Rewrite. Jars of Hearts. I'm obsessed with this story and I want to rewrite what my awful sixteen year old self wrote... Please forgive my old writing. It really was atrocious. This time, this story will have developed plot lines, characters, descriptions, etc.

Rewrite: Another Heart Calls

P.S. I've been slightly inspired from One Tree Hill as I've binge-watched all nine seasons in an entire month. I'm in love. And Musa's character might be inspired by Peyton as I relate the two together.

"Do you remember when we didn't care

We were just two kids that took the moment when it was there

Do you remember you at all

Another heart calls-"

-All American Rejects

Musa drove along the freeway with her windows down, blaring Tiesto's new album as she drove back towards her home from the international airport. Summer was officially coming to an end. For her, that meant no more vacationing in private villas in Europe with her father. Aside from his few "clients," he actually spent real bonding time with her. That was the first time they had consistently spent a long period of time together since her mother's passing five years ago. Together, they spent a day in the Vatican, they vacationed several days in Florence and Rome indulging in real wines and gelato. Of course their trip consisted of backpacking through Scotland and Ireland and watched the aurora borealis in Iceland. Summer had been good for her- real good.

She had spent a whole summer away from Gardenia, no technology aside from the few emails she had sent to her friends at computers at random cafes. She had ditched social media and brought along her travel journal. She also had compiled a list of her top college choices and career options. By doing so, she had a way out of Gardenia.

Leaving Gardenia was something many did not do. Once you are in, you are in forever. One night after a long night of drinking a variety of wines, her and her father had an adult conversation over poker and cigars. He said, "Musa, when you graduate, you are going away to college. We are moving away from this town and starting our lives over. Never get caught up in this stuff, it will stay with you forever." Musa nodded along, knowing exactly what her father meant. Gardenia was not a town full of friendly occupants.

He finished the conversation, "I want to do what your mother always had planned for us."

Musa turned her attention back to the road once she saw her exit.

GARDENIA 1/4 mile

Even though she had an incredible summer, there was a small part of her that was relieved to return to her friends- Brandon, Flora, Bloom, Techna, Nabu, and Helia. She sure did miss them and their quirks. Summer was fun, but it wasn't the final summer that one is supposed to have with their friends before their senior year.

The sun was beginning to set and dusk was rolling over. The clouds were no longer white and puffy; the sky was no longer blue. Instead, the sky was embedded with a variety of different hues. Many were pinks, oranges, yellows, and blues. The sky was captivating and it was one of the only things beautiful about Gardenia.

She would be home in roughly five minutes.

Growing restless with the current album playing, Musa turned her head towards her CD case and flipped through the book, searching for a different album. At the same time she was distracted, a man was walking across the street, dribbling a basketball. After finally finding the CD, she glanced up and she was about to collide with a person.

(Yes, I took this similar scene from One Tree Hill)

Musa quickly responded by slamming her foot onto her breaks. She lowered her head towards her steering wheel and closed her eyes. After what felt like minutes, she opened lifted her head up and opened her eyes. She exhaled a breath when she realized she did not kill the person in front of her. In fact, she had missed him by a few inches.

The man walking across the sidewalk appeared be none other than Riven Harrington. He took his headphones out of his ears and stared at her inquisitively. After a few seconds, Musa raised her hands and motioned him on his way. He tossed her one last look before putting his headphones back in his ears and continued on his way to wherever he was going.

Befuddled, she shook her head and slowly drove away. Riven Harrington, an old friend, was now a distant memory. When was the last time had they spoken to each other?

The sun set and it was now ten o'clock. An abandoned building was filing with senior students from Gardenia Heights. Every year, someone exclusively threw a party for the Gardenia senior class in an abandoned building in the midst of nowhere. The person throwing the party was always a Gatsby type figure. No one knew who the host was and no one questioned because it was one night where all differences were to be set aside. It was one night where the two conflicting rivals (Alfea Avengers and Red Fountain Warriors) were forbidden to fight one another.

"I cannot believe we are seniors," Stella brought her glass to her lips and sipped on her alcoholic beverage. The summer kickoff, whoever it is hosted by, is always the party of the year. Everyone was in a pleasant mood, as they have had all summer to spend away from the drama, fighting, etc. It was particularly everyone's favorite day because they could indulge in a day without violence and everyone could let their guards down.

