I hated waking up in the Hermes cabin, I had to sleep on a mattress on the hard wood floor which messed up my muscles and made me constantly feel the need to crack my back.
Looking to my right I found Percy still asleep, between being un-excitingly welcomed (if you could even call it that) by the rest of the Cabin after finding out he was undetermined to being forced to sleep in a sleeping mat on the floor, I kind of felt bad for the kid.
After Annabeth announced that he was unclaimed everyone groaned and left him to himself. I kind of understood the frustration the Hermes kids must have felt having a bunch of campers pile up in their room, like "Hello, are you undetermined, un-wanted? Doesn't matter welcome to Cabin 11, the human garbage disposal for any and all kids."
But as much as I could empathise with the Hermes campers I still felt pity for the undetermined boy.
In a matter of 24 hours, he discovered the existence of Greek gods and goddesses, had the 'pleasure' of being shown around by Annabeth, and seems to be indefinitely stuck in an overcrowded cabin with a bunch of campers who didn't want him there.
Well… Except me. I didn't mind having him around.
It was weird, I usually couldn't care less about entertaining any of the new campers but I found Percy entertaining. Even if he was slow for a 12 year old.
I decided I would strike up a conversation with him as I was making my way to breakfast. After last night, rumours were spreading around the campers about how he practically drowned Clarisse in the bathrooms.
His popularity didn't necessarily increase after that.
As I made my way to the pavilion, I slipped onto the empty seat next to him.
"Hey there", I greeted him as I began to shove in my food in my mouth, "What's your plan for today?"
Percy scrunched his eyebrows together and looked at me a bit oddly as if he couldn't comprehend the fact that another living being was voluntarily interacting nicely with him.
"Umm… Hello?" He finally answered back. Although it was a response he made it sound more like a question.
As I continued eat, I heard him clear his throat.
"Chiron mentioned something about rotating through activities trying to find something I was good at. Know what that's about?"
"Well it's pretty simple," I told him in between bites, "basically Chiron will make you do a bunch of different activities and depending on what you're best at, we can start finding out who's your godly parent".
"Of course nothing's confirmed until you're officially claimed," I continued, "but it doesn't hurt to try and find out. It also let's us know what weapons your good at handling. Once we know that, you can start practicing and honing your skills to be able to defend yourself, which is really useful against monsters."
"Oh," He responded his face crestfallen, "does that mean that monsters are always going to follow me as soon as I leave Camp Half-Blood? And what if I'm no good at any of the activities and can't handle any weapons, how am I going to defend myself?"
Those were all very good questions.
"Listen Percy, demigods are always going being tracked down by monsters, it's like our thing. Whenever you decide to leave camp, a monster will come after you. An attack may happen every five hours, or every five years but at the end of the day it only takes on good swipe to kill you." His face darkened as I continued.
"When you try all of these activities, you will find one that will suit you and hopefully learn a thing or two about protecting yourself. But hey, your DNA is ingrained with battle-field reflexes so your bound to keep yourself alive somehow."
"Listen, if it makes you feel better I've somehow managed to pick up a few things out of the typical camp curriculum to defend myself. If I can take care of myself, you definitely can as well."
His lips started to turn upwards hearing that.
"Yeah?" He smiled at me.
"Yeah" I grinned back. "Anyways, I think Annabeth can help teach you a couple of things, so you should be spend more time with her, she gives pretty good advice even if she can be a bit annoying about it."
At the mention of Annabeth, Malak noticed the smile that was on Percy's face a few moments ago was replaced by a grimace.
"She's pretty cordial, well-most of the time at least, and she'll make sure you-"
"It's not that." Percy cut in as I was trying to make his situation sound more appealing than it actually was.
"Then why are you so reluctant to spend any time with her?" I questioned him, my eyes narrowing in confusion.
"It's just that I don't think she likes me very much. Like, at all."
"So? From all of our previous encounters you don't strike me as someone who runs the other way because someone doesn't like you." I questioned him raising my eyebrows a bit.
"Do you like her?" I said in sudden realisation, "Is that why you care so much about her opinion?"
His head shot up as he immediately tried to defend himself while simultaneously choking on his food.
"I do not like her!" He exclaimed with a flushed face, "I just don't like hanging out with her is because she's always making snide comments and treats me like I'm stupid" He sulked.
