June 1982

Order of Phoenix Safe House

The Order are gathered in front of a ritual platform where Lily Potter and Albus Dumbledore are attempting the summoning ritual. A light flashes in the room suddenly on the platform with a gold tinge to it and the Order members step back. Along with the gold light shining on the platform a gust of pure magic flashes through the room sending some of the Order members into heaps on the floor. The light dies out and the Order see a figure crouched in a battle stance.

Harry sees the blinding light die down with a magic flash and gets ready in a battle stance. Any number of people could have kidnapped him; most likely sympathizers or family members of the dark wizards he has hunted. Seeing a group of people in front of him naturally made him alert. The group comprised of a bearded old man with spectacles and a grandfatherly face and resembled a younger Albus Dumbledore, a scarred man with a leg stump and magical eye whirring around in the face resembling Mad-eye Moody as well as Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, younger Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, the traitor Pettigrew and some more people Harry was unfamiliar with.

The redheaded women with green eyes standing with a man resembling Harry himself with the only differences being hazel eyes covered by spectacles could only be the Potters as envisioned in the flesh. Thinking that it could be a trap, Harry let loose his magic sense trying to locate signs of any dark magic. His senses washed over the group of people and he could see the Albus Dumbledore look-alike frowning at him. Still, Harry's purpose was achieved as he could a hit on a dark magic user which was unsurprisingly Peter Pettigrew. It was at this moment that Mad-eye spoke:

"Who are you and Where are you from? Eh! Lad!" Harry could see that all the people had curious faces and answered in a deeper voice that did not betray any of his intentions:

"It is customary for the one's who have summoned to introduce themselves first." At this the Albus Dumbledore lookalike smiled, "Quite right, my dear fellow! Iam Albus Dumbledore the leader of this group of the Order of Phoenix dedicated to protecting the populace from the mass murdering Dark Lord Voldemort."

Harry was nonplussed by the introduction and said with the barest of smiles, "Seems like old Voldy boy is still alive and kicking here. I could have sworn that I vaporized the little bastard."

Albus Dumbledore was surprised by the statement although he did not let it show. Other Order members were not as quick in concealing their surprise and Harry just shook his head as it confirmed his theory that he was in an alternate world during the time of the first wizarding war in Britain.

Remus Lupin could not resist asking, "So did you defeat Voldemort in your world?"

Harry chuckled, "Well! Technically, I vanquished the dark tosser, but defeated sounds good too." Seeing the looks of astonishment across the Order's faces, he sighed:

"Now could somebody explain what Iam doing in this world?"

The Order's faces turned into a grimace and Lily Potter replied with despair:

"We were losing the war against Voldemort and his forces and we had no choice but to use a summoning ritual to call a warrior of the light to aid us in this war. Iam sorry but we are not equipped to deal with the forces of Voldemort ourselves. Our numbers are dwindling and the dark forces are gaining the advantage."

"And you people thought that summoning someone else and plucking them from their world to fight your war is a good idea," Harry growled. He could not believe the nerve of these people as they tended to heap their problems on others. Wanting someone else to clean their mess that they themselves had made. Still he thought:

'This is my chance to change the world and mould it in my own views. I should help them but ask favors and gain power rising to upper echelons of society, as only then I can change the wizarding world. Doing this I can also save countless lives and make sure that this world's Harry Potter grows up with his parents."

"I know that this was not the right action to take but these are desperate times and in this circumstance sacrificing the needs of a few to save countless others was justified," Albus Dumbledore replied with a grimace.

"Oh! Spare me your moral drivels and your excuses,Dumbledore. I know how your mind works and Iam not easily manipulated by anyone. Never again am I going to be anyone's puppet and I do not give a rat's ass about your moral and ethical reasons," Harry growled. His aura was starting to show; a pure gold aura with silver specks but it gave a sinister feeling to the members of the Order.

"Boy! Stay yourself. We are all on the same side." Mad-eye commanded. But everyone could see that these comments had an averse effect on the young man. Harry bristled in anger at being called boy like his vile uncle used to say and let loose some of his anger. The floor started to shake, with the lights flickering and the temperature rising. A stifling was caused and by a magical wave of power all the Order members found themselves crushed under some unforeseen force. Everyone bent at their knees due to the pressure and Moody found himself floating in the air with the young man in front of him and Mad-eye found he had no control over his body as magic obeyed the command of the arch-mage of light and Harry spoke:

"Never call me boy ever! My name is Lord Harrison Potter-Black-Peverell and I listen to no-one's commands. I answer to no-one. Magic itself obeys me. Do you understand?" Harry asked in a menacing tone.