"We pretty much own the school now," Sky said while approaching his group of friends with several cups of alcohol. Stella, Riven, Layla, and Timmy, Jason, and Flora were gathered together on the upper-deck of the building. They were overlooking the bottom floor to the party. The senior class was out on the dance floor dancing with one another.

"We have one more year of this bullshit," Riven tipped the bottle of his drink back. Cool, dark liquid splashed against his lips.

"And we only have one more year with her... look what the cat dragged in," Stella scoffed as a certain brunette walked through the entrance to the party. Momentarily after she walked through the doorway, she was greeted with cheers, hugs, and a kiss from her boyfriend.

Riven placed his drink on the ledge of the upper-deck and turned to his friends. "She almost hit me today with her car."

"Musa?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah, then she got mad at me for being in her way and motioned for me to hurry along."

"You know, that is the first time I have seen her all summer," Flora commented. "Actually, I haven't seen her or her father the entire summer. As her neighbor, you would have thought I would have seen someone at least once. Her house sat vacant."

"I heard she went on some European summer vacation," Stella responded in a bored tone.

"Her father probably went over there to visit his clientele. You know he is pretty infamous for that," Sky said in a careless manner. Nobody in Gardenia was innocent. Everyone was involved in their own type of mysterious business and nobody questioned otherwise. It as the typical behavior in the city.

"Who cares about her dad, is it me, or did she get hotter over the summer?" Jason asked, eyeing her across the room. Musa was dressed in a tight fit, low-cut, red dress that hugged her body in all the right places and black wedges that gave her a few more inches, which happened to accent her lingering legs. Her hair hung almost down to her waste and she had this aurora around her; it was impeccable.

"Ow," Jason grasped his shin after Stella kicked him.

Defending his friend from Stella's death stare, Sky casually said while raising his hands for truths, "Look, she's attractive. Hell she's hot, but it doesn't mean we are into her or we like her because we don't. After all, she's an Avenger and we don't bang those girls. But we are allowed to look."


"Please, don't act like you don't eye Brandon occasionally," Riven smirked. He had been watching Stella friend all night observe and study the alpha male. He had spent most of his night leaning in front of a beam, searching from the crowd. Presumably, he was searching for Musa.

"Fuck off Riven Harrington."

Stella sharply turned her body away from her friends and walked along the railing. She sauntered away but not without throwing her friends another vindictive glare.

"Way to go. She's going to be pissed forever," Jason exhaled a loud sigh.

"Hey, not my fault she commented on Musa's hotness," Riven laughed.

Sky raised his eyebrow in his friends direction. "You just called Musa hot."

Smirking, Riven replied, "Never said she wasn't."

(This is occurring at the same time as Riven/friends are on the upper-deck)

Brandon rubbed the palms of his hands against his cargo shorts while he eagerly waited for his girlfriend to come home. It had been too long since he had last seen her.

"Are you nervous?" Bloom asked.

"No," Brandon laughed. "Maybe a little. I'm just excited that she is back home."

"Well here, I thought you could use one of these. I got two just in case," Bloom extended her arm towards Brandons' and handed him the liquid in the solo cup. Only moments passed before he brought the liquid to his lips.

"Thanks, I needed this."

"So where is everyone?" Bloom asked. Brandon was always especially observant of his close friends and his group. He was always surveying the room to see where his friends were at. Just in case a fight broke out, he wanted to be there to protect them. As a leader, it was his role to protect and guide everyone.

"Well Layla and Helia are out on the dance floor."

"You know, he doesn't seem like much of a dancer," Bloom asked. Surprisingly, Layla and Helia had been dating the longest out of everyone in the group. Since freshmen year they had been together. However, they were total opposites.

"No, but sometimes dancing is better than dealing with Layla's wrath. Techna went to the restroom and Jared is talking to the DJ."

"Ahh, well I saw Mitzi flirting with some sophomore boy a little bit ago," Bloom drew from her memory.

"Doesn't surprise me."

Bloom was about to say something until she observed the look on Brandon's face transform from calm and collective to happy and jittery. It was quite the facial light up.

"Come on," Brandon grabbed Bloom's arm and pushed past the crowd of people.

"Brandon," Musa excitedly yelled and she ran and jumped into his arms. After a few seconds of kissing him, Brandon put her back on the ground.