"And she's always questioning me about some solstice as if I know anything. I mean, does she not realise I didn't know that greek gods existed until yesterday? I just don't know what she expects me to tell her."
So there's something unusual occurring in Olympus… Interesting. if Annabeth's been interrogating the new kid then there has to be something important going on. She also wouldn't be harassing Percy
about if she didn't think he wasn't important.
"Yeah yeah, sure," I answered back a bit absent mindedly,
"Anyways," I told him as I downed the last bit of coffee, "I've got things to do, places to see and Chiron's heading over - ehh -probably to take you to the arena."
"Hey, don't look so sullen I'll see you at dinner tonight or sometime today if I manage to run into you." I waved at him as I headed to the woods to start on my own practice.
As I made my way into the forest, I found my spot where I usually spent most of my days at camp-half blood. I felt like it was a good place from practicing whatever the hell it was I was good it.
It was weird, I was gifted with herbs and medicines and could usually make things that even the Apollo Cabin found difficult to come up with. But I looked nothing like any of the Apollo Kids, in fact the complete opposite with my brown hair, tan skin, and hazel coloured eyes.
Even though I didn't know who my godly parent was I knew that there were some things I could do that I hadn't seen anyone around me been able to master or even mention. Most demigods chose some sort of a weapon, that they would be able to master and channel most of their power through that… but I was different.
First of all, I didn't feel any attachment to a weapon or magical item like Annabeth with her Cap and Will with his bow and arrows. It was almost as if my mind was my weapon.
I know.
I sound like i've fucking lost it. Even by demigod standards.
But this was different, I often found that I could do really weird things with my mind.
Before coming to Camp Half-Blood, there was this girl at my school that used to pick on me. Fucking Julie Huff.
I. Despised. That. Thing.
After sticking three pieces of bubble gum, knowing I have to chop have my hair off, I got so angry that I remember having my emotions spur out of control and having her drop to the ground in pain.
I knew it was me. It had to be. To be frank, that wasn't the last time something like that happened.
I also happened to be able to control things with my mind; I could lift stuff, hurt people, and light things on fire without lifting a finger.
But the thing is, my powers didn't fit in under any of the 12 main Olympic gods and goddesses. While trying to find out who my godly parent was, I would also practice my ability to brew things and testing out new combinations.
I started brewing the elixirs, which I knew Will would start asking me for soon. Once those were done and bottled up, I began to try transforming the shape of a rock into a knife. I wasn't amazing and it but I was determined to keep trying until I knew I could do it. Then I finished up my practice by reading ancient Greek textbooks about herbal remedies.
I would often lose track of time in the forest. Once I began practicing, all I could do was focus on that for hours on end.
It also helped that my spot was completely secluded in a patch of greenery behind a bunch of bushes that overlooked the lake and strawberry fields. It felt like I could see everything around camp from that spot and no one could find me. I loved that feeling.
By the time I was done with everything I wanted to do for the day, I noticed that the colour of the sky had changed. When I first got to the forest the sky had been a bright blue with faint translucent clouds in the sky. Now, it had become a purplish dark with stars that were beginning to show.
I swore under my breath as I realised I was probably late for dinner.
I scrambled up as I ran to the mess hall hoping I wasn't too late. By the time I arrived everyone had already been seated and talking animately with each other. Everyone except for one camper who looked glum.
Surprise, surprise, it was Percy Jackson.
After sacrificing some food into the fire I made my way to the Cabin 11 table and sat next to Percy. While he busy questioning me about where I'd been all day, I was already shoving food into my mouth.
"Hey what took you so long?" He questioned looking at me, "I thought you were going to miss dinner."
"Never!" I told him, "I just ran a bit late cause I got a bit caught up with practice and didn't notice the change in sky, that's all."
He raised his eyebrow at me, "You've been practicing this entire time." I bobbed my head up and down not bothered to give a verbal response as I continued to focus on finishing the food on my plate.
"Malak," He started, "You do realise it's been eight hours since you've last seen me correct?"
I smiled sheepishly at him,
"Lost track of time I guess. Wait, you counted the hours? Stalker." I sung the last word at.
Although he turned a bit red he managed to roll his eyes at me before turning back to his food.
We continued to make small talk for the rest of dinner before we headed back to our cabin together. He talked to me about Yancy Academy, smelly Gabe, and him and his mom's odd traditions.
