Author's Notes: This fic starts right on the timing for the Servant Summon - Up until that point, everything is canon. Waver stole the relic for Iskandar, all that stuff. Also, the summoning chant is slightly altered in translation, and I skipped part of it due to Waver only chanting from there onwards originally.

This assumes you know canon, but I will get around to actually making it coherent for someone who doesn't later - in the form of basic explanations I'll write elsewhere, without spoiling the canon storyline.

Waver's PoV

After preparing the summoning circle for the ritual, I take a deep breath.

If everything goes right, this will summon Alexander the Great. This will be my chance to prove to magi like Kayneth that my theory is worth giving some thought-

...Sigh, I did it again. Every time since then, I can't stop thinking about how easily he dismissed my theory, and that just gets me angry.

Getting angry would solve nothing - I need to keep myself calm.

As I mentally tell myself this, also starting to brace myself for whatever might happen once my Servant is summoned, and decided to start chanting.

"Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill.

Repeat every five times.

But, when each is filled, destroy it."

Taking a deep breath, both to get the timing of the chant right, and to calm down, because I've almost started thinking about what-ifs during the chant...I tell myself that there's nothing that could be done about that right now, to reassure myself, and continue chanting.

"...I announce.

My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the call of the Holy Grail, and you abide by my feeling, my reason, then answer.

I hereby swear…

That I shall be all the good in the world.

That I shall defeat all the evil in the world.

You, seven heavens clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, O keeper of the balance…!"

As the summoning circle begins to glow, I feel a surge of tension, of adrenaline, well up within me.

The ritual is working as intended, and soon, Alexander the Great himself will be summoned as my Servant…

...Or so I thought.

When the Servant that was summoned showed up, I was shocked.

My first thought was that there is no way Alexander the Great was a little girl.

It took me more than a second to even manage to think clearly that this girl certainly wasn't Alexander the Great.

...After more than just a few moments of staring at her in shock, she decided to speak for the first time.

"Umm, are you my Master?"

That was also unexpected. Since this was a Servant, I figured she would seem more...Powerful. Imposing, even...but out of the many expectations I may have had, this was not even close to them.

Such a frail-looking girl, who isn't even, apparently, filled with confidence like some magi seem to be.

And her clothing doesn't seem to be even remotely close to what any Servant would wear. She looks, by all means, like a normal young girl - with a rather childish, but still feminine, casual pink dress...For modern standards.

...Is this even going to work out?