AN: So I am at it again writing drabbles! This was at first a challenge I got myself into but then my internet wasn't functioning and I decided to stop.

Yes, to my followers this is like a gift, because of them handling me being so late with my other story, and if you just happen to be around here, then be welcome to read this! Please review!

A big, green and comfortable forest, if you could describe it as a place.

The only thing she could ever spent hours admiring and even get lost in it, it wasn't on her own will of course.

She had tried millions of times to escape that curse

That is what it is right?

It couldn't be more than that, she had been under it and it was…


She had never understood what happened to her conscience when she stared into his jaded eyes.

Every time she did that, she seemed to let her emotions flow.

It had happened in Gongmen, almost two times.

The first one, was when she was trying to comfort him and understand him, she could swear his eyes weren't the same as always, since she could found fear in them, and she couldn't stand it, so she ran to him in a comforting hug, to help him.

And the time that it almost happened, was when she pulled him from the water in the harbor, saying words that she hoped were enough to say "Thank you" and to give him support, and then, he hugged her.

She sighed, and proceeded to stare again, at each detail in his eyes, of course not in purpose.

Beautiful, but this is strange, why is it so close?

"Tigress…" the voice owner of the eyes, slightly whispered.

"Yes?" she said, not understanding why he was talking so low.

"Isn't this uncomfortable for you?"

She snapped back from her trance and suddenly she realized what had happened mere moments ago.

They were sparring as always, but Po was almost going to defeat her, and so, in a desperate move to not lose, she decided to sweep her feet in a circle, making him fall, but she fell with him, as he tried to grab her trying to recover his balance, and so since, she spent it staring into his eyes.

She got up very fast, nervous and not understanding what just happened, Po was still in the floor, with a huge sheepish grin, and many chuckles were heard from the rest of the furious five.

She hated this curse

But somehow, it was still comforting.