"Wait, seriously?" I managed to ask in between laughs.
"Yeah," Percy responded, "It's been a thing ever since; blue pancakes, blue cupcakes, blue candy, blue ice-cream and the list goes on."
"Why blue though?"
"I don't know. It started out with her getting me blue candy and cakes than it became a thing for us."
"What about you?" He asked me.
"What about me?"
"What's your family like?"
I took a deep breath before I started to talking, "My family are an interesting bunch. My mom works as a freelance artist which pays well occasionally. My dad has a typical white collar office job."
"Wait, how are you a demigod if both your parents are mortal?" Percy asked in confusion.
I shook my head. "My parents adopted me when I was a baby. As far as what's been told to me, I was left in a trash can near an orphanage. When one of the ladies was taking out the trash, she heard me crying and took me in. I was adopted a few months later."
Percy mouthed an 'oh' to me.
"I don't really remember much about the orphanage and don't know if I want to. But as far as I can remember all my childhood memories are with my parents, so I've never felt like I needed anyone else."
"How did they find out you were a Demigod? Do they know?"
"My parents knew I was a demigod long before I did." Percy's eyes widened.
"What… How?"
"My dad happens to be a descendant from a demigod of Demeter. There's barely any god within him, so no monsters running after him. As for my mom, she could always see through the mist."
"The mist?"
"The mist is kind of like this veil between us and mortals." I tried to explain, "Mortal brains can't really process any sort of magical or supernatural situation. So if a human happened to see a monster attacking a demigod they would probably see some sort of a car crash or natural disaster instead."
"Can most humans do that?"
"Nah, it's really rare for humans to be able to see through the mist much less stay sane." I said shaking my head.
"Anyways, thats why I was lucky enough to grow up with my family. They understood how to raise a demigod and knew how to keep me safe. I would even spar with my dad." I said that last bit fondly as I remembered all of the training I did with my dad.
"Wait spar? You can use a sword?"
My face glowered a bit. "What, shocked that a girl can handle a dagger and sword? Thats a bit sexist, don't you think Jackson?"
"No, NO that's not what I meant," He tried to catch himself quickly,
"I was just curious because I didn't see you at the arena today, that's all."
"Yeah, well I practice in my own time."
The Cabin Door opened as someone's head peered out.
"Guys it's almost time for curfew," Luke called out to us, "Lights out in ten. You both better be in by then." he said before making his way back in.
"Come on," I told Percy, "I feel like tomorrow's going to be a long day and I know I'll need the sleep."
My neck and back were no better the next morning. I could feel Percy giving me the stink eye as I started crack my neck and knuckles. I could feel the glare getting worse by the crack. But I went to go get showered before he could actually tell me anything.
After showering I made my way to the mess hall with the intention of to piling my plate with as much food as I could.
As I shoved the last bits of my breakfast in my mouth I turned my head with my eyebrow raised in Percy's direction when I heard him cough a couple of times.
"So what's your schedule today?"
"I don't have a schedule." Percy eyes scrunched up.
"What do you mean you don't have a schedule?"
"I mean that I still take up Ancient Greek with everyone else, but when it comes to outdoor activities I can already use a sword and a dagger but that's not how I defend myself."
"Then how do you defend yourself?"
"With my mind."
"Your mind?" his tone incredulous.
"Yes, my mind." I responded in a matter a fact tone.
"How do you fight people with your mind?"
"Easy. I can lift things, change the component of almost any object to the weapon I want, make water and fire appear, invade peoples thoughts, and many other things…" He just stared at me with his mouth open like a goldfish and backed away a bit.
"Oh come on!" I rolled my eyes, "When you get your powers you'll probably be able to some pretty impressive stuff too."
His mouth shut a little after that.
"Anyway we have capture the flag tonight so I'm going to take you to the armory and make sure you find something that fits before dinner tonight."
"Sure, I have canoeing from 4:00-5:00 so meet me at the lake then." I gave him a thumbs up and got up to focus on what I had planned for the day.
After a few hours of brewing and practicing some of the effects of my mind on some inanimate objects I decided that I should deliver the box of elixirs to Will before heading to meet Percy.
I looked at the massive box filled with 25 glass bottles filled with maroon liquid to the brim. I was already dreading the idea of carrying it to the infirmary.
"Gods be with me," I gasped as carried the box.
I hated this routine.
