DD: Hey guys! Here's a vampire AU that I've been writing with JazzyMin97 on Wattpad. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

The silver light glinted in broken patches on the darkened street as two figures chased through it.

One snarled curses, stained with blood. The other was silent, gripping a long knife.

The one with the knife kept his eyes on the blood stained figure. His grip tightened.

They had played this 'cat-and-mouse' game for long enough. It was time for their fun to end.

His legs pumped harder.

The beast jumped and scrambled up the nearest fire escape.

Another figure – almost identical to the first – stood at the top, waiting.

His own blades gleamed. After a short, strangled scream, the beast's body slopped against the ladder and its head bounced down to the ground.

The first figure huffed and picked up the head. "Atem! That one was mine!"

Atem shrugged. "Then you should have killed him faster."

"Don't forget the body; we need to burn it!" Yami called. "And I would have if you didn't interfere!"

Atem hummed. "Sure you would have." He threw the body down.

It hit the ground in front of Yami with a heavy splat; blood splashed up onto him. It wasn't necessary to burn every body. But they hadn't burned one once, and it had come back. Now, they burned every single one. Just to be safe.

"That was nasty!" Yami yelled, shaking his legs to get some of the creature's blood off. "You could have thrown it away from me!"

Gods, why was Atem such an ass?

Atem shrugged, making his way down the fire escape with quick jumps from landing to landing. He dropped beside his brother. "Your fault for chasing him up the roof." He himself was stained with a bit of blood. "Besides, it's only on your clothes. You can burn them later if you want."

Yami stuck out his tongue. "Yeah, maybe, but it's a waste to have to burn them."

"Then just wash them." Atem folded his arms. "Are we burning it here or out on the hill?"

The hill. An area of land they used to either burn large groups or vampires that had put up a good fight.

Yami scoffed and spat at the vampire. "It doesn't deserve the hill. Here will be fine."

Atem sighed as he pulled his lighter out. "You're the one who couldn't catch him."

"Just shut up and burn it," Yami spat, glaring at his brother.

Atem smirked slightly. He clicked the lighter and bent down. The flames licked at the beast's body for a moment before catching on.

Atem stood back, pocketing the lighter.

Yami waited for the flames to engulf its entire body before tossing in the head as well.

It was so pathetic.

Cornering weak prey and sucking them dry.

Yami scrunched his nose in disgust at the smell that came from the creature. "I don't get why these blood sucking assholes keep swarming here."

"It's easy to corner people in alleys, and there's lots of alleys in this part of the city," Atem muttered, turning away."Come on. We need to check in and get home; school starts tomorrow."

Yami groaned, turning to follow his brother. "Why did they send us if they actually want us to go in tomorrow?"

"Quit whining, Yami. We could have declined the mission but we both knew that wasn't going to happen. Let's go."

Yami cast a final glance at the burning corpse before following Atem out of the alley.

Atem turned on his phone as they walked and dialled Boss.

"What? Make it fast."

"It's Atem and Yami. Job's done. Anything else before tomorrow?" Atem questioned.

"No. Get home and get some sleep before tomorrow," came the reply. "I'll see you at school. You won't be getting as many jobs during school terms. Not ones that take you away from Domino anyway."

Atem nodded. "Got it. See you then." He hung up.

"What'd he say?" Yami asked, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Go home and get some sleep for school. They won't be giving us missions outside of Domino for a while," Atem explained, slipping the phone back into his pocket. Yami huffed and slid his knife into its sheath. "You know it's for the best," Atem sighed. "You nearly failed last year's exams."

"Yeah, whatever. I'll pass these ones with flying colours, right?" Yami muttered.

"That's the point. Are you going to be able to focus enough, or are you going to be flirting your ass off again?" Atem raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up," Yami snapped. "You were flirting with Mahad for nearly the whole year."

"Yeah, but both he and I got close to top scores," Atem teased, "so I'm allowed to."

Yami folded his arms. "Shut up. I'm older than you."

"Yeah, but you act younger," Atem pointed out.

"Nu uh!"

"See?" Atem smirked.

"Shut up," Yami repeated as they neared their apartment.

Atem grinned. "We should really get a car. Then we wouldn't have to wear ourselves out more after the jobs."

Yami snorted. "You want to risk any of their comrades seeing the licence plate and tracking it? Be my guest. But not while you're living with me." Not again.

Atem sighed. "Fine. But you have to agree; walking home is tiring."

"It is," Yami agreed. "But it's not worth the risk." Not after their parents.

Atem sighed again and nudged Yami. "So are you taking a shower tonight or in the morning."

"Tonight. The longer you let the blood sit, the more disgusting it is. You know that," Yami mumbled.

"Okay, I can still ask." Atem pulled out his phone. "We ordering pizza again? I don't feel like cooking."

Yami groaned. "'Tem, we've had pizza every night this week. Can't we get Chinese or Thai or something?"

Atem shrugged. "Fine but they don't deliver and I'm not picking it up."

Yami rolled his eyes. "Fine. We can have pizza."

Atem glanced at his brother. "In a couple of days, I'll cook a nice, home-made meal. Deal?"

