This is Chitter and Drake as they're watching Jurassic Park, Drake's favorite movie. They're at the scene when the goat leg lands on the car…

Again, no one in One Piece belongs to me. Josephine and Chitter do belong to me.

Rated G and set in an AUBasil paused in the doorway and Drake knew this must have looked a little awkward: Chitter sitting up high on him and hanging for dear life with eyes widened in excitement, his face pulled in between her breasts, and her nails digging into his head. Basil took it all in a second before a soft chuckle left him.

"Glad I'm not the only one she does that to," was all he said as he settled on the couch beside them. Drake relaxed with an unseen smile.

"Josephine does it, too," he informed the magician after adjusting himself so he could breathe again,"It just takes a bit more to scare and excite her."

Chitter glared at her brother before sliding back down between the two bodies and huffed,"I do not scare easy! I just get startled a lot."

"Oh, yes. Startled a lot. By flickering lights," Drake teased and Basil smirked into his glass.

"Shrunken heads," he murmured and Drake gave him a weird look as Chitter whirled around to glare at him.

"Those things were RIGHT THERE around the corner! You should have seen them, Drake-nii! Hanging from strings like those beads people put in doorways! The process is interesting though, and the lady was nice enough to explain."

"After you were done leaving moons in my neck."

"Right. Around. The corner," Chitter punctuated and knocked her head against Basil's arm.

"You're just really oblivious," Drake said fondly, giving her a little kiss on the temple. Unfortunately for him, this is where the T Rex roared and Chitter squealed. The next thing he knew, she was clinging to him again and squealing "Oh, shit!" so many times. He could see nothing through her arms that were now wrapped around his eyes.

He could still feel Basil's invisible smirk aimed at him.