Hello, everyone! This is the continuation of an amazing NaruGaa fic by an author that goes by the name of "Dark Calamity of Princess" here on FFN. I want to share it, and as well as continue it now that I have her permission to do so. I hope you will enjoy this fic as much as I have in the past. :)

Much like the original fic, this is an AU where Sasuke has run off to be with the Akatsuki, but Naruto doesn't follow him for Sakura's happiness. Shukaku has not been removed from Gaara's body. The characters are all around the age of 17.

Warnings: This story includes rape, male pregnancy, lemons, and OOCness.

Once again, enjoy! :)

As usual, it was dark in Konoha around this time of night. The stars above were twinkling, but they weren't bright enough to bring warmth, as it was rather chilly out. Some people were alone, or curled up in their beds at this time, but not Naruto Uzumaki. He was out having the best time of his life with his friends in a crowded bar. To Gaara, it seemed as if Naruto was always happy, despite his childhood. Gaara wished he could be that optimistic.

You'd think that Naruto and Gaara would be close friends, especially after what they had gone through together and the similarities they shared.

Gaara watched Naruto and his friends having fun from outside the crowded bar. I guess we're not as close as I previously had thought… The red haired male sighed to himself. He really felt like crying, but he knew Shukaku would tease him for it. Naruto had invited all of his friends, except for him.

He felt rejected and lonely.


"I wonder why they didn't want me to come along…" He whispered to himself, even though he already knew the answer.

It was because he was Kazekage. As idiotic as it sounds, it was true.

You'd think that everyone would respect him and would be thrilled to be around him after he became Kazekage, but it felt as if everyone shunned him out like they did before. It was the exact opposite of what he wanted to happen. He understood somewhat. But…

Wasn't he still a normal teenager like everyone else?

He thought that Naruto would understand the struggle of being rejected because both of them had similar childhoods, but he was painfully mistaken. He thought Naruto, his first friend, would accept him like he was. People didn't call him "Gaara" or even "Gaara-sama" anymore. They called him "Kazekage-sama." Yes, it was proper and there was nothing wrong with it, but he didn't like it. He had been different from other teenagers for all of his life, but just as things started getting better, his status just had to ruin it. He just wanted to be a normal teenager. He wanted to be able to get drunk just for the hell of it, even if he didn't see the logic behind killing your brain cells with something that tasted horrible. He wanted to be able to stay out late without anyone thinking that the Kazekage was up to something immature. Gaara wanted to make friends, but because of his title, it was as if he wasn't allowed to be a normal teenager.

They all thought he was stuck up because of his title. They thought that he was their elder,treating him so formally and acting as if he would kill them if they made a mistake.

Honestly, all he wanted was some attention. When was the last time someone touched him with good intentions? He only knew what it felt like to be punched or kicked, and even though he knew his brother and sister loved him, they never gave him hugs or kisses. Getting a kiss from Kankuro would be a little awkward, though.

"Aww, is someone feeling a little lonely?" Ugh, not you again… He heard Shukaku speaking to him.

"Yes, actually, and I'm almost certain that it's your fault." Gaara could feel his eye twitching.

"Just because becoming Kazekage has proven to be a dumb choice doesn't mean you have to have such an attitude. You chose to become Kazekage because of that blonde idiot, right? Looks like he dumped you for people that actually know how to have some fun, hm?"

"I chose it for myself, and Naruto hasn't abandoned me… He probably just thinks that I wouldn't enjoy drinking as much as his other friends would."

"Or he thinks that you're boring. I sure as hell do." He could hear the smirk in Shukaku's voice.

"... What are you trying to say?"

"You know what I'm trying to say, idiot. You two are almost complete opposites. He's always happy and he has a lot of friends, but you're just so emo all of the damn time." Gaara had to admit that that was true, but he could feel a few tears stinging his eyes. He wouldn't let the demon get to him this time around.

"Just shut up already. You're irritating me."

"Have you forgotten who you were talking to-" Gaara quickly blocked his mind from Shukaku, too irritated and a bit too frustrated to hear the demon bitch at him. He always wondered why Shukaku was so damn sassy, like a female. The thought of the demon inside of him being female made him want to cringe.

Gaara looked up just as the midnight bell began to ring. I should get going now if I don't want any rumors to be spread about me… He was sure that if he stayed out a bit longer, a shinobi would see him and claim that the Kazekage was 'playing around' in the middle of the night. Tch.

Just as he was about to walk back to the hotel he was staying in, he heard the sound of someone vomiting violently. He turned around to see Naruto down the street, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. The blond then began to stagger towards Gaara, dancing and singing in his intoxicated state.

"... He's drunk…" Gaara said to no one in particular. He thought about leaving Naruto there to pass out on the street as revenge for not inviting him to his little party, but after thinking about all of the things Naruto went through for him, he couldn't help himself from going over to Naruto and supporting him. "Naruto, are you okay?"

"I feel like a bag of shit!" Naruto sang out loud. Gaara almost groaned out loud. He didn't have a good mindset when it came to dealing with drunk people. Naruto reeked of alcohol and vomit, and the smell made Gaara want to gag. The smell was tolerable when it was compared to all of the trouble that Naruto had to go through to make him what he was today, so he dealt with it.

Gaara found that taking Naruto back to his small apartment was a challenging task, considering that the blond was considerably taller than him. The thought of leaving Naruto alone in the street crossed his mind several times, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was getting tired from all of the weight on him.

So, this is what holding someone feels like…

Naruto was warm, and Gaara had never felt the body heat of another person. He thought about hugging Naruto, but he decided not to. I thought touching others would be painful… This was pure bliss for Gaara and he wanted to indulge in it for as long as he could. As soon as he got Naruto back to his apartment, he would have to let go forever and would have to reminisce about these carefree moments.


Night had passed as soon as it came. Birds could be heard comforting the peaceful atmosphere of the morning with their song. However, one blond, in particular, wasn't getting that carefree morning vibe with his extreme hangover. Naruto woke up with a pulsing headache and could barely move quick enough to get his head over the edge of his bed to vomit.

"Ugh…" The room spun as Naruto clutched his head. "I knew I would have a hangover, but damn…"

His bedroom felt somewhat foreign as his head stopped pulsing long enough for him to look around. The bedsheets had a familiar feel to him. He felt the creaminess of semen on his sheets. Maybe I drunkenly masturbated…

Naruto considered the possibility for a few moments before shaking his head a bit. "I can smell someone else in here…" He bit his lip. "I lost my virginity last night… B-But who did I lose it to?!" The blond gently grabbed at his hair, searching his mind for an answer.

Something felt like it didn't add up. He definitely had sex, but if that happened, wouldn't the mystery person leave some other type of indication that they were here?

All of that thinking made Naruto's brain hurt.

"Who the hell did I give my virginity to?!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs in frustration. He didn't care if his neighbors heard him through the thin walls.


Who did I have sex with?

Well, that's the end of this chapter! If you are reading this, I hope you enjoyed and tell me what you thought about it.