Journey of Depp: Chapter Four

Greetings all! I am back from the break I was taking. I apologize for the wait, the last time I updated was in the summer and I went a cruise shortly after I had updated. After that school started and this year has been a hell for me, BUT I am officially on winter break! My goal is to get at least a few chapters up before I have to go back. Once more, I apologize for the wait.

"That was not something I wish to do again!" Constable Crane rants to the pirate. The pirate grins at the constable, and pokes his shoulder without any legit reason why.

"Oh stop yer whinin' "Jack snaps back at him, growing tired of his whining even though he's still grinning like the madman that he is. This smile must be something that he learned from Tarrant. Ichabod nervously tightens his cravat and narrows his eyes at the pirate.

"Mr. Sparrow, If my mind serves me correctly you are the one who ran away" Ichabod calmly replies and smirks at him. Jack rolls his eyes and gently pushes Ichabod, with the very tips of his fingers. The constable stumbles backwards and looks rather annoyed at his antics.

"Kindly refrain from touching me" Ichabod demands as he stands straight up once more. There is suddenly a loud howl as the constable yelps and Jack rolls his eyes, for what must be the millionth time as he grabs onto Ichabod's collar. Ichabod's eyes widen in fear, is he really going to attack him?!

"For god's sake, stay conscious. We need to leave before that beastie finds us" Jack explains, as he wiggles his fingers at the word "beastie." At that moment there is another loud, bone chilling howl and Ichabod yelps again.

"Eunuch" Jack mutters as he continues holding onto Ichabod, the constable is helpless as the pirate begins to drag him deeper into the forest.


"Oh Edward!" Willy exclaims as Edward crashes into him, his scissors snip weakly as he collapses against the chocolatier. Edward is trembling slightly and almost gets hot by the lantern as he falls, the lantern that is still attached to Willy's arm like some odd bracelet.

"Edward darling, are you alright?!" Willy asks, sounding and looking very concerned. Behind the chocolatier is Tarrant who is trying to steal one of Sweeney's razors. Sweeney finally gets fed up with the hatter's antics and shoves him into a tree.

"Rude!" Tarrant screeches as he falls to the forested floor, Sweeney rolls his eyes and continues walking and brooding. Willy gives the barber a death glare and holds tightly onto Edward; Edward whimpers and cuddles the chocolatier.

"Could you two Whangdoodles stop arguing for one second?!" Willy demands, knowing that he's asking a lot from these two. Tarrant quickly stands up and casually pushes Sweeney over. Sweeney cries out, yes the demon barber of Fleet Street cries out like a small child as he falls. Willy throws his hands in the air and turns on his heels, this isn't his problem anymore.


Every prickly branch seems to be hitting Ichabod in the face as Jack drags him through the forest.

"Ow! Could you please watch where you are going?!" Ichabod finally snaps as a branch smacks the center of his forehead, leaving a painful red mark.

"You watch were you're going" Jack smugly replies as he pushes a branch out of his way, luckily Ichabod ducks before it can hit him. All of the sudden, the constable is alone in this hellish forest. It's dimly lit from an unknown source of light, and Jack seems to have wandered off.

"M-Mr. Sparrow?!" Ichabod fearfully calls out, this part of the forest is so quiet that he swears that he can hear his own heartbeat.

"J-Jack?!" He cries out once more, forgetting all formalities entirely. There's another loud howl and Ichabod backs up into a tree. He hates this. He hates this forest. He hates Lilyana. He hates the fact that Jack has abandoned him to die. The constable is about to give up and maybe cry, when the pirate leaps out of a bush that seems to be made out blue leaves. Ichabod screams like a little girl and falls to the ground without hesitation.

"Ah that's right. 'e can't deal with one spook before goin' horizontal" Jack says to himself as he slings Ichabod over his shoulder. Once the constable is over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the pirate begins walking in a that way direction.


The group stops their rather childlike bickering when they hear the spine chilling howl. A silence laced with the fear fills the air as they all listen for another terrifying howl, or the sound of whatever creature made that noise to come charging out of the forest for them.

"W-who's there?!" Willy asks, breaking the silence as he shines lantern towards where they heard the noise. All the men scream in horror when the lantern stops on a little girl in a pink dress, this girl is none other than the creator of this test.

"Must you scream?" Lilyana barks over their terrified screams, her cold voicer turns their screams into terrified whimpers.

"W-what do you want?! Where's Jack and Ichabod? Has the t-time….?" Willy demands as his violet eyes fill with tears, and he holds Edward as close as he can to his heart. No. No. Time can't have not have run out already. It feels as if they've only been here for half an hour.

"I came to tell you that another hour has passed!" Lilyana replies cheerfully, as Sweeney growls at her and Tarrant hides behind Willy and Edward.

"There are eighteen hours left."


Ichabod is just starting to come too by the time that Jack has set him down on a soft patch of grass. He slowly sits up, his head spinning slightly and yelps when he realizes that Jack is staring directly into his face.

"Good mornin'….Or should I say night? Anyhoo, we've arrived" Jack says and looks out there. The two of them are on a ledge of sorts, and out there is the view. The view is miles upon miles of dark green trees that seem to stretch for ever and ever.

"Arrived? Where?!" Ichabod questions as shakily stands up.

" 'Ere. We've arrived 'ere" Jack replies calmly and cannot help but smile at Ichabod's confusion and fear, as the constable looks at the view in front of them. This time, Ichabod allows himself to sink to his knees.



Lilyana leaves in a puff of bright pink smoke, just as Sweeney tackles the smoke. The barber quickly gets up and the others burst into laughter as they get an eyeful of the barber. Sweeney is covered from head to toe in a pink, sparkly powder that really throws the demon barber vibes off.

"Stop laughing at me. Stop it. I will cut all of your throats" Sweeney tries over and over again, but it's no use. It's really hard to be afraid of a man that's covered in pink powder. The joyous moment comes to an abrupt stop as there is another loud howl, Edward's smile fades and he whimpers as Willy realizes that he's starting to bleed from his wounds again. While Willy tries to persuade Tarrant for more thread, hey thread is expensive and Tarrant only brought so many spools with him, Sweeney brushes some of the powder off his face and decides to go exploring. He takes a careful step and half walks, half falls onto a ledge of some sort.

"Sweetness! Welcom' to the party!" Jack greets when he spots the familiar unruly mess of raven hair and white streak.

"It's Todd. Sweeney Todd. Is he alright?" Sweeney asks, his vice softening without him realizing it as he glances over at Ichabod. The constable is still in his fallen position, looking out at the enormous amount of the trees. A breeze gently blows by, ruffling Ichabod's hair and Sweeney blushes. WAIT, WHAT?! Since when does he blush?! Is it because of Ichabod's porcelain skin? Or his black as night hair? Maybe it's his high cheekbones, or how he tries to be brave when scared out of his mind.

"Sweeney? Mr. Barber? Barber boy?" Tarrant asks as he stares in fascination at the change of expressions on Sweeney's face. Sweeney wipes more powder from his face; he's as pink as the powder and quickly turns away from Ichabod. Jack and Tarrant exchange a knowing look, these two seem to see and know everything.

"I'm fine" Sweeney snaps back as he looks everywhere but at Ichabod, his arms are tightly crossed across his chest as if that will stop him from feeling. Willy has set Edward down on the grass and looks confused.

"Everything okie dokie?" Willy asks, sitting next to Edward and as he watches the barber's strange behavior. Sweeney ignores Willy and sits on a rock away from everyone. He will get through this test, without becoming attached to anyone even if it kills him.

End of chapter four