
Well, I know most readers want the sequel to my post popular story FOSTA.

Back from my break and I missed doing things for Battle Network.
So I'm going to do a thing.

For those who are new here, this does relate somewhat to my other Battle Netowork Fic known as 'The Love of Many'.
It's cheesy, one of my beginning fics. Read at your own risk. But I did develop a lot of world building for the series.

Which much I am basing this on.


I will be writing a side fic (more like an explanation of my interpretation of the BN universe and why I did it, ranging everything from NetNavi Culture to MegaMan .EXE himself)

But this is a little fic I wanted to stir up. It takes place a few years before 'The Love of Many',
But it's been a few Months since Battle Network 6.

The Hikari's have moved back into ACDC town.


Disclaimer: MegaMan Battle Network is made by Capcom
(To which I hope it gets a remake in 3D. It is but a dream)

The Millennium Comet

By True-InTha-Blue

Chapter 1

It was an average night in ACDC town.

The world renewed Hero Lan Hikari with his NetNavi: MegaMan, was sleeping soundly at night. In Lan's 7th grade year, not much has changed. He was still sort of a boy who has not yet hit puberty and still was very much a child he was back in 6th grade and even 5th grade.

While there were a few boxes scattered around his room, showing signs of unpacking and moving in, there was still there was a sign he was starting to get more comfortable. His room was still covered in posters of heroes and navis, soccer themed decorations and cushions were scattered around the floor and books, mainly graphic novels, were crammed in the shelf next to his desk. There his PC sat along with his PET rested MegaMan, The true power behind Lan Hikari's exploits in saving the world.

Unlike his NetOp, MegaMan was up tonight, having no desire to rest. He was still working on the inner programs of the house, from safety networks, firewalls, to the microwave programs that had Mrs. Hikari's personalized preferences. Not only that is that he simply didn't want to sleep. His being was a bit hardwired to be restless tonight. His mind just wanted to be distracted and didn't want to rest or relax. As irritating as it was at least he could do was work finalizing some of the workload it took moving back to their house in ACDC town.

They only moved back about a few weeks ago and it still was pretty hectic.

The NetNavi sighed. Lan's friends had hardly let the boy out of his sight these days, leaving him and their other NetNavis, Gutsman, Roll, Glyde, Iceman, and himself to their own devices. Normally this would be a problem as NetNavis weren't naturally programmed to 'hang out' on their own. Luckily he, MegaMan, knew how.

At first,he and the rest were pretty sad seeing how easily that their NetOps were moving on. But that's how the lifecycle of the NetNavi went along. And this was of sort was a good sign; their humans were growing up and that is what their purpose was. To help humans.

Still didn't mean they liked it. 'I won't deny it, this will be a hurtful phase for us.' The blue navi thought with a frown. But at least he would be with his fellow NetNavis. Their own emotions improving to match his own.

Yet they were still leagues away from matching his emotional diversity.

He was silent, shaking his head, trying desperately to empty his matrix of all needless thought. Now wasn't time to be human, he needed to be a machine that needed to get his job done for tonight.

Yet fate would deny him that for tonight and even for a while.

Immediately, the sub-matrix alarms system was going off in his system. He had them installed after too many times of being caught off guard. This mean this meant that computers at Sci-Labs where going off in alarm. Specifically that some foreign object was in trajectory towards Electopia. Closing his eyes and concentrating all his power towards the system he tried to find the specifics.

The coordinates were heading towards ACDC town!

From the outside, in the human world, he heard sirens were going off. The startled yelp of his NetOp told him that they were particularly loud.

"W-Wazaa-goin-on?!" Lan slurred in his half-awake stupor.

MegaMan did not hesitate to answer. "A strange foreign object is flying towards ACDC Town park. Lan I suggest we take shel-"

"We gotta go see it!" Lan interrupted with his hero bravado taking over.

The Blue Bomber sighed and conceded, knowing it was better than the argue with his younger twin.

Still, if he could, he would give a good smack on his Net Op's head for running into danger so easily.

Swiftly down the stairs, even with the commotion, momma even woke up (bless her, she needed all the rest she could get). Lan made way through the door and out to the lit streets of the Town. Police cars and the vans containing that of the Net Police and Sci Labs were on the scene to whatever was coming.

Lazers had and radar dishes had been set up and were aiming at a flaming object in the sky.

Another larger radar-like device was looming above the figures.

"Dad!" Lan spotted his father in the crowd.