Yami perked up. "My favourite? Or whatever you feel like?"

"Possibly." Atem smirked.

Yami scowled. "That answers nothing."

"I may or may not cook your favourite." Atem's smirk grew. "If you can stop flirting with guys long enough to pass the first maths test."

Yami almost stopped mid-step. "B-But I can still flirt, right? You know that if I don't get it out of my system, I'll lose my mojo."

"As long as you get a good grade, you can flirt," Atem assured him. "But I don't care about your 'mojo'. If you don't pass the test, I'm cutting off your flirting privileges."

Yami glared at him. "Then I'll cut off your TV privileges. That's right; no flirting for me, no TV for you."

"Then I guess you'd better pass that test." Atem smiled.

Yami growled and crossed his arms. "It's just a stupid maths test. I can pass it." He pulled out their apartment key as they began climbing the stairs.

Atem was already typing in the pizzeria number as they climbed. "Yeah. Yup. Nah, that's okay man."

Yami rolled his eyes and unlocked their door. Atem walked through. "Yeah, you too. Thanks. Have a good night."

"Did you order?" Yami dropped the keys on the table and pushed the door shut.

"Yup." Atem nodded. "Chicken and olives for you, Hawaiian for me."

Yami sighed. "Do you ever get tired of pizza?"

"Nope." Atem popped the p.

"That's going to give you a heart attack." Yami pulled off his blood-covered shirt.

Atem shrugged. "And our jobs won't?"

Yami threw his shirt into the washing basket. "Touché."

Atem glanced at his bloody clothes. "Hurry up and shower. I don't want to answer the door covered in blood – again."

Yami nodded and made his way to the bathroom – leisurely, despite Atem's words. He knew he had time. It always took exactly twenty nine minutes for the pizza to be delivered.

Atem sighed as he watched his brother. He'd be left with a nine-minute, luke-warm shower. As always.

"Next time," he muttered, "I'm taking the shower first." He always told himself that, but he never did.

There was something about the blood that bothered Yami more than himself. He always found himself able to stay in the clothes longer than his brother could.

The shower turned on.

He couldn't blame Yami. He had watched their parents die. He had nearly died too.

Atem shook his head and turned the television on. He needed a distraction before his sulking mood reached his brother.

The Simpsons. Mind-numbing comedy. Perfect.

Although he found the show stupid, at least he didn't have to think. He chuckled as Bart said something snarky to his mother.

Something rustled outside but he paid no heed to it. Probably the neighbour's cat again.

He heard the rustling again and turned to the window. Nothing.

Stupid cat.

A few moments later, the bell rang. Atem frowned and looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes.

Too early. Too early to be the pizza.

He glanced at himself before standing up. Experimenting with Halloween blood again. It's what he had told all of his neighbours.

He walked to the door and peeked through the eyehole. A kid.

Well, teenager. Someone his own age.

That was odd. Very few people his age lived in those apartments.

He took a deep breath before opening the door. "Can I help you?"

The boy looked at him. Short, but still taller than Atem – just. Silver, choppy hair. Periwinkle eyes – perhaps partially blind with the scar that ran through one of them.

His eyes zoned in on the blood staining Atem. "The fuck happened to you?"

Atem glanced at his shirt. "Oh, uh, fake blood. I make it and sell it online. Halloween stores love it. Anyway, do you need something?"

The boy slowly nodded. "Yeah; are you Atem or Yami Senji or Sennen or something like that?"

"Why?" Atem frowned.

"We're living on the floor above you. Someone said you go to Domino High?" The boy trailed off.

Atem nodded. "Yeah. I take it you're a new student?"

The boy mimicked his actions. "Akefia. My brothers and I are starting tomorrow. Just wondering if there's a bus that collects you or if you walk."

"My brother and I walk but you guys could talk to the office tomorrow and see if there's a bus route." Atem grinned. "Atem, by the way. So why'd you guys move?"

Akefia shrugged. "Just some rumours that went around our old school and my brothers being bullied. Nothing really unusual except one… Someone thought I had a tail."

Atem's eyes widened and a laugh bubbled in his throat. "A tail? How the hell did that happen?"

"Trust me; there was more disturbing. That was just the craziest," Akefia chuckled.

Atem shook his head, trying not to grin. "I don't even know how that's possible, but wow. When did you guys move in? I didn't see any trucks."

Akefia snorted. "Delayed. They're coming tomorrow while we're at school. Ryou will be staying to let them in. So we get the joyous pleasure of eating cold take-out and sleeping on the floor."

Atem nodded. "Sounds wonderful. And sleeping on the floor isn't that bad. Pretend you're having a sleepover or something."

"I've been 'sleeping over' with them for sixteen years," Akefia chuckled. "There's nothing left to do."

"Well I'm sure you guys could sleep," Atem joked. "Or watch TV."

"No TV yet."

"You could find something to do."

"What a help you are," Akefia muttered.

"Yup. Definitely. So where did you guys move from?" Atem asked.

"South of Ireland," Akefia replied, leaning against the door frame. "We've lived there for the past few years."