As much as I loved making these elixirs for Will, I thought in a heavily sarcastic tone, I abhorred the walk I had to take to reach him.
It always felt like the slowest and most painful walk I could ever endure which always made my legs feel like jelly and my arms go numb.
Feeling like my limbs were going to fail on me, I finally reached my destination where Luke quickly grabbed the box from my failing arms before I flopped down on one of the beds.
Will always found the state in which I arrived hilarious, this usually resulted in me glaring up at him.
"Falling into bed already? How lady like! Don't you think we should wait more for our relationship to evolve before taking that step?" He teased.
"How funny Will," I responded back rolling my eyes, "believe it or not I have better things to do then lie in bed with you all day." He continued to chuckle thinking he was 'oh so funny' while I searched my pockets till I found my other elixir. I did not hesitate to down that thing.
"What the hell are you drinking, I've never seen a drink in that particular colour? Are you on drugs?" He asked, his eyes widening at the last part of that question.
"Gods Will!" I exclaimed, "It's just a revival drink! It's just supposed to give me energy after exhausting myself."
"Don't drugs 'revive' you as well?"
"Obviously, you've never done drugs."
"Have you?" He raised his eyebrows anticipating my reaction.
"I reserve my right to the fifth amendment." His eyes widened at my response but let it go after a few minutes of bantering.
"If this drink can 'revive' you than why don't you ever make some for me?"
"Because then I'd have to carry twice as many bottles on my way here." I replied, he shook his head at me before heading back to mend other patients. I on the other hand went to the lake so I could find Percy and prepare him for capture the flag tonight.
I found Percy in the middle of the lake and gave him my best taxi whistle, as his eyes widened in recognition he paddled his way towards me.
"I see your doing well in some of the camp activities." I told him in a sing song tone.
"Hardly," He snorted, "It's the only thing I've been able to do right since I've come to camp."
"Well hopefully you'll do better at capture the flag tonight." He muttered something incorrigible under his breath as his facial expression worsened. His eyebrows just scrunched together in frustration, his entire body stiff and hands in balled up in fists.
"Hey," I told him as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "You'll do fine tonight, and if not than there's always the Friday afterwards." He looked a bit surprised at the physical contact but his posture slowly became more relaxed, his hands unclenched and his eyes softened as he looked back at me.
"Thanks Malak," he said smiling at me, "You know if my mom was here I'm sure she would have loved you."
"Thanks Perce," I beamed at him, "Let's go find your size now." I told him as we entered the armoury.
"Is this place always empty?" Percy asked as we were the only people present. I shook my head.
"Usually not, especially not during capture the flag but maybe their already revising battle plans. Who knows?" I said nonchalantly.
"Now," I told him, "You look like a size five" as I gave him once over, which he blushed at. I opened the cupboards as I searched for his size. As I finally found one I tossed it at Percy in which he huffed as he caught it.
"Do you need help putting it on?" I asked
"I'm thirteen not three Malak," His eyes shot up to my face, "I think I can put some armour on successfully."
"Whatever." I responded rolling my eyes and sat down. Although Percy had managed to get his armour on it was crooked and was untied properly.
I sighed as I got off the table and strode towards him, he let me help him this time with minimum complaints on his end. Percy's face got redder the closer I got to him seeing as I had to re-place the armor from scratch around his body which got me slightly pressed up towards him. Although I was completely mature about the situation, Percy continued to get more fidgety and redder.
I bent down to tie the armor on the front of his upper leg with the one in the back of his leg which caused my arms to circle around it.
"Ummm M-Malak yo-you done yet?" He asked getting even more panicked.
"Calm down Percy, I'm on the last leg." As I moved closer, in order to tie the final cord on his leg, I felt something poke the back of my neck.
"Percy, I'm almost done could you stop pestering me with your poking?" I exclaimed not looking up. However after that statement all Percy wanted to do was get away from me, I actually had to grab his leg to keep him from running.
"What is your problem?!" I asked frustrated at the fact he was acting so childish that I was near him, but what made me stop from continuing my rant is when I realised I was face to face with umm a certain lower body particle which was tented.
I felt my cheeks burn as I looked up at him though he would not meet my eyes. I tugged one last time before I got up muttering "All done."
I didn't even hear his response as he practically sprinted out of the room before I could say anything.
Well, that was awkward to say the least.