Okay, this is created because Yullen is surrounding my mind, and I need to satisfy my own mind. I choose Complete because I don't know when I might stop, but I'm always open to any suggestions for themes.

Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-Man

Theme: Nicknames.

Lavi hadn't noticed at first, but after a while, he started to see it.

Those two sure like to call each other by their nicknames.

At first, it was only for insult, since both of them hated each other to the deepest place of their hearts.

Ah, those memories, he could still remember it like it was yesterday.

"Fucking idiot moyashi, stop getting in my way!"

"Maybe if you could step out of my way, that would make everything better!"

Such fond memories, he even remembered he was added into that too.

He wondered when did those hurtful words had turned into a tone so affectionate.

Love worked so strange sometimes.

Maybe this is what they called...opposite attraction?

From hateful words to words that held no hate, from glaring each other to sneaking glances to each other, the Bookman apprentice was pretty sure no one can know how love works.

"Baka moyashi!"


The redhead chuckled as he watched the scene in front of him. Those eyes that used to held killing intent now had that well-disguised, and underneath those disguise is the undying love they held for each other.

One thing still lingered in his mind though.

How come those two call each other like that while he can't!? That's so unfair!

I need some themes, 'cause sometimes I can't make up a new themes. Suggestions are always open, right now I just have two themes in my mind, and I need you all to choose one, so I can focus on only one:

1. Sugar High

2. Chocolate

I would really appreciate it if you can choose one of those two.

That's all, see you next time.