My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro and Shrek the musical is owned by Dreamworks

It is Hearts and Hooves day and every pony including Discord is decorating the castle for the celebration. Meanwhile Spike is making a paper heart card for Rarity in a separate room. Then Sparks walks in the room.

Sparks:What are you doing Spike?

Spike:Just making a Hearts and Hooves day card for Rarity. Hopefully she will notice me with this.

Sparks:Ah Spike, Spike, Spike. Sorry to tell ya but dragons like us don't find love.

Spike looks at Sparks with confusion.

Spike(confused):What Do you mean?

Sparks:Usually dragons don't fall in love and if they do it doesn't go well.

Spike starts walking out of the room.

Spike:Well I'll prove you wrong.

In the main room Twilight is using her magic to decorate the room. While Spike and Sparks walk in.

Spike:Twilight is it possible for a dragon to find love?

Sparks:Spike I told dragons don't find love.

Twilight:Actually Sparks there is a story of a dragon who falls in love with a princess.

Sparks(shocked):What? Did the dragon captured her or something.

Twilight stopped decorating and grabbed a big book from the book shelf and used her magic to open it.

Twilight:Actually it is actually a different kind of story. Where it is the dragon that saves the princess.

Pinkie pie then ran in.

Pinkie pie:Did I just her Twilight's gonna read a story!

Pinkie then stick her head out of the door.

Pinkie pie:Hey every pony Twilight is gonna read us a story!

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Discord stopped what they were doing and went inside the main room and sat with Sparks and Spike in a circle. With Twilight sitting in the center.

Discord:Oh I just love stories can I tell it.

Rainbow Dash:Oh no. The last time you told a story I almost got eaten by a fox.

Twilight:Actually I'm gonna tell the story.

Then Twilight summoned a purple cloud out of her horn.

Twilight:This is the story of Shrek.

Mlp Shrek



Twilight-Narrator/Princess Fiona

Discord-Lord Farquaad



Rainbow Dash-The Gingerbread pony

Rarity-Pony Elf

Pinkie pie-Pinkie Pan

Fluttershy-Ugly Duckling/Pied Piper

Pony knights-Guards

Princess Celestia-Magic mirror

Mr. and Mrs. Cake-Mama and Papa bear

Big Mac-Big Mac Wolf

Trixie-Trixie the witch

The Cutie mark Crusaders-The three pigs/Three blind mice

Derpy-The fairy god pony

Snails-The Had Hatter

Snips-The white rabbit

Stand in ponies-citizens of Duloc

Mama Dragon

Papa Dragon