The stoic, ruthless Mad-eye nodded and was lowered to the ground. But at that moment, Harry sent a stunner towards Peter Pettigrew and although many shields sprang around the traitor courtesy of his fellow group members. But Harry was not to be denied as his stunner flew through the shields like they weren't there and impacted Pettigrew sending him crashing into the wall behind. A flick of Harry's wand and magic-inhibiting steel chains bound Pettigrew. By this time, the Order members were on their feet pointing their wands at Harry.

Dumbledore bristled at the nonchalant young man in front of him, " How dare you attack the members of the light and use great names of the Lords of the Light as yours?"

Harry laughed,"Spare me your honorifics this time, Old man! If you would care to examine your member's arms you will find the Dark Mark tattooed so I just bound a traitorous piece of filth for you."

James Potter and Sirius Black attempted to revive their comrade without success and so rolled up the sleeves to find the Dark Mark. Seeing the mark everyone was disgusted and angry at the presence of a spy within their ranks. Seeing that Pettigrew was not going to escape, the Order lowered their wands.

Dumbledore sighed, " Still it does not explain why you attacked Alastor and the use of your name and your claim about magic."

"Mad-eye used that word and I do not like it spoken to me," Harry replied in an even tone.

Dumbledore nodded, "Please take a seat and we will discuss all matters like civilized people."

"Alright! I will try to answer all your questions but before I begin could I get some tea?" Harry inquired.

"Of course, why not?" Molly Weasley smiled. She bustled off to make tea with Alice Longbottom helping her. All others took a seat in the sitting room surrounding Harry with James and Lily Potter sitting closest and Albus Dumbledore right beside him.

Harry took the time to access his surroundings as a spacious sitting room which was lit by torches and tastefully decorated with paintings and artwork. He also took in the faces of the Order and glanced wistfully at the couples in the room reminiscing about Daphne. He also ordered his mind and thought about what he would say. By this time, the women brought the tea which he checked due to his paranoia.

"We wouldn't spike the tea of a guest so you can rest easy," Molly Weasley spoke.

"Old Habits die hard," Harry replied evenly, "and CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

"Seems like you trained under someone who knows his mettle," the grizzled auror replied.

Harry nodded and drank the tea finding nothing amiss. Clearing his throat, he spoke:

"My name is Harrison James Potter; son of James and Lily Potter nee Evans. Iam the Arch-Mage of Wizarding Britain and the lord-Protector of the realm. I have defeated dozens of Dark Lords like Voldemort and their followers. To many Iam only known as the 'Judge'." At this he paused to take in the Order's faces which were myriad of emotions.

Harry continued, "Before my birth there was a prophecy spoken of a child born at the end of the July who would be an equal of the Dark Lord and would vanquish said Dark Lord. Voldemort got to know about it and he came to kill me. I and my parents were hidden by a fidelius charm but the secret-keeper turned out to be a traitor and sold my family to Voldemort. He killed my parents with the killing curse but with her death, my mother invoked powerful love-based blood magic which contributed to Voldemort's downfall but he lived as a shade using Horcruxes as conduits to tether his soul to the world. I became famous in the wizarding world that night as the boy-who-lived and was sent to live with my magic-despising aunt and uncle'The Dursleys' where I spent ten years till I got the letter for Hogwarts."

Harry paused again and surveyed the room. All the members were raptured with his story and some were teary-eyed. Harry sighed and suggested, " This is quite a long story and it would be better to view it in a pensieve as opposed to recounting it all." Seeing Dumbledore nod in agreement, Harry conjured an actual working pensieve. Everyone was astonished at the level of power that Harry had .

"I will place memories of my years at Hogwarts, battle with Voldemort and subsequent events that led to my becoming the 'Judge'. I will answer any questions afterwards." Harry said while placing memory fragments in the pensieve.

"In the meantime I would like to read books of the history of your world to better understand it," Harry requested.

"That is perfectly acceptable," Dumbledore replied and summoned the books to the sitting room couch where they made a neat pile. With that, the Order dived into the pensieve.

Harry scanned the books but found no major changes in history of note. He summoned his trunk from the pocket dimension and checked the facts of history as well as events with it. He decided that the information of raids needed to be given to the Order so that they could intercept and start fighting back. He made plans for the fight with Voldemort and for changing the wizarding world. He banished the trunk when he heard that the Order was coming back out of the pensieve.

