May and Scarlet both stood still on the mini-golf course, staring into each other's eyes. While May stood there in fear Scarlet was more confused than anything.

The particular eye Scarlet was confused by was May's left eye. While May's right eye was a beautiful shade of blue, her left eye was entirely white except for her light gray iris. Along the outside of the eye were multiple jagged scars that ran from her eyelid up towards her hairline and past her temple.

White? Scarlet thought Eyes aren't suppose to be entirely white like that, right?

Before Scarlet could say anything to May snapped out of her shock and quickly covered her eye and turned away from Scarlet. She ran over to the windmill and tried to grab her beanie off the blade that it had gotten stuck on, but that blade had just started going up and was out of her reach.

"May?" Scarlet asked softly "Are you alright?"

Instead of answering him May buried her face into her hands.

"May?" Scarlet said again "Please tell me what's wrong,"

Scarlet put his hand on May's shoulder and turned her around so she was facing him. He tried to pull her hands from her face but she just held them there tighter.

"May I need you to look at me alright,"

May didn't move.

Scarlet tried pulling May's hands away again. This time, his was able to move her right hand away from her face. Scarlet pulled her head upwards and looked into her good eye and saw that it had tears streaming out of it.

Instead of saying anything this time Scarlet pulled May into a tight hug. May didn't hug him back but instead, she buried her face into his shoulders letting out quiet sobs.

After a few minutes, when May seemed to have calmed down and stopped crying Scarlet let her out of the hug. May's right eye was red and puffy from the crying and she still kept a hand over her left eye.

"May tell me, what's wrong?" Scarlet asked again.

"What's wrong?" May repeated, her voice shaky and soft. "What's wrong is that I have this ugly eye," tears starting forming in her right eye again "And because of it people make fun of me or they just stare and feel sorry for me, and-,"

Scarlet put his finger on May's lips quieting her. "Why do other people's opinions matter?"

"Why? Because I have to be around them. I'm not unable to just go off and be alone, I have to work with them, live with them,"

"But that doesn't mean you have to listen to them,"

"I've tried ignoring them but it never works. Every time I can always just hear them, always asking 'What's with her beanie? Why is she wearing it?' And every time I just wanna curl up and disappear,"

"May, you can't let them get to you like that. You are an amazing huntress with amazing skill. So what if people question your beanie you don't need them to approve of you,"

"But Scarlet what-," May tried to say before Scarlet quieted her again.

"May you can't let those kinds of people get to you, I wish I knew what else to tell you but I don't, and besides," Scarlet walked over to the windmill and pulled May's beanie off the blade "I think you look pretty cute in it,"

Scarlet handed the beanie back to May. She grabbed it with her right hand and held it for a second. Using both hands she quickly put it on and pulled down into its usual spot.

"Scarlet I'm sorry the date has gone so badly," May said looking down.

"I don't think this date has gone that badly. To be honest it's a lot more interesting than some dates I've had in the past ,"

"But what about-," May started to say.

"Don't worry about it," Scarlet interrupted "Come on I think it's time we got you back to the dorms," Scarlet took May's hand and lead back to the front of the mini golf course. He got them another cab and told the cabbie to take them straight to the airdocks.

As they were driving down the streets of Vale they heard a quiet gurgling noise. They both looked around to find the noise until they realized it was coming from Scarlet.

"Oops, hehe," he chuckled "We never did stop and get something to eat,"

"Oh yeah," May said "I'm feeling a little hungry myself,"

"Excuse me, sir, do you know any food places that would still be open?" Scarlet asked the driver.

"Hmm, I think I know one place," the old man said. The driver took a few turns and stopped in front of an old looking diner.

"Wow, this place looks great," Scarlet said as he and May got out of the cab.

"I'd hope so my brother owns it," the cabbie said getting out of the cab. "You kids do whatever you need to, I'm going to talk with my brother for a bit," without waiting for a response the old man walked into the diner and sat at the counter.

Scarlet and May walked in behind him and sat at an empty booth by the window. They looked at the menus for a few minutes before the waitress came and took their orders.

"This place certainly has character," Scarlet said looking around.

"It's definitely um lovely," May said looking nervous again.

"May are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

"You sure? You don't sound fine,"

May let out a sigh "I...I really liked going on this date,"

Scarlet laughed "Well I'm glad, I've enjoyed this date as well,"

"But what do I do when it's over?"

"What do you mean?"

"No guy is gonna ask me out again and there's no way I could work up the courage to ask anyone out," May said getting sadder with each word.

"May, you shouldn't have such little faith in yourself," Scarlet said grabbing May's hand "You have the ability to be this wonderful and confident girl. All you have to do is believe that you can," Scarlet said "And besides why would you need to have another guy ask you out?"

"Because I don't want to be alone but I can't-,"

"I meant that, I thought you liked going on this date with me,"

"I do but, you only did it because I helped you and-,"

"May would you like to go out with me again?"

May turned a bright red "What?" She said meekly.

"Like I said, this date with you was really fun and I would like to take you on another one,"

"Oh, um, I don't know what to say," May said even more flustered.

"Well how about yes?"

"Ye-yes Scarlet I would like to go on another date with you,"

"Great!" Scarlet said with a smile "This next one will be even better,"

May was still red from embarrassment but she was smiling as well.

The waitress soon came back with their food. As they ate Scarlet would make little jokes and May talked about different kinds of rifles.

By the time they had finished their food and paid, the cab driver had finished talking and was waiting for them. He drove them to the airdocks where they got on a ship heading to Beacon.

The arrives at the school at just past 11 and everyone was already in the dorms. They walked through the courtyard holding hands and staring at the sky. Eventually they reached May's dorm room.

"Scarlet thank you for a great time tonight," May said turning to Scarlet.

"It was my honor May," Scarlet said with a little bow.

Before either could say anything else the door to May's room opened up and three sets of hands dragged her inside and the door slammed close.

"Uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Scarlet said confused by what just happened. After a second of no response he walked up a couple of floors to his own dorm.

Inside May's room the rest of Team BRNZ stood around her all with different facial expressions. Brawnz was concerned, Roy was happy, and Nolan was upset.

"Are you alright?" Brawnz asked.

"How did it go?" Roy asked.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Nolan asked.

"Guys I'm fine. The date went really well," May said nervously.

"Are you sure about that? Your looks like you've been crying," Brawnz said getting closer to May's face.

"I knew that punk would trying something," Nolan said angrily.

"Now I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding," Roy said trying to calm down Nolan.

"Yeah it's just a misunderstanding guys," May said. "Excuse me, I need to get ready for bed," May went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Hmmm," Brawnz said

"What are you thinking Brawnz?" Roy asked

"I'm thinking that we definitely should talk with this Scarlet tomorrow,"

"Oh yeah. We'll show him exactly what happens if he ever tries to hurt May," Roy said.

"Now, now there's no need to threaten him," Roy said "May said the date went well. I'm sure he's a good guy,"

"Yeah we won't teach him a lesson," Brawnz said "At least not until he deserves it,"