Here are just a few things first:

1. Pan is Goku and Chi-Chi's daughter.

2. This is a Trunks x Pan... Don't read it if you don't like the ship- cause I love the ship.

3. The rating will go UP.

4. This is the only time I'll be saying this... I do NOT own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or Dragon Ball Super... Obviously, if I did, TruPan would be canon, and Pilaf and his gang would have stayed in Dragon Ball where they belong. Sorry, just my opinion, I honestly didn't even like them in GT lol.

1- In Which Bracelets are Meddled With

Pan had a light skip to her step as she walked down the hallways of Capsule Corp. She felt so proud of herself! The eighteen-year-old had just slipped away from her mother and Bulma right as they started their gossiping. Sometimes, it was entertaining to hear them go on and on about certain subjects, other times, not so much...

The young woman shook her head as she neared a familiar door. Pan smiled, quickening her pace. "Veggie-sama!" She called, opening the door.

a frown formed on her face when she saw the room empty. Why wasn't Vegeta in the Gravity Room, his favorite place in existence?

"Veggie-sama?" Pan called again, glancing around.

"Pan?!" An energetic yell came from outside of the room.

Pan grinned and ran out just in time to meet Bulla. The bluenette squeezed her best friend tightly. The two girls had been friends since forever and honestly, Pan didn't know what she would ever do without Bulla.

"I thought I heard you," Bulla said with a smile. "Who are you looking for? My brother?" She teased.

Pan snorted, but she felt her eyes darting around the long hallways, seeing if she could catch a glimpse of lavender hair. "Not likely," she told Bulla. "I'm trying to avoid him at all costs. I really don't want to be aggravated today."

"Oh, he only does that to you because he likes you," Bulla snickered, nudging Pan with her elbow.

"Please," Pan scoffed as they started walking down the hallway. "The only thing Trunks likes to do where it concerns me is aggravate the hell out of me."

Bulla snickered again, but she didn't say anything else about it. "So wanna watch some movies?"

"Of course!" Pan beamed. "But I have to find your Dad right quick. Papa was wanting me to ask him if he wanted to train this weekend."

Bulla let out a loud snort, "of course he will."

"I figured he would," Pan giggled.

"Okay, I'll go get the popcorn while you find my dad. He was in Mom's lab earlier so he might still be in there," Bulla said before she skipped away.

Pan nodded to herself as she headed towards Bulma's lab. Vegeta was all the time breaking something the Gravity Room and running off to Bulma, demanding that she fix it so that was a likely place for him to be as well.

Pan opened the basement door and started skipping down the stairs. The lights were on and she could hear light tinkering so maybe Vegeta was in there after all!

"Hey!" Pan began as she jumped off the last stair. Her smile fell and she bit back a groan as she saw arctic blue eyes and lavender hair. Trunks wasn't Vegeta, although he acted like him, especially when he was being an ass.

"Awh, did you miss me?" The twenty-four-year-old smirked up at her from his spot at one of Bulma's many desks.

"Not lightly," Pan snorted as she crossed her arms. She walked over to him slowly, noticing that he was messing with some sort of bracelet. "Jewelry?" She raised a dark brow. "For a girl?"

Trunks' smirk widened, "jealous, Panny?"

"Don't call me that," Pan mumbled, her cheeks feeling a little warm. "And no, I'm not."

"Whatever you say," he sang teasingly.

Pan let out a little huff. "Have you seen your Dad?"

"Why do you need him?" Trunks raised a lavender brow, his eyes focused on the bracelet he was carefully working on. Pan had to admit that it was pretty... It was a thick, golden bracelet that even shined in the dim light of the basement.

"If I tell you, will you tell me where he is?" Pan asked.

"Mhm," he nodded.

"Papa is wanting me to see if he wants to train with him this weekend," she said, leaning against the desk. "Now, where is he?"

"I don't know," Trunks shrugged honestly, and glanced up at Pan with a grin.

She huffed, her lips starting to pout. "You're such an asshole."

Trunks simply snickered, obviously amused at her annoyance. He always did things like that to irk her and she knew he did it on purpose!

Pan let out a long sigh. She still had to find Vegeta and then she could watch movies with Bulla. Or maybe she should just wait until later to ask Vegeta... But then, she might forget. She let out another sigh and looked at Trunks, who still seemed busy with the bracelets.

"Do you know where your dad might be now?"

Trunks shrugged, "there's no telling with him. He runs all over this house."

"You're not helping," Pan whined slightly as she turned to leave.

"Come apart already," she heard Trunks mumble under his breath.

She glanced back at him and then at the bracelets. Looking at them closer she noticed that it seemed like there were actually two of them, one right on top of the other. What Pan didn't understand is why Trunks seemed to be having such a hard time taking them apart...

"Here," she reached over and grabbed the bracelet before carefully breaking them apart. She handed one to Trunks, "here."

He gasped at her as the bracelets started shinning. "What did you do?!" He cried.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened as she looked at the bracelets. Just what was going on?! "I thought you wanted them apart?!"

"What?! Why would I want that? Do you know what this means?!" He asked frantically.

"What is going on?!" Pan demanded the bracelet in her hands started vibrating. "If you didn't want them apart then you should have-"

Suddenly, the room started spinning and Pan's eyes couldn't keep up. She felt rather dizzy and the floor was swaying under her. Trunks reached out, holding her wrist and Pan noticed that he had put on the bracelet she gave him.

"Hurry! Put on the other one!" He told her quickly.

"Why?" She asked curiously, "Trunks, what is-"

"Oh hell, Pan!" Trunks groaned, "for once will you just do what I ask?!" And with that, he grabbed the bracelet from her and placed it on her wrist himself.

That's when the world went dark for both of them and everything changed.