A/N: Hi there! I present to you a sequel to Lost in the Mind!

Now, I'm going to try and update the chapters once every Friday, like new episodes of a TV show (especially since we won't be getting any new TMNT 2012 episodes for a while now). However, since some of my chapters are long and takes time to edit (and because life keeps getting in the way), there are chances that I might miss my deadline. If that happens, wait for the next week.

So, without further ado, here is the first chapter of Lost in Revenge. Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

A cold night poured over the city of New York. Life sparkled through the streets and windows of sky-high buildings. But one building was dead to the outside world. A building that was once a church, but now served as a home for the devils.

Inside, the Shredder sat on his throne, with two of his Foot Bots standing on both sides as his bodyguards. Shredder was in another one of his long sessions of deep, dark thoughts and schemes; making absolute sure that every step to victory was perfect.

He was suddenly interrupted by the door opening far across from him, the sound of its hinges echoing through the almost empty room. Shredder opened his eyes and looked up.

Karai was the first to enter, followed behind by a small group of Foot Bots, Razhar, and Fishface. All but Karai were carrying large, metal boxes. The words, "TCRI," were engraved on each of the boxes.

"Report," Shredder ordered after Karai stopped at the foot of the stairs and bowed to her father.

Karai frowned at him but said, "Everything went as well as those aliens have said. They left these boxes at the docks at precisely 6 o'clock. We found them and brought them here with no trouble. We were not followed."

"Good." Shredder stood up. "That's a first in a long time," he mumbled.

"Master Shredder," Razhar spoke as he and the others carefully placed the heavy boxes down. "If I may be so bold, I would like to know: what exactly are in these boxes that are so important to you?"

"Yes," Fishface agreed, gazing at his metal box in front of him. He reached his webbed fingers out toward the box lid, desiring a peek. "I am very curious to know what sort of weapon those alien freaks have built for us-"

"Don't touch it!" Shredder commanded harshly. Fishface's fingers stopped an inch from touching the lid. "You will all find out soon enough," Shredder continued, walking down the steps to examine the metal boxes. "But first, I must speak with Kraang in private. Leave me."

Razhar, Fishface, and Foot Bots bowed respectively to their master and left the room.

Shredder turned and noticed that Karai had not moved. "You too."

"Father, with all due respect, is it wise to deal with the Kraang so closely?"

"Since when did this matter to you, Karai? It hadn't bothered you before when we worked with the Kraang race."

"It's just, you've been having private conversations with their leader for weeks. What are you two planning on?"

Shredder turned away from her, making his way back up the stairs. "It does not concern you, Karai."

"Yeah, sure," Karai mumbled to herself.

Shredder stopped, his eyes on her. "What was that?"

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt from all this," she replied smoothly.

Shredder studied her. "You are as stubborn as your mother once was. I cannot tell you the full plan just yet, but I can tell you that this will bring an end to Hamato Yoshi and his turtles once and for all."

"But we've tried to destroy them before," Karai pointed out. "What makes you think this plan will work?"

"It will." Shredder sat back down on his throne.

"But father-"

"Leave me, Karai."


"I said leave me!" His voice was so cold and firm, a chill ran down Karai's spine. She glared at him, thousands of colorful words against her father burning at the tip of her tongue. Her fists tightened at either sides of her.

But instead, Karai spun around and hurried straight out the door, leaving Shredder, once again, alone with his thoughts.

Donnie stretched his exhausted muscles, finally finished working on another one of his inventions. It was tired work, but Donnie loved every minute of it. Taking his goggles off and tossing them on his desk, he turned to his computer and began to check the news on the internet.

There were the normal crime news. Theft, fights, disturbances, nothing that the policemen couldn't handle. But there were no reports of stranger crimes. Crimes that would look very suspicious to the public eye. And, to a mutant, ninja turtle like himself, those crimes would either have been the work of the Foot Clan or the Kraang. But, so far, there had been no reported crimes on which to suspect that their enemies were involved in.

It has been a whole month since Shredder had acted against the Hamato family, and it has been several weeks since the Kraang really did anything. These two enemies have been very quiet. Too quiet. Not even the Kraang Orb that sat next to his computer acted up.

