Chapter Notes

Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting and leaving kudos on this story.

No plans for a follow-up but I do have some smaller pieces in the works. If you like my stuff, feel free to follow me as an author on AO3 or (EllieBear75) or on Tumblr b-lovedninja

Much LoVe to everyone!


Veronica heard squawking. She lay in bed with her eyes still closed. How did a bird get into the loft? She thought in her sleepy haze.

"I got you." Veronica heard Logan's voice, quietly, near her head.

Veronica still felt dozy. Logan caught the bird. It's fine. No need to wake up, she said to herself.

The birds sound gave way to a small cry. This time, Veronica opened her eyes to see what was going on.

The sun was coming through the shades, casting long shadows in their bedroom. Logan was standing over the new dresser on his side of the bed, his back to her. He was talking in hushed tones to the little bird on the soft covering on the top. Veronica came back to her senses. Not baby bird; Baby Mars was who he had in his hands.

She watched from her pillow as Logan quickly maneuvered their little boy into a new diaper before he got peed on. There was a little cry of annoyance as the new dad slipped the baby into a new pair of sleepers, but he managed to get him swaddled back up and on the road to content before the baby broke into a full cry.

Logan turned around towards the bed. Veronica was sure he had never been more stunningly beautiful than he was at that moment. His face was covered in thick stubble from two days in the hospital with her and he had dark purple circles under his eyes. His hair was shaggy and his sweats and muscle shirt were rumpled. Up near his shoulder, Logan carried his little doppelganger, swaddled in a gauzy blue wrap, with his two large, strong hands.

Kaeden Richard Mars came into the world with a full head of dark brown hair, a mere 7 lbs, 2 oz in weight, and a whopping 24 inches long. Veronica told everyone that the first time she held the little boy, his lip curled and he smirked at her. Logan insisted it was all the drugs and sleep deprivation that made her see that in the newborn child, but she was convinced that she had given birth to his clone. The 48 hour labour was a test of both of their patience and Veronica's endurance. And when she finally pushed him into the world at 7:14 am, Logan told anyone who would listen that it was the single most amazing thing he would ever witness in his life.

Logan bounced the griping baby softly, making small shushing sounds as he did. Veronica caught his eye and smiled. Logan's face lit up with pure joy when he saw her. "Hey! I was trying to let you sleep a bit longer, but I think he's hungry." Logan said quietly and walked to her side of the bed.

Veronica rolled on her back and shuffled her way up to sit against the headboard, groaning. A long labour, lack of sleep, and an episiotomy were catching up to her. "What time is it?" She asked as she undid the first few buttons of her pajama top.

Logan carefully brought Kaeden down onto his back and passed him to Veronica. Smelling food, the little boy's noises got louder. Veronica popped one engorged breast out of her bra and presented her nipple to the baby. He latched on hungrily, his little eyes rolling to the back of his head in milk drunk ecstasy. Logan sat near Veronica and shook his head. "7:30. His last feed was three hours ago. This boy can really pack it away. Must be the Mars gene pool."

Veronica winced as Kaeden clamped down hard on her with his gums. She adjusted the boy and he continued feeding happily. "Gotta get some traits from me, since he looks completely like you."

Logan smiled, still not taking his eyes off his wife and son. "I still can't get over the fact that you now have food coming out of you."

"Moo." Responded Veronica playfully, keeping her eyes on their son and gently petting his dark hair.

Logan chuckled. "You know what the best part about it being morning is?"

Veronica looked up at Logan and caught his eye. "The fact that Grandma and Grandpa will be here to help in an hour and a half?"

Logan's eyes danced at the thought of breakfast and a shower. "Well...there's that...but more importantly, we managed to keep Kaeden alive for his first night at home. Without help. And with me only staying awake and watching him sleep for the first few hours." He said happily.

Veronica shook her head. She always thought that she would be the overprotective parent. But Logan had not let Kaeden out of his sight for a second since he was born. He followed their child to the nursery for every check-up. He paid for a large private room so the baby could stay with them. And when the doctor explained how they would circumcise the infant, Logan's entire face turned white and he grabbed the child from the doctor, insisted that his boy was going to be uncircumcised, and walked out of the room with Kaeden to get some air.

Logan now reached over and stroked his son's head, lovingly. When they found out they were having a boy, Logan panicked at first. Thankfully, their couples therapist was able to convince him that just because Aaron abused him, did not mean that he would abuse his son. He channelled his anxiety and kept himself busy renovating the loft so there were now three enclosed rooms – one master bedroom, one nursery, and one spare room with an ensuite for when Gareth and Hunter came to visit.

"I still can't believe we made a human." Veronica said, blissfully, gazing at her husband.

Logan was positively giddy. "I know. What's up with that?"

"I love you." She whispered to Logan and looked down to see Kaeden had fallen asleep in her arms.

"I love you too." Logan replied, keeping close watch on his beautiful family.