"Bloom," Musa gushed and threw her arms around her friend and soon all of her friends encircled her.

It had been a good night thus far. Everyone was dancing to music, singing along to the songs, and drinking freely. What was even better was that everyone was getting along and for once, the great divide seemed to be nonexistent. The Warriors were getting along with the Avengers and vice versa. Of course, in two days, the divide would exist again and the war would begin again.

After several drinks, Musa pulled away from Brandon's arms. He was engaged in a conversation with a younger Avenger.

"Hey where are you going?" Brandon interrupted his conversation and turned towards Musa.

"I'm hot, I'm going to get some air. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Want me to come with you?" Brandon questioned.

"No, stay here and talk. I won't be gone long and besides we have all night together," Musa winked and walked away.


It was quiet, just the way Musa liked it. She stared at the night sky and casually sipped on her drink. Sure she loved a party like the next person, but she also loved her freedom and space.

Momentarily, the wind picked up and blew against Musa's skin. Suddenly, there was eerie feeling surrounding her and it wasn't from the wind blowing. Musa trusted her instincts and she picked up that something wasn't right.

"And what do we have here?" A raspy voice spoke.

That voice- Musa knew that voice from anywhere. It sent chills up her spine and it made her cringe with hate. She turned her head sharply and started into dark orbs. Standing a few feet from her was Mandragora. He was a man with a very, very dark soul.

"Mandragora," She sourly spat.

"Musa, you are looking fine tonight. You shouldn't wear dresses that tight, you know what it does to me," He laughed, stepping onto the patio. Before taking another step forward, he brought his brown paper bag to his lips.

She took a step back, separating herself from him. She quickly glanced around her surroundings. If she screamed, no one would hear her as the music was playing too loud. It would be hard to run inside as he was standing near the door. Her only option was to fight like hell if he attacked her.

"You need to leave," Musa growled, putting her arms in front of her, getting ready to defend herself.

"Hey, don't be like this. I'm only here to play." His laugh echoed the once quiet back yard.

"You're sick. You need help," Musa fired back. "Just like your brother Ogron," she growled. She knew exactly what to say to him to make him angry. Finding people's weak points and making them vulnerable was her best fighting tactic. She saw his left eyebrow twitch and the smirk twist off of his face.

"You little-" Mandragora seethed.

"Hey, last time I checked you weren't supposed to be on our property," A familiar voice snapped.

Musa turned her head slightly and saw a dark shadow move onto the patio. Riven now separated her from Mandragora.

"I came to see what the party was about. You know I love a good party," Mandragora laughed. "I'm sad I wasn't invited."

"You're not welcome here," Riven growled.

"I'm hurt, I thought we were friends," Mandragora took another step closer. In a flash, Riven was standing right in front of him. Riven was a few inches taller than Mandragora.

"Leave," Riven hissed.

"Fine, fine. But trust me, I'll be back. Don't you worry about that. And Musa, looking good," Mandragora winked before turning around. He carelessly tossed his alcohol bottle in the yard and disappeared into the covert of pine trees.

"Are you okay?" Riven asked after he watched Mandragora disappear.

She didn't tear her eyes off of the trees. "Fine."

"You were watching me," Musa continued to say as she walked over to the table. She picked up her solo cup and twirled it in her hand for several seconds. She sloshed around the alcohol until she decided she didn't want it anymore. She dumped her drink out in the grass because she was no longer in the mood to drink it. "I saw you when I walked in. You're always watching me."

"I was looking for Stella. I didn't know you were out here," Riven lied. Truthfully, he did watch Musa walk outside and he wanted to make sure she was okay. It was his job as a leader to make sure people are okay, even if they aren't his own people. Even if she chose Brandon.

"You don't know me," Musa turned around and walked away

"I used too," Riven commented.

Before Musa could answer, another person entered the back yard.

"Is there a problem here?" Brandon approached the two. He placed his arm around Musa's waist and stared intensely at Riven.

"No everything is fine," Musa answered to Brandon. She gave Riven one last hard look as he turned around to go back inside to the party.

"I'll be seeing you," Riven called over his shoulder.

So what did y'all think? A much better rewrite I hope. I'm breaking up the chapters and adding different scenes.

Please read and review.