Donnie scratched his chin in thought. The last time they've heard from the Kraang, those aliens were planning on another invasion on New York. But when and how, Donnie wished he knew. The Kraang must be developing something big if they were keeping quiet for this long. And Shredder . . .

Donnie's eyes moved to the door. The Lair has been solemnly quiet like an empty tomb. Sighing, Donnie rubbed his drowsy face and got up, scratching the scar on his shoulder as he stepped out of his lab.

The only sound that greeted Donnie in the living room was that anime show on the TV. The only one watching was Raph, who was slouching on the couch and wearing a blank face. The light from the ceiling glistened over Raph's small scars on his skin; those that, unlike his other scars, did not fade away over time. Raph's eyes were on the TV, but even Donnie could tell that Raph wasn't really watching the show, using it as background music for his own, preoccupied thought. Donnie had done the same many times before.

Donnie turned to look at the Dojo Room, where Master Splinter must still be in, doing one of his many long meditations. Sensei seemed to be spending more time in the Dojo nowadays, and the only time Donnie ever saw him was during training sessions. Despite everything that happened, Sensei seemed to believe that things will soon get better and that only time can heal the wounds. But Donnie wondered exactly how much time does it need to take in order to heal. The wound in this family still felt fresh.

Donnie walked over to the kitchen, expecting Mikey to be there. Maybe he's talking to his pet, Ice Cream Kitty, in the fridge, or maybe experimenting another pizza. But there was no one in the kitchen.

Donnie walked back to the living room. "Hey Raph, where's Mikey?"

Raph only pointed his thumb toward their bedrooms. Donnie's face dropped. Mikey was there again.

Donnie walked to a small hallway of doors, each leading to a turtle's bedroom. One door, the one covered with Japanese symbols, space icon stickers, and a few punch marks here and there, was where Donnie found Mikey at.

Mikey was standing in front of the door, with a box of pizza in his hands.

"Come on, Leo! Open up," Mikey said to the door. He held the pizza box closer to the door. "Look, I made you your favorite pizza!" He pulled the pizza box open with his arm that was once broken, but now fully healed. Smoke of aroma escaped the box and the scent of the pizza instantly slammed into Donnie's nose. "Pepperoni with Space Heroes Cereal marshmallows! Come out so you can eat it! It's delicious!"

The door remained closed. Mikey's face crumbled a little, but it was quickly covered up by his large grin. "Hey, Leo! You wanna play some video games with me? You can pick the game! Or do you wanna go train or something? And while we play, you can eat your pizza!" Mikey stared at the closed door, waiting. But the door was as still as a wall. "Leo?" Mikey knocked on Leo's door.

Donnie opened his mouth to speak, but Raph's voice stopped him.

"He's not gonna answer," Raph called out from the living room. Donnie looked at him with disapproving eyes.

"Yes he will!" Mikey insisted to Raph. "He can't stay in his room forever! He'll get bored in there and his room will eat him alive! He's missing all the best stuff! Pizza, skateboarding, video games, trips to New York, and TV! He's never missed an episode of Space Heroes before!"

Raph turned his head toward them and Donnie could see raw emotions in his emerald green eyes, but they were overshadowed by anger. "Leo's never going to open that door. He doesn't want to see us, because he's a coward!"

"That's not true!" Donnie immediately said.

"Yeah, Leo's not afraid of anything!" Mikey added.

"Oh really?" Raph jumped over the couch, his rage building up. "Then why doesn't our 'fearless leader' come out of there and show his face to us!"

"You have no idea what he went through, Raph!" Donnie said.

"Oh yes I do!" Raph stormed up to them, his fists and face tight with his usual Raph fury. "Leo wasn't the only one that was under that Shred-head's control! His was just the longest! He should have talked to us about it! We all could have talked about it, letting it all out and moving on from that whole thing. But no! He's hiding himself behind that stupid door like a coward!"

"Raph, stop-"


He glared at the door, waiting. But Leo's door remained closed, staring coldly at the three longing turtles.

Shock hit Raph, only for the flames to return as Raph suddenly punched the door (leaving another mark on the door) and stomped out of the Lair. Donnie and Mikey watched him go.

Mikey turned back to the door, anguish cracking though his innocent eyes. "Donnie," he said, cheerlessly. "Is Leo ever going to come out? I miss him."

