This little ficlet was inspired by the beautiful artwork by Msgloomanddoom of Michonne in Rick's shirt. Here's a little scene I would love to see on the show. Enjoy!

"I was about to put out an APB." Rick smirked as Michonne emerged from the en suite.

He's lucky he is so damn cute, she thought to herself, rolling her eyes at his attempt at humor. "It's a wonder you have any teeth left." he continued, a stupid grin on his face.

He thinks he's so funny. More tooth-brushing jokes.

He's lucky he's so damn sexy.

"Hmph." she hummed, looking down at the man in her bed; white sheet barely covering his Adonis belt, hair disheveled and eyes still heavy from sleep. Even half awake he was sexy as hell.

Rick's eyes scanned her from the legs up as she walked past the threshold of the washroom back toward their bed. "And you're wearing my clothes now?" he smiled wider and hoisted his tired body up to sit at the edge of the bed, ready to welcome her back.

"Looks better on me." a salacious grin spread across her face as she stopped in front of him and stood between his knees. Rick's hands quickly found their way to Michonne's thighs and then slowly ran up their sides up onto her hips.

Rick's head tilted in it's usual way, "it does." he laughed, finally returning his gaze to her eyes.

This particular shirt held a special place in Michonne's heart. She'd never forget what Rick was wearing...and eventually not wearing, on their first night together. The blue denim did make his eyes sparkle something special, too. Michonne placed her hands on Rick's shoulders and smiled. "I'll admit, it does bring out your eyes, you have me there."

"Nahhhh..." he groaned, gripping the edges of the blue fabric that skimmed the front of Michonne's thighs, pulling her in closer, beckoning her onto his lap.

Insatiable, she laughed to herself but ungrudgingly complied, straddling his hips and settling her weight onto him. He was the most comfortable seat she'd ever sat on.

"...You wear it better than I ever could." his hands snaked their way up her sides, finding their way to the fastened buttons at the center of her cleavage. "but," he snuck in a quick kiss on her lips as he began undoing buttons, one at a time, " is my shirt.." then trailing kisses onto her neck, "and I do need it back".

Michonne hugged around his neck, nudging her nose into his soft hair. He smelled the way a man should and she loved it. She smiled once Rick found his way down the length of his shirt, promptly reaching inside and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her naked torso into him, a throaty breath exiting his lungs at the feel of her chest against his. Michonne released her grip and leaned back to look at his handsome face.

"Well, if you need it so badly, go ahead and take it" she challenged. She knew where this would lead. There were things to do and places to be this morning, but they could wait. They would wait. This was more important. Rick needed his shirt back and Michonne didn't want to deny him something he so desperately needed.

Rick smiled back as his eyes dropped from Michonne's, first to her lips, then further south. The shirt really did look better on her. "Y'know, I may let you keep it," his hands found their way up her waist, onto more delicate regions. "but you have to wear it like this if you want it."

Michonne laughed as Rick pulled them back onto the mattress.

The world outside was going to wait. For as long as they needed it to.