"Lan!' Dr. Hikari cried out. He wanted to question why his son was there but thought better than it resigning the fact his son would always end up attracted to dangerous situations especially when they were centered within his hometown.

"What's going on?" The young Hikari asked the father as scientist collaborated together around the various machines.

"A strange object from space is heading towards the center of ACDC park."

Lan became worried at the familiar scenario. "Is it like Dou's Comet?"

The scientist shook his head. "Thankfully no. From what we can see, the object is far, far smaller. However, it will leave a nasty impact in the middle of the park when it hits. Right now, we are going to use this to test the limits of our newest project to prevent collateral damage."

"Oh! What would that be?" Lan asked curiosity overriding the fact he was in a danger zone.

The father pointed to the largest radar dish. "A Kinetic Displacement unit. Using the same technology that we use to prevent natural disasters, this machine will take the energy and force of the meteor and disperse from the energy field to the transformers."

"Oh." That sounded very anticlimactic to the pre-teen. "So you guys are just damage control?"

The father paused mid-step and his workings on the machine. As if debating o-n what he should say next. In the end, the older Hikari decided that one way or another Lan would get this information.

"Well... not necessarily. The reason why half of Sci-Labs are here is because of the electromagnetic waves that meteor is releasing." His face furrowed.

"What are they like?" His son prodded.

"Well..." Yuichiro trailed off like he was in disbelief of his own words. "Amongst many unidentifiable signals... There is one... that is... exactly the same as our network here on Earth."

The son's eyes widened and within the PET, so did the Blue Bomber's. Even Duo's comet as a mess of strange signals, while some of them were similar, Duo's network did not have one that was exactly like the internet.

That was... disturbing... to say the least.

As the object got closer, machines whirred to life and Dr. Hikari was the responsible father.

"Lan, we need to get back for safety."

The boy followed his dad's orders to get over a dozen meters away behind though see through carbon barriers. Dr. Hikari followed suit along with all the scientist safely maintaining the machines with computers behind the fields.

MegaMan had a UI containing the distance and visuals of the estimated arrival time and trajectory of the meteor. Meanwhile, Lan watched the physical object get closer and closer. But even with that and the bright spot lights pointing on it, the exact details of it were hard to see.

But then something weird happened.

"Is... it... getting slower?" Lan asked out of the blue. The rest of the scientist, including his dad, had their jaws slowly drop.

"It is..." MegaMan gave the answer as he watched the screen as the object slowed down unnaturally.

As though an outer force was controlling it.

"Put up the barrier now!" Dr. Hikari regained his mind and began the order the other scientist do their jobs.

Within 50 meters upon impact, the Kinetic Displacement Unit sprung a hexagonal force field around the perimeter.

But by then the meteor, now meteorite upon surviving Earth's atmosphere, had slowed to a crawl and upon reaching the ground gently landed, just a foot above. Eerily hovering in midair.

With the spotlights trained fully on the object, you could see that it was unlike most Earthly structures, natural or artificial. Black and purplish crystals formed around it widening as they went up, sparkling with stardust. The meteorite itself was three feet tall and a foot wide.

Everyone was agape with how unlike this thing was expected.

Even Dr. Hikari didn't expect something like this... and felt fear.

"Lan... go home."

Said boy looked indignant. "But Dad!"

"Go home Lan!" MegaMan uncharacteristically raised his voice before Yuichiro could retort.

"Please for once listen to me and your dad. We don't know what that thing is, or what it can do. At least give them time before barging in."

Lan looked like he wanted to argue but seeing the look on his dad's face he just merely sighed instead.
"Fine." He said reluctantly. "But I want to see what is going on tomorrow." Whether this was protectiveness of his town or just simple teenage rebellion was up for grabs, but either was, so long that Lan could be safe for at least a little while, Dr. Hikari would take it.

"Alright." The Head Scientist said tiredly before shooing his son off.

As Lan walked home he brought up his PET. "So what do think that thing is?" He was referring to the Meteor.

"I don't know." MegaMan said plainly. "Hopefully... nothing dangerous." He really didn't want to deal with some other world-threatening catastrophe. Not just right after the Cyber-Beasts incidents.

Lan just had summer vacation and the NetNavi wanted his NetOp to have a relaxing moment.

But unfortunately, knowing his brother, Lan would go on ahead, guns a blazing.

Regardless... He would be there to protect his most important person.


So... Hope you like it?

Sorry for the short chapter, but I have learned the importance of pacing over my break.