A/N: Hello, lovely readers. I know, I have like three other projects I should be working on, but this plot bunny hopped right into my head and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. It seems to be happening a lot lately. Warning: this is my first time writing second person point of view, so forgive me for any awkward sentences or anything like that. I'm still getting the hang of it. Another warning: this is an Olivia-centric story, something that I have not really done at all in the past because frankly, writing Olivia kind of scares me. Any of you who've read more than one story from me in the past probably knows that I'm more of an Elliot-writing gal. Yay for trying new things!

Anyway, please enjoy!

You wake up to light seeping in through the half-open blinds, a cool breeze, and a warm, hard body pressed against your back. Rolling over carefully, his sleeping face greets you. He's snoring slightly, lips parted, completely dead to the world and to your smoldering gaze as you watch him. Your eyes roam over the strong cords of his neck, his chest and down his abs- abs that you now have a strong urge to run your tongue over. Maybe that's how you'll wake him this morning, on the day off the two of you share. You have absolutely no intention of putting any sort of clothing on or leaving this bed from this moment until you have to go back to work twenty-four hours from now.

Just as you're about to lean over to wake him with your mouth, his eyes crack open and he smiles. "Mornin'." His voice is deep and thick with sleep. You've stopped wondering why the sound alone sends pangs of arousal down your body.

"Good morning," you answer. Your fingertips trail over his warm chest, further south and then back up again, bringing goosebumps to the surface of his skin.

"Mmm," he murmurs, rolling easily from his side to the familiar spot between your legs. They spread to accommodate him without a second thought and his lips descend on yours. They're warm and chapped, but soft at the same time and you wonder how he makes you feel these butterflies in your chest when no other man has been able to do it before.

He takes his time kissing you, even as you feel him hard and ready against the inside of your thigh. It's going to be slow this morning- you're okay with that. Whether it's slow or fast, rough or gentle, you're on your back or he's on his, he always manages to extract things from you that you never knew you could feel.

"El," you whisper, clutching at his waist, trying to pull him closer. He smiles- it's that gentle smile that you're pretty sure he reserves for only you, the one that crinkles his eyelids, shines brightly in his irises and all but demands your lips to turn upward as well.

"Liv." He bends to kiss you. Just as your teeth scrape along his bottom lip, his hips press forward gently.

As soon as his hips connect with yours, a strangled sound emanates from your chest and your back arches up into him. He's everywhere around you- on top of you, inside you, pressed completely against your skin. His movement is slow and deep and each time he presses all the way into you, you hear a shuddering breath expel from his chest.

"Liv," he whispers in your ear. Your fingernails dig into his back, break through his skin and he grunts, sliding deeper into your body. The sticky sweat that pools on his back seeps into your arms as they cling to him. The few months that you've been with him like this aren't nearly enough to get used to the idea. Every time you're with him, it feels like the first time.

Fire is building up in your stomach. Your lower half tingles- he's so close to driving you over the edge. So close.

"Olivia," he murmurs. His arm squeezes around you as his pace quickens and his breath comes out in short puffs against your neck. "I wanna see you come."

You throw your head back against the pillow beneath you. You're utterly helpless underneath him, you're going to come. He's hitting you at just the right angle, with just the right speed, rubbing in just the right places. He knows you inside and out, and he knows how to drive you all flavors of wild. The moans that expel from your chest are so loud that his neighbors probably hear you, but you're helpless to stop them. You suck a piece of his shoulder into your neck and scrape your teeth along it to distract your mouth from moaning. You're sure that he's going to have a mark later on.

"Liv." Jesus, is it even possible for a voice to reach that decibel? You wonder how his voice can make you feel so good, but honestly, do you really care about the reason?

You're too busy thinking about the fact that you're going to come in seconds.

Even though you're sure he knows what he's doing to you, knows you're about to come without any assistance, his hand still finds a way to cram itself between your bodies and run ever so gently along your most sensitive parts. The orgasm that follows is anything but gentle. It rips through your body and makes your legs clamp around him. Your head buried in the crook of his neck as waves of delicious fire slam over you.

"Liv." His soft voice is the only thing that brings you back. It's gentle and soothing, drawing you back to the room and to his body over yours. A grin is plastered across his face like he knows exactly what he's done to you and he's proud of it. Bastard. "You okay?"

Your hips roll into his and before he can do anything about it, you have him on his back. He's not surprised as his hands find a home on your thighs. His grin disappears as soon as you start moving once again. You watch each reaction on his face, each tiny movement as you slide up and down the length of him. Just like he knows your body, you know his. You know exactly what to do to send him into overdrive and that's what you're doing.

