It was a fine summer's day on the island of Sodor, and everyone was very excited, for today was the day that Lady was returning. However, Lady herself was apprehensive. She was well aware of the fact that her long-time rival, Diesel 10 was a permanent resident. Despite being assured by the Fat Controller that the clawed diesel was completely under control, she was still very worried that he would try to destroy her again. Her driver, Burnett Stone, shared the same concerns. However, this did not stop them from returning.

Lady was greeted with a warm welcome from everyone, and the Fat Controller allowed her to stay at Tidmouth for a while so that she could talk to the engines. After quite a bit of chatting about all that had gone on in her absence, the subject of Diesel 10 was brought up.

"I'm not sure how the Fat Controller got him under control, but he did!" Henry said with a smile.

"Where is he, anyway?" Lady asked.

"Diesel 10? He stays shut up in his shed at the Vicarstown Dieselworks most of the time. Rarely comes out," said Edward.

"Most likely because whenever he does, he always causes trouble," said James.

"Which is exactly why he stays in his shed nearly all of the time. The Fat Controller must have to punish him a lot," said Gordon.

Lady gulped. She hoped that during her stay on Sodor, Diesel 10 would not be let out of his shed, especially if he was just as troublesome as before. As the engines were talking, she noticed that Percy was rather quiet, and not joining in the conversation. Rather, he was occasionally glancing at the bigger engines, and looking as if he really wanted to say something. Lady wasn't the only one to notice, for Thomas piped up and said, "Is something the matter, Percy?"

"No, not really…it's just…" Percy trailed off.

"Just what?" Thomas asked as all the others quieted down.

"Um…" Percy trailed off, looking apprehensive.

"C'mon Percy, you can tell us," said Edward.

"Well, alright," Percy said, a bit hesitantly. "You see, you all are wrong about why Diesel 10 doesn't come out much,"

At that, everyone was silent for a good few seconds.

"Then, why does he stay in his shed so much? Surely if he wasn't being punished, he'd be out there working and being useful," said Gordon.

"Well, you see, Diesel 10 isn't being punished. He stays in his shed so much…because he's sick a lot," said Percy.

Everyone looked at him. "And how would you know this, little Percy?" said Gordon.

"I bet Diesel was telling lies to get you to feel sorry for Diesel 10," said James.

"Actually, I uh…I visit the Dieselworks every week," Percy said sheepishly.

"You what?!" Gordon, James and Henry all exclaimed.

"Why would you want to visit that dirty, dingy, smelly, greasy old place? The Dieselworks is no place for a little steam engine like you," said Gordon.

"Tell me you haven't been hanging out with Diesel 10 again!" said Emily.

"Well, actually…" Percy trailed off.

"Don't you remember what happened last time?" Thomas said pointedly.

"I do, but—" Percy started.

"Diesel 10 is a no-good, evil, conniving troublemaker!" Emily exclaimed.

"He's probably just pretending to be sick so that you'll feel sorry for him!" said James.

"I really don't think he's faking it—oh, here he comes right now! Hello!" Percy said as he whistled at the approaching warship.

Lady's eyes widened as she quickly reversed, hitting the safety buffers with a jolt. There was no way she could escape if he was after her! Yet, to her surprise, Diesel 10 merely gave her a dirty look before rolling onto the turntable.

"Are you feeling better, Diesel 10?" Percy asked him. However, before the big diesel had a chance to respond, James cut in: "Of course he is, because he's lying to you and pretending to be sick!"

"We won't let you harm Lady!" said Thomas.

"Why don't you go back to your shed before the Fat Controller finds out you escaped and locks you up in there, you nasty, filthy, useless oil stain?!" said James.

At that, Diesel 10 moved forward, getting right up in James' face. "You watch your mouth, you rusty old—" he started, but his sentence was cut short by a rather nasty coughing fit.

"Euck!" James exclaimed as he felt something splatter on his face and onto his buffers. Both Emily and Edward gasped. Curious, Lady inched forward to take a peek at what was happening, and spotted James getting a face full of dark brown splatters and splotches.

"Oh dear," Lady said quietly.

Finally, Diesel 10's fit subsided, and he reversed back onto the turntable. "Stupid steam engines," he muttered as he was turned around. Without another word, he left them; his engine making a sick rattling noise as he left.

"EUGH!" James exclaimed loudly, scrunching his face up in disgust.

"Ewwww!" Emily exclaimed, and within seconds all of the engines were voicing their disgust. Well, almost all of them, anyway. While Percy had kept quiet, feeling rather sorry for the big diesel, Lady had left without anyone noticing.