Basically an AU where Mabel hates Dipper for letting the summer end.

Been a couple of years, take this… whatever this is. I'm not very good at fanfiction, it limits me too much. I'll probably do an OC-filled nightmare one day if I get bored, you can look forward to that. ;


(Like it's the entire plot of this one-shot, don't force yourself.)


There has never been a worse day, I think to myself. Never been a worse day to remember you.

I remember the summer days I spent all those years ago, those magical, adventurous days! The days when I was free, when I wasn't just… me.

But that childhood is gone. It was over the day the forest took back its magic and wonder and left us on our own.

Some days, I think I see something out there, but it's never what I hope it is. Those days will never come back, and my sweet, sweet sister will never call my name again. All because I had to give up our perfect summer…

I stand before the bathroom mirror now, hair grayed and thinning, skin loose and pale.

I've lived my life and gotten nothing out of it. I've suffered through my days, alone and trapped in this gray world, the sound of my own laughter long forgotten.

And yet, I still remember you. Bright, always too bright, brighter than the sun. I was you, and yet at the same time, you were someone else entirely. You were someone I strived to be, and yet I always fell short by miles upon miles upon miles and I…

I give up.

There's no bringing you back to me, not after what I did, I think to myself as I open the cabinet. I've tried and tried and tried and…. I'm exhausted. Oh, God, I'm so tired, sister…

I reach for the bottle, neatly tucked into the cabinet like everything else in my life. Orderly, predictable, safe…. Boring.

My frail, shaking hands are slow, too slow, to open the bright orange container. Prescribed by doctors to improve my old, pained life. However, I'm using it to end it all.

How ironic.

I tip the container back and swallow it's contents, only ten pills but it's enough. I almost choke on the dry capsules and find myself relieved that they go down.

Lying on the floor, I make sure the last words I whisper are your name. You both gave me life and took it away...
