AN: So I'm totally missing Hunter and Bobbi from the AOS universe now, and a severe lack of fluff prompted me to attempt to write some! This will all be short, (probably) unrelated fluff with Huntingbird, occasionally featuring some other favourites.

While I have a few more of these written up, my prompt list is not particularly motivating, so please send me any and all prompts (either as a review or a PM)!

Prompt: "Kiss me."

"Are you drunk?"

"Why would you think that?" Bobbi giggled (giggled?). "Can't I ask my husband to kiss me?"

"Technically still ex-husband, and you're giggling." Hunter switched the phone to his other ear, rolling over to check the time on the alarm clock next to the bed. "Bob, it's 1AM."

"Sooooooo?" Hunter almost laughed at the length she drew out the word.

"Aren't you on a mission?" There was no response from Bobbi this time. "Bobbi?" Still silence. Hunter sat up, switching the lamp on.

"Hello?" A strange voice came through the line.

"Uh, hi?" Lance replied. "Who is this?"

"My name is Emma, I'm a nurse at SHIELD medical. Are you a friend of Agent Morse?" At the mention of the newly rebuilt SHIELD facility, Hunter leapt out of bed, searching for his discarded pants and a clean shirt.

"Yeah," he mumbled, shirt getting twisted over his shoulder. "I'm her... husband. Is she okay?" Hunter pulled on his boots, tucking the laces in and hurrying to the door, pulling his jacket off the hook.

"She'll be fine," Nurse Emma replied, "but you're welcome to come and check on her." Hunter pulled the door closed behind him.

"I'm on my way," Hunter said. "Where is she?"

"Ask at the desk when you get here." Hunter hung up, pulling his jacket on as he jogged down the hallway. As he jogged around a corner, he neatly avoided running into Coulson.

"Hunter," Coulson called after him. "I need to talk-"

"Can't," he yelled back over his shoulder. "Bobbi's in medical." Hunter turned away again and continued running.

"I'm looking for Agent Morse," Hunter breathed heavily as soon as he reached the desk at the entrance to medical. A nurse quickly searched on the computer and called out a number, and Hunter was off again. He rounded a few corners, slowing to avoid the number of people filling the hallways. He found Bobbi's room, and slid to a stop outside.

"Lance!" Bobbi called from the bed, with a tone that would have stopped Hunter in his tracks if he hadn't already been stationary. Hunter frowned as he approached the bed.

"Hey Bob," he replied cautiously. "Are you okay?" Bobbi grinned at him, and Hunter nearly laughed.

"I broke a few ribs," her head rolled onto her shoulder to track his movements into the room, "and they said I have a concussion, but I feel fine." Hunter grinned this time.

"Did they also give you painkillers?" Hunter pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down, gesturing to the IV in Bobbi's forearm.

Bobbi thought about it for a moment, a frown crossing her face. "I don't think so," she finally replied. Hunter laughed.

"I think you may be wrong." Hunter commented. "You're as high as a kite right now." Bobbi just stared at Hunter. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Bobbi staring at Hunter, Hunter attempting to assess her injuries.

"Kiss me?" Bobbi said suddenly. Hunter sighed and patted Bobbi's hand.

"Maybe after you've had some rest," Hunter replied, and Bobbi pouted.

"I'm fine," Bobbi insisted. "I don't even have a headache!"

"That's because you're on morphine." Hunter twined his fingers into hers. "You've been out on a mission for three days, you need some rest." Bobbi sighed dramatically.

"But will you kiss me after?" She blinked at Hunter, eyes wide. Hunter grinned again.

"Promise." Hunter said, raising her hand and kissing it. "Now get some rest." Bobbi grinned again, rolled her head to the side, blinked four times and promptly fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed! Please review, leave a prompt, and stay tuned for an update!