Donnie hated seeing Mikey like this, especially over this predicament. He put on a smile and placed a comforting hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Of course he will. He just needs some space."

"But this is taking forever! How much time does he really need?"

Donnie glanced at Leo's door and sighed. "I don't know, Mikey."

Mikey looked down at the pizza, clearly not liking the answer. "Hey," Donnie said to his baby brother. "Why don't we go play video games?"

Mikey hesitated, glancing at Leo's door once more, hoping that it will open. He then turned to Donnie, wearing weak smile. "Okay," he said.

Mikey closed the pizza box and lay it in front of Leo's door. "Hey, Leo!" He said to the door. "If you ever get hungry, I'm leaving your pizza in front of your door! Hope you like it!"

Again, the motionless door said nothing and Donnie had to pull the miserable Mikey away from the door.

But Donnie glanced back at Leo's door one last time, deeply hoping that he could finally see his older brother for the first time in a month.

But he might as well be looking at a wall.

96 . . . 97 . . . 98 . . . 99 . . . 100.

Leo released his hold on the bar (that he attached on the ceiling) and landed on his feet, finishing his third round of pull-ups today. Stretching his muscles, he walked over to the corner of his bedroom, where a bowl of cool water waited for him. There, Leo took the rag that lay beside the bowl, dipped it in, and washed his sweaty skin with the drenched rag.

He could feel muscles underneath the rag. Good. He was getting stronger.

He rinsed over his bare face, only to freeze on his left eye. Lowering the rag, he touched his fingers along the bright, red double scars that stretched from his left temple and down-across to his bottom right cheek, with his left eye right in-between the scars. At once, painful memories flashed in his mind. Shredder's blades striking his face, knives of electric torture stabbing him, the desperate struggle to take back control from the mind-control device . . . the horrified faces of his family when he attacked them. Leo could still hear their pleas for him to come back, their cries when he hurt them.

They wouldn't leave him alone.

Leo tossed the rag into the bowl, rubbing his tired eyes. Even in sleep, he found no peace. His dreams would be far worse than those memories of his evil deeds. His dream-self would actually finish the job and kill each and every one of his family. What's worse, his dream-self would enjoy it, killing them slowly and taking delight in hearing them scream. And oh, how he killed them. It was always different each night. Stabbing, decapitation, amputation, strangling, breaking their necks, slitting their throats, hanging them! There was just no end to it. Leo would often wake up suddenly and head straight into training, fueling himself for his goal.

He is going to pay. It was all his fault Leo was like this. This war and pain brought onto his family has gone too far. But Leo will put an end to it once and for all . . . no matter the cost.

Leo suddenly stopped when he heard a voice coming from behind his door. His heart fell heavy. It was Mikey.

"Hey, Leo! It's me, Mikey! You missed lunch again, so I brought some over! You can have it if you just come out!"

Oh, Mikey. Leo missed him. Out of all his brothers, Mikey was the most persistant (and the most patient) in trying to get Leo out of his room. It was Mikey that had visited him the most. Every day, Mikey would visit him, send him some pizza for him to eat, talk to him, tell him jokes, and sometimes plead with him to come out. Leo liked hearing Mikey's voice, though he yearned to see him.

Donnie would often visit him too, just passing the events of what's happened to them and to let Leo know that Donnie and the others miss him. Master Splinter also visited, giving him words of wisdom, assuring Leo that what happened wasn't his fault and that Splinter and his brothers don't blame him. Raph only visited him the first few times, shouting at him and punching his door in his usual anger, calling him a coward (among other things). Leo knew Raph was just trying to get on his nerves and provoke him enough to get him out of his room. It had almost worked, but Leo pulled himself back.

Leo had sworn to keep himself away from his family. He wasn't able to be with them, or even look at them, without feeling the cruel shame and guilt of what he had done to them. And there was always that tiny fear that Shredder had secretly left another mind control device in his brain that will unexpectedly take control of Leo once again and force him to finish the job, which Leo cannot allow. He can't be anywhere near them.

But Leo missed them so much, it was killing him. He missed all those innocent times when he would hang out with his brothers, share stupid jokes, training with them, traveling above the surface with them, and getting into shenanigans with them. He missed Master Splinter and his guidance. Leo could really use them right now.

