A/N: Here I go, testing another short story. My own take of what I would love to happen next season. Enjoy!

''Damn'' stated Wally. ''Can we stop by the house for a second? Think I forgot my phone there earlier.''

''Really Wally?'' said Iris, turning around in her seat to watch her brother in the back ''You won't even need it tonight.''

''Come on, Iris.'' Quickly answered Wally back. ''It's on our way anyway.''

Joe smiled in front of the car, a family wasn't a family until there was some friendly brother and sister arguments. He couldn't help but let his imagination take over and imagine that his kids were still young children, going with him one some family vacation. So much missing time between them, but at least Wally finally became full part of the family.

''Alright you two, we'll make a stop. We have time.''

Joe's smile faded when his mind decided to remind him that there was one member of his family missing. It's been 5 months since Zoom has been defeated. 5 months since Iris came into the house to tell them Barry needed to get away to repair his broken heart and soul. As a father, it was hard to accept the fact there was some cases you couldn't help your children with and have to let them go. Joe only wished there was any way to know where Barry went and how long until he would return. He could be back next day, next week or in a couple of years. He tried his best to move on, they all did. Just like one year ago, Cisco returned full time advisor to the police to fight the Metahumans and, thanks to Dr McGee knowing everything about Team Flash, Caitlin was able to easily get her old job back at Mercury labs. At least, until Barry would be back in Central City.

As if there wasn't enough stuff to worry about, the roof of the West house, the one they just repaired last year after the King Shark attack started leaking in the heavy storm during the night, flooding part of the living room. After spending most of the day emptying and cleaning the room, the West family decided a night at the restaurant was well deserved and needed.

Joe pulled in the driveway, watching his son jumped out.

''I'll be quick!''

The youngest West entered the house and went upstairs as fast as he could, climbing two stairs at the time. That's when he was on his way down with what he came from that Wally noticed that something was amiss. There were a pair of boots popping out from behind the plastic covered couch. Not any boot, a red one, with toes pointing toward the ceiling. And it wasn't moving.

''Barry? Barry!'' Letting go of his phone without even realizing it, Wally ran into the living room. Sure enough, there it was, the Scarlet Speedster laying on the ground, unmoving. He kneeled next to him, not caring about the wetness under him, placing his shaking hands to each side of the masked face, trying to rouse him.

''Barry! Can you hear me? Wake up man!''

Nothing, no answer. The young man took the mask off, revealing a clear view of a bleeding nose and lips, and reached for the throat with dread. He let out his breath when he felt it, a pulse right there under his fingers.

''I'm gonna get help, don't move.''

*Where is he going to go in that state anyway?* thought Wally as he got up in one quick motion, unconsciously rubbing his hands on his wet jean. He froze, whatever he was keeling in wasn't exactly feeling like water. Looking down only confirmed his fear. He was down in a puddle of blood, a puddle that looked like it was still growing, unless it was just a mind trick. Swallowing hard, the young man ran as fast as the Flash would to get to the front door, swinging it open, waving his arms at the person in the car.

''Help! Please! Quick!''

The car's doors flew open, Joe getting out of it, his gun in his hand, ready to face anything threatening his family. ''Wally! What's wrong?!''

As Joe closed to his house's open front door, Wally spoke the last words he wanted to hear at that exact moment. A word that made Joe's blood run cold.

''It's Barry!''

The whole West family ran in the house, Joe and Iris stopping the second they laid their eyes on the fallen hero in the living room, bleeding on the floor. His suit was a mess, cuts everywhere, showing skin and blood all over. There was one spectacular wound on his lower abdomen, close to the spot where Zoom stabbed him last year, but way bigger. Like something or someone tried to impale the hero. Coming back out of his trance, Joe came to the other side of his adopted son and tried cataloguing the injuries the best he could with his limited first aid knowledge. Priority was clearly to stop the bleeding on the abdomen wound that was pouring more blood in the growing puddle every passing second. It would be a miracle it nothing vital was touched.

''Iris, go take a towel, we need to put pressure on the wound. Wally; call Caitlin and Cisco, tell them we'll meet them at the labs.''

Returning his attention back to his son, Joe noticed that his eyes were open halfway, but didn't seem to look at nothing. He couldn't tell if Barry was just starting to wake up of if the boy has been conscious since they find him and they only noticed it now.

''Hey Barr, you're with us? Can you hear me?''

His worries only increased when, not only the young man didn't answer or looked at him, but he kept staring at the ceiling and started mumbling something incoherently. The detective moved his face closer, trying to hear what was being said, decrypting couple of words here and there.

''Failed….no…I…sorry…failed….no….no…..couldn't….sorry….didn't….mom, love you.''

What the hell happened in the last 5 months? Where was he? Barry looked like he's just seen and fought one ugly war. Was he helping Jay, the real one, on Earth 3? Did he end up on some other Earth where everything went wrong? During all the time the speedster's been away, everyone kept their eyes open for news about the Flash, worldwide, especially Cisco and Iris but nothing came up. Like he completely disappeared from the face of the Earth, this one at least. Joe put his hands on Barry's shoulder to try comforting him, but the only answer he got was an increase shaking and the boy's breathing getting shallower, faster by the minute.

Wally interrupted his father's thought, coming back into the room.

''I spoke with Caitlin, she's on her way, she'll meet us at S.T.A.R. Labs.''

Nodding, the detective got up, gathering his son's prone form in his arms. No time to waste.

A/N: So, what do you say? Want more? Comments!