His eyes close slowly as he pushes a breath past his lips and bucks up towards you. When his hands grip your thighs tighter, you know he's getting close. When he bites his lip and breathes heavily through his nose, his entire body straining beneath you, you move a little faster, encouraging him to let go just as you had moment ago. Two thrusts after that, his hands skate around your back, grasp your waist and pull you downward, driving up all the way into you as he comes. Moans that sound an awful like your name trip from his lips.

Once it's over, you slide off of him and collapse into his side in a sated slum. Your body is so relaxed you don't think you'll be able to move for hours and your eyelids are heavy- you think about closing your eyes and falling asleep right here and now, but instead, they lock onto his face. His lips are parted, eyes still closed as he catches his breath. As soon as he does, he rolls onto his side and focuses on you, raising his hand to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiles, leans forward to peck you on the lips, but says nothing. He doesn't need to, you already know what he's thinking. Amazing. Beautiful. You're neither of these things, but you know if you said the same to him, he'd deny it as well. Maybe that's the beauty of what you have- you see things in the other you don't see in yourselves.

A loud rumbling interrupts your thoughts and Elliot's chest shakes with soft chuckles. "Hungry?" he murmurs gently.

"Not my fault you take all of my energy," you answer.

"We can't have that." His body disappears from next to yours. "Let me see what I can scrounge up."

He slips on the pair of briefs you tore from his body last night after you arrived at his place and your eyes trail down the rippling muscles of his broad shoulders and back as he exits the bedroom. As soon as he leaves, you allow your eyelids to slide closed.

You wake once more to Elliot's hand sliding gently down your back. A plate full of sliced fresh fruit and hardboiled eggs balances in his grip as he sits against the headboard. You follow his lead, sitting so close that your bodies brush together as you share bites of crisp green grapes, apple slices and juicy strawberries. Once the plate is empty and your stomach is full, he sets it on the nightstand and turns on the television mounted on the far wall- the one that you helped him pick out and install when he moved into the apartment a few months ago. As daytime television plays on in the background, your lips find his and you kiss slowly and passionately. An episode of House is blaring on in the background when you find yourself being pulled into his lap once again. This time, he controls the pace as he slides up into you.

Your early morning vision for the day isn't far from how you and Elliot spend it. You lay in bed, the blaring television acting only as background noise as the two of you make out like teens, go several more hot and sweaty rounds, and eventually shower together in the early afternoon. As the sun falls below the horizon, Elliot calls the local pizza place and orders a feast for the two of you: pizza and the hot wings you both love. It's been a long and stressful week for both of you, making your lazy day with him even more special. You'd be completely okay if you spend every day just like this.

Around eight o'clock, the moment you've been putting off since you woke up finally comes. "I should get home." But you don't want to. Your body is aching to crawl naked back into bed with him and drift into the deep, comforting sleep that his body always provides. You both have work tomorrow, though, and you need to keep up at least the image of professionalism. Cragen has been giving the two of you long, troubled glances for at least a few weeks now. It's growing harder and harder to hide the shift in your dynamic that has taken place.

"Okay." Elliot follows you into the bedroom and watches you get dressed. He walks you to the door, takes both of your hands in his larger, warmer ones and then leans forward to kiss you. When he pulls away, he bites his lip, like he's holding on to a secret he's not sure he wants to reveal.

"What is it?" you ask softly.

Elliot doesn't answer at first. Instead, he lifts your hands and presses a kiss to the back of each one before dragging his gaze back up to your eyes. His irises are bright and warm just as they always are when he looks at you in the comfort of either one of your apartments, but there's something beneath the warmth- a dark cloud of fear or apprehension, you're not sure. It's tying your stomach in knots.


"Olivia, he answers. His Adam's apple bobs and finally, he says, "I love you."

What did he just say?

You're frozen still and words have completely escaped you. He what?

Your mind is blank. You open your mouth to speak, but words elude you. He's staring at you and you can't decipher the emotion in his eyes anymore- is he expecting you to…? You're not ready for that. You're not nearly ready to have heard that statement fall from his lips.

Finally, you stutter out the only thing that you can think of to say. "I-I'll see you tomorrow."

Before he gets a chance to respond, you slip out the door and slam it behind you.


Your head is pounding by the time you reach your building. Mechanically, you get out of your car and walk up the stairs to your empty apartment. The second you lock the door behind you, you head for the cupboard for the bottle of wine you keep there. You need something to calm your nerves. Elliot's sudden admission was the last thing you expected to hear tonight- you expected to have a good day with him, to kiss him goodbye and to come home and slip between your empty sheets, wishing that you could still have his warm, naked body next to yours. But his words are rolling around your head like a cannonball.