It doesn't matter, he told himself. You've already chosen your path. There's no stopping it.

"Leo?" Mikey spoke, now sounding like a lost child, looking for his big brother to help him. Leo couldn't help himself but be drawn to the door, slowly raising his hand toward it. But he stopped himself. He couldn't. He just couldn't.

"Come on, Leo! Open up! Look, I made you your favorite pizza! Pepperoni with Space Heroes Cereal marshmallows! Come out so you can eat it!" Leo's stomach growled at the mention of food. Leo couldn't help but smile. Mikey sure had great timing when it came to food.

"Hey, Leo," Mikey spoke again. "You wanna play some video games with me? You can pick the game! Or do you wanna go train or something? And while we play, you can eat your pizza!"

The ache returned tenfold. Oh Mikey, he thought, resting his forehead on his door. You don't know how much I want that right now.

"Leo?" His door shook underneath his forehead as Mikey knocked on it from the other side. Leo's fingers twitched, itching to reach for the doorknob.

There was a faint mumble on the other side, and Mikey said, "Yes he will! He can't stay in his room forever! He'll get bored in there and his room will eat him alive! He's missing all the best stuff! Pizza, skateboarding, video games, going to New York, and TV! He's never missed an episode of Space Heroes before!"

Leo felt strangely empty over missing all those things, like he no longer considered them important anymore.

There was another mumble, though it was slightly clearer to understand. Leo was able to recognize the voice belonging to Raph.

"That's not true," Donnie suddenly spoke, and Leo shook in surprise. He didn't even hear Donnie come over.

"Yeah, Leo's not afraid of anything!" said Mikey. Leo shut his eyes and lowered his head.

Raph's voice grew louder with every sentence he spoke, making it easy for Leo to clearly hear him. "Oh really? Then why doesn't our 'fearless leader' come out and show his face to us!"

He just doesn't understand.

"You have no idea what he went through, Raph!" Donnie said defensively.

"Oh yes I do!" Now Raph was much closer and louder, standing right in front of his door and angrily shouting every word to Leo. "Leo wasn't the only one that was under that Shred-head's control! His was just the longest! He should have talked to us about it! We all could have talked about it, letting it all out and moving on from that whole thing. But no! He's hiding himself behind that stupid door like a coward!"

Both Leo's hands tightened to quivering fists.

"Raph, stop-"


Leo's hand shot to the doorknob. He was going to make Raph eat his words.

But right before he twisted the knob, he turned cold. His brothers' painful screams returned to his mind.

He couldn't. Seeing his brothers will only make it worse. All he will see will be his brothers lying at his feet, wounded, close to dying. And why would they want to see him? He had been a monster to them; they should be the ones hiding from him.

Very slowly, Leo retracted his hand from the doorknob. Raph was right. He was a coward. Not just a coward. He was weak too. He should have been strong enough to resist the mind-control device. He should have been strong enough to protect his brothers, his family. But he wasn't. Leo was supposed to be the leader; a strong and brave leader that would protect his family through thick and thin. But, over the course of several hours, Leo had failed his job. He failed as a leader and he failed as a brother and son. They should hate him instead of trying to reach out to him.

Leo quietly leaned his back against the door and slid down to the floor. He couldn't even allow himself to see his family and the scars that he had left on them. How low has he become?

No, he told himself. You are not weak or a coward. You have a plan. Your family will eventually understand. They have to; they've got no other choice.

"Hey, Leo!" He abandoned his thoughts when he heard Mikey call his name again. "If you ever get hungry, I'm leaving your pizza in front of your door! Hope you like it!"

Leo sighed. Raph must have stormed off. Donnie must have left as well. They all must be getting tired of trying to communicate with him. Except for Mikey; he just doesn't know when to quit.

Footsteps walked away from his door. Leo waited before he quickly (and quietly) opened the door and pulled the pizza box in, closing the door shut before anyone could see him.

Returning his back to the door, Leo held the pizza box on his lap and lifted the cover up. The aroma of the pizza scent hit him as he gazed down at the pizza. Leo's favorite pizza of Mikey's creation.

Leo sure was going to miss all this.

Smiling sadly, he took a piece and began eating it in peace.

Thanks for reading! Please follow, favorite, and/or review! It always helps me.