Skye and Snotlout were still speaking of baby names when they finally returned to the keep to find Hiccup leaning up against a tree with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed.

His mind going over the past hour's events.

He'd been trying to avoid Astrid ever since she had returned from patrol and he had overheard her telling the others about catching Snotlout on the dragon hunter's ship making some sort of deal or something.

That stupid, nosy girl is a damned menace! He thought darkly.

Astrid couldn't keep herself out of damn trouble.

And while that may be so, on the one hand he wanted to venomously deny everything should Astrid or the others find him, after all Snotlout was his cousin and family honor meant everything.

And on the other hand he knew that their plan to crush the dragon hunter's once and for all, needed to be pushed into the final phase- however he was hesitating to do what needed to be done because of his ties to Snotlout.

Opening his eyes at hearing the familiar sound of Skye's voice mixed with Snotlouts baritone, Hiccup pushed away from the tree that he'd been resting against as the two appeared together out of the woods. Skye more or less dragging Snotlout along behind her as the two of them went back and forth.

Hiccup felt his lips curve up a little bit upon seeing the two safe, especially when he heard Snotlout say indignantly. "Hey! Hookfang is a good baby name. It's strong and manly and it's a great deal more creative that Hiccup!" To which Hiccup took a moment to chuckle before he decided to reply to Snotlout's rant before things got out of hand.

His mate was starting to get that overly familiar crazed look her eyes.

You know the one. The one that usually has you backpedaling really fast just to avoid losing a limb or two. Especially after you've said or done something incredibly stupid.

"You're right. Hookfang is a good baby name...for a dragon." He said as Skye all but came to a stop and looked in his direction. "And while my child/children will be part dragon, they will also be human which means that we need to stick to human names. So let's try something like... Fang or Crusher for a boy. And something nice and cute for a girl. Like, oh say, Helen or Star."

"Oh I like that! Fang and Star. Both can be used as male and female names." Skye said excitedly, causing both Hiccup and Snotlout to look at her strangely for a moment and blink before Hiccup said,

"Skye, I know that Fang and Star are both very nice names and all but you are not naming our first son Star."


"Yes. Because having a kid named Star would embarrassing not only me but for him as well. Just think of how he'd be teased!" Hiccup said, attempting to reason with his mate as he vividly recalled his childhood and how much others had teased and tormented him for being named Hiccup.

"Really?" Skye said in a suddenly overly sweet tone that had Snotlout quickly backing away from Hiccup as he anxiously chewed on his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing as Hiccup got this funny, What the hell? look on his face and took a moment to look between him and Skye. All while calculating his chances at running to freedom.

"Don't do it Hiccup." Snotlout breathed in a whispery tone so as not to get Skye's attention solely focused on him. He may not have much going on in his life at the moment, but that by no means meant that he wished to die here at the hands of an irritated/pissed female.

Especially when said female was only half human.

For all he knew she might try to eat him once she killed him to get rid of the evidence or something.

However Hiccup wasn't listening to him, he was too busy trying to figure out how to calm Skye and save his first born son from a life of being called Star. Cause that really was a girl's name and no boy deserved to be saddled with it. However Skye had some very different idea's. "Well I think Star is a nice name for a boy. After all without stars we would have no light in the sky aside from the moon. They are not only pretty to look at but light and guide us! Our son should be honored to be named after them!"

Hiccup opened and then closed his mouth a few times before finally managing to say, "Yeah okay. Those are all valid points. Now here's mine, Star is a girl's name!"

"Well, since you feel that way...then I'll just name him Fluffy." Skye said with a huff as Hiccup all but gaped at her for several heartbeats before practically roaring.

"You will not name our son such a thing! What would the other Vikings think?"

"They would think their lucky stars that their mother didn't have this same argument with their idiot father and name them Fluffy!"

Snotlout had to bite the inside of his cheek just to keep himself from laughing at the dismayed look on his poor cousin's face as the man stared down his mate in his typical frustrated fashion before bellowing, "You are not naming my son Fluffy!"

"Oh yes I am!"

"No you aren't!"

"I'm the one who's pregnant, I get the final say! And I say his name will either be Fluffy or Star!" Skye shouted.

"Well I'm his father and I say no!" Hiccup shouted back. Causing Skye to let out a loud rumbling growl in warning. Her mate had better watch his step or their first born son would wind up named Fluffybottom Cotton-tail. Or something equally ridiculous. Just to embarrass he and his father both.

After all, just because their child would have a ridiculous name didn't make him have any less potential as a Viking warrior. Although the name would definitely help others to underestimate him. And while she wasn't terribly keen on naming their first son Fluffy like she had said she would, that in no way whatsoever meant that she would give up on the name Star.

After all stars were bright, lovely little lights that existed millions and millions of miles away.

They deserved to have someone named in their honor. She thought as Hiccup made this weird hand motion as if he wished to throttle her.

He probably would if I wasn't carrying his young, She thought to herself as Snotlout grabbed him and pulled him back from her before he could wrap his hands around her neck. Not that he actually would. She knew the man far better than he seemed to know himself.

And physically harming a woman simply for frustrating him, simply wasn't in him.