The Order expressions were varied but they were mostly awed by the life story they had witnessed and the rise of Harry as an Arch-Mage. Some of them were emotional and even teary-eyed at the memories they had witnessed. Harry had let them witness all battle memories but obviously no personal memories. Lily Potter curiously inquired:

"Who were the two girls you hung out with; the brunette and the blonde?"

Harry smiled at the memories of his Hogwart's years, "Both were my best friends. The brunette was my friend Hermione Granger while the blonde was my future wife Daphne Greengrass." Lily nodded with a slight smile.

Dumbledore cleared his throat at the moment bringing everyone's attention to him. Harry sighed, " Now, I must ask if there is any way to get back to my dimension?"

Dumbledore shook his head. " Unfortunately, there is no way for a person summoned by this specific ritual to go back and after witnessing your memories in the pensieve I must say that you are the solution to our problem of Voldemort," he replied ignoring the collective gasps and shudders by the people in the room.

" I thought as much ", Harry said, then he glared at Dumbledore, " I have not forgotten your manipulative behavior and forgiveness diatribe. Iam not your pawn and the only reason that I will finish off this Voldemort is so that little Harry can grow up in a care-free world. So, do not try to hinder my abilities or try to control me for I am someone you should not cross."

His statement generated many raised voices and it took a 'bang' from Dumbledore's wand to quiet down everyone. During all this, Harrison had stood up from his seat and was in the middle of the room quietly observing everyone.

Frank Longbottom watching this asked, " Why don't we let Dumbledore and him resolve their differences themselves?" Moody wanting to judge Harrison's capabilities himself agreed, "That is a fine idea. Let the lad and Albus talk it out."

Dumbledore sent a mental probe at this moment to lower defenses of Harrison. He smirked at the pitiful attempt of Dumbledore to make him yield and sent the equivalent of a mental sledgehammer of memories to deal with the probe. Dumbledore was rebuffed quite violently and thrown back by the backlash with Harrison drawing his wand. Moody, Kingsley and Frank fired spells at the same moment towards Harrison who brought up a golden magical dome around him with a gesture. The spells struck the dome and rebounded while Harrison transfigured the ground into quicksand around the attackers and the drapes of the room wrapped themselves around Frank. Kingsley and Moody dodged the quicksand and kept firing spells with Frank out of the fight bound and suspended in the air, and the other occupants of the room took cover away from the battle going on. At the same moment Harrison let loose an incapacitating spell chain which stunned Kingsley and making Moody shield the spells. A bright pink spell shattered Moody's shield and he was hit with a succession of disarming and binding spells. The Marauders and other Order members drew their wands now but Dumbledore yelled, "Enough!"

The combatants stopped and lowered their wands watching Dumbledore who was standing with his aura in full force. The Order members put away their wands with Dumbledore cancelling all spells holding three of his compatriots. They pointed their wands at Harrison but a glare from Dumbledore made them lower their wands and sit down. Dumbledore calmed himself and looked mournfully at Harrison who was standing in the middle of the room inside his dome stoically. Looking into Dumbledore's sad face, Harrison understood and dissipated the magical shield dome.

Dumbledore apologized, " Iam truly sorry for all that you have experienced in life particularly the trials because of my counterpart. I will endeavor to respect your wishes and listen to you with attention and also apologize for the behavior of the members of the Order."

Harrison nodded wordlessly. Dumbledore seeing that the situation had been resolved addressed the Order members, " I was at fault for provoking Mr Potter and have found my many flaws by witnessing the memories implanted in my mind by his ingenious defenses…"

Harrison interrupted at this moment, " Actually, I would prefer being called Peverell as there is already a Harry Potter in this universe and that I will need some help starting in this dimension."

Dumbledore smiled, " Of course, we will provide any sort of help you need and would like to hire you for this job of killing Voldemort."

Harrison frowned, " I don't need money for this purpose as I am no mercenary and only want help so that I can have a fresh start in this world."

In the end, the Order decided to help Harrison in his fresh start by providing a new identity in the ministry as well as a job setting it all for the next day and setting him in an advisory capacity for the Order. The meeting ended and Harrison was offered a couch for the night at the safehouse with a discreet guard.

Harrison laid down on the couch and his last thoughts before sleep were of a new start in life in this world.