Shikamaru, had to be forced by their teachers.

Whether they did it voluntarily or due to threats from us, I was sure they would accomplish the task given to them.

How hard could it be to give someone sex education?

"Kakashi-sensei! Gai-sensei! Asuma-sensei!"

The three of us stepped out of the dango shop when we heard Naruto's frantic screaming.

"Lee fainted!"

And I concluded that giving Rock Lee sex education could be classified as an S-class mission.


Author's Note: I hope you guys liked it! Please leave a review on your way out. I will really appreciate it if you will share your thoughts or opinion regarding this one shot! Oh, and go check out my other Naruto fanfic as well, featuring Sasuke/Sakura, Neji/Tenten, Shikamaru/Ino and Kakashi/OC pairings. Anyway, thank you for reading and have a nice day!