He loves you… he loves you. How could he love you? It's only been a few months, and it's really only been sex. Okay, you've gone out to movies and to dinner and for walks in the park more than a few times. He's held your hand when he's been sure that the two of you weren't being watched, opened the door for you, paid for your meals and your movie tickets despite your protests. You've snuggled close to his warm body after a long, hard day and you've made love to him like he's the only man in the world that's ever really mattered to you…

But that doesn't give him the right to fall in love with you. Does it?

A sigh expels from your lips and you rake your fingers through your hair. After finishing off your glass of wine, you think about pouring another, but the desire to drink has faded already and you just want to sleep. Between your legs and the muscles of your thighs are still aching from your activities with Elliot earlier this afternoon.

So you put your glass in the sink, change into a tank top and pair of shorts to sleep in and crawl between the sheets in your bed to get some rest.


Elliot is already at his desk working when you enter squad room the next morning. There are heavy bags under his eyes and his shoulders are slumped and you almost feel bad for him because it looks like he got just as little sleep as you did.

"Morning," you greet softly.

"Morning," he answers, eyes lingering on you for a moment longer than they should. You sit down at your desk across from his.

You fill out a full DD-5 before Elliot drags you out to follow up on two leads. The car rides to and from each location are more silent and strained than they've been in months- you sit silently, avoiding his gaze completely, staring out the window instead. Each time he turns towards you and murmurs your name, you ignore him. You're not ready to talk to him. If you could have gotten away with leaving him on his own to track down these leads without looking suspicious, you would have. But here you are, sitting in the passenger seat desperately trying to ignore his attempts to speak to you. Now's not the time. You're not sure if there ever will be a time. And to his credit, he doesn't push you- not yet, at least.

Both of the leads are dead ends, so as noon comes, you find yourself back at your desk, filling out more paperwork as you try to ignore the lingering gazes of your partner. If he keeps looking at you like this, you might have to talk to him. Anyone can see the looks he's been giving you- looks that a cop shouldn't be giving his partner.

Before you get a chance, though, you hear his voice float across the space that you share.

"Come to lunch with me," he requests.



His deep blue irises are boring holes into yours and no matter how much of an uncertainty your future with him is, you have a hard time saying no. Staring into his eyes for the first time in the morning, you notice that they're wide and sparkling and a deep, dark blue, the shade that you've seen many times right after he told you he split with Kathy. He's chewing on his bottom lip and you'll be shocked if he hasn't drawn blood at the rate he's doing it.

You're nodding your head before your mind registers the movement. God damn your weakness for this man… How can you continue to say no to him when he's looking at you like this? It's just lunch. It'll be fine. "Okay."

You stand and follow Elliot out of the squad room. A couple of uniformed officers pass you as the two of you fall into step, heading towards the elevator. You watch him stab the button with his thick finger. He turns towards you, glancing down the hall before he steps closer and whispers, "Olivia, I can't take this anymore. Could you just talk to me?"

"Elliot, we're at work," you hiss, head whipping around to make sure that no one is in earshot even though you know that he did the same thing before closing the distance between the two of you.

"I know that. But you think Cragen won't notice something's going on?" he asks. "You can barely look at me."

Just his body so close to yours is making you hot all over. You take a step away from him, dropping your eyes from his. The words come out before you can stop them. "You told me you… El, I just wasn't ready for that."

Elliot sighs and scrubs his hand over his face. "Okay. I'm sorry for dumping that on you. The moment was just… I needed to tell you. I'm not expecting anything back, Liv, I just wanted you to know."

The elevator doors slide open and you step through. "You're not…?"

"I'm not expecting anything from you. I'm really not, Olivia," he says. "I just wanted you to know that someone loves you." His voice drops to a whisper and you have to lean in closer just to hear him. "I love you."

He steps closer and slides his hand around the back of your neck. His rough fingers squeeze your skin gently. Goosebumps sprout on your skin. "Please just trust me. Please."

Your eyes must reveal something that your words do not, because one simple look and Elliot is smiling softly. To your surprise, he leans in and presses his lips against yours.

"Elliot! Olivia!"

An arm suddenly stops the elevator doors from closing. Captain Cragen ducks his head into the small space just as Elliot starts to rip his lips away from yours, but it's too little too late. Elliot just kissed you… and your captain saw everything.

A/N: If you've enjoyed, please leave a comment :)