Atem nodded – as though that explained something. "Yup. Can totally see why they thought you had a tail; Irish are weird."

"Hey!" Akefia protested, grinning. "I'm part Irish!"

"Oh that really explains it," Atem laughed. "You're weird."

"Hey!" Akefia protested again, playfully tapping Atem's arm. "You're weirder than I am. Testing Halloween blood?"

Atem rolled his eyes and huffed. "At least my weirdness ends with me being paid."

Akefia stuck his tongue out. "Well maybe I'm a voice actor for an Irish cartoon character."

Atem quirked an eyebrow. "Are you?"

"Maybe." Akefia smirked.

"This isn't fair," Atem whined. "You know what I do. Why can't I know what you do?"


Atem turned to see Yami walking towards them in a tank top and loose sweatpants. He hadn't heard the water turn off. "Hey, Yami."

Yami was looking past Atem. "Who's this?"

"This," Atem stated, waving at Akefia, "is someone you should be nice to. We'll be seeing him and his brothers on our way to school tomorrow." Yami narrowed his eyes. "His name's Akefia. The weird Irish guy with a tail."

"I said that was a rumour and I'm not weird," Akefia laughed.

"He's weird," Atem confirmed.

Yami rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Go take a shower before the pizza guy sees you and decides the blood is real and calls the cops. Again."

Atem rolled his eyes. "Okay, Mr. Moody." He gave a mock wave to Akefia. "Night, Captain Weird." He turned and walked into the flat again.

Akefia shook his head and looked at Yami. "So if he's Atem, I'm guessing you're Yami?"

Yami folded his arms and leaned against the door. "Depends on who's asking."

Akefia sighed. "As your brother said, I'm Akefia. My brothers and I just moved in upstairs. We're going to be going to Domino High starting tomorrow. Is there a problem?" He raised an eyebrow.

"We didn't see any moving trucks."

"Again, as I explained to your brother, it's delayed. It's coming tomorrow."

Yami narrowed his eyes. "Why did you come down here?"

"The bat beside us said you guys go to Domino High so I came down to find out whether or not there was a bus." Akefia rolled his eyes again. "Are you done now?"

Yami hummed. "Well, Akefia, I haven't decided whether or not I like you yet. So why don't you go off to bed and let us get ready to do the same?"

Akefia's other eyebrow arched. "Well, Yami, your brother doesn't seem to mind me, so I don't really care what you think." He turned away. "Tell him I said thanks," he called over his shoulder as he walked towards the stairs.

Yami watched him until the door to the stairs closed, blocking Akefia from sight.

Yami huffed and shut the door. He hated meeting strangers at night – especially after hunting. He just wanted his pizza and sleep before school. Actually, scratch school. He just wanted pizza and sleep.

Just as Atem came out of the shower dressed in only sweatpants, the doorbell rang.


Yami shook his head and opened the door. "You're like a child," he called over his shoulder as he paid the pizza guy and took the box. He kicked the door shut behind him. "Only you would get this excited for pizza after having it every day for a week," he muttered. "I even know that kid's name now."

Atem stole his pizza from Yami. "I love my pizza; hunting seriously makes me starving. And what's his name?"

Yami plopped onto the couch and opened his pizza box. "Jaden. He's a freshman."

Sighing, Atem took a seat on the floor, his pizza box beside him. "You sound so enthused."

"He's not my type."

"Not what I meant."

"I'm just tired," Yami muttered as he grabbed a slice of pizza. "Can't we just go straight to working for Silver Crosses full time?"

Atem shook his head. "I want to do more than hunt day-in, day-out. Seto agrees with me. Learn to live, little brother."

"I'm older than you." Yami flicked a piece of chicken at Atem. "And hunting is living."

"Ew! Keep your chicken off me!" Atem brushed it off. "And there are other things besides hunting, asshole."

"True." Yami took a bite out of his pizza. "Just nothing that I want to do."

"Find a hobby. You're seventeen and no hobbies aside from sports – which you only do to improve your hunting. Your life sucks." Atem bit into his own pizza.

"My life is fine. My hobby is killing homicidal vampires. I like it." Yami glared at the blank wall.

"No, that's what pays our rent. Please Yami; stop being so bitter about everything." Atem stared down at his pizza. He wasn't very hungry anymore.

"I'll stop being bitter when we find the motherfucker that killer our parents," Yami snarled, taking a vicious bite out of his pizza.

Atem took a more nauseous bite of his pizza. "And if someone else already killed it? What then, Yami? What will fuel your bitter rage then?"

"Then I'll kill as many of them as I can before I die to make sure the same damn thing doesn't happen to another seven year old on their way back from a birthday party while their brother's home sick," Yami snapped. He threw the crust into the bin from the couch. "I'm going to bed."

Atem dropped his unfinished slice back into the box. "Whatever. I'm going to watch some TV for a bit."

"Whatever." Yami stood up and walked into his bedroom. The door slammed shut behind him.

Atem rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. This always happened. It never failed.

He wanted to scream. And argue. And he wanted his brother back.

He closed his eyes.

He wanted his family back.

DD: Well I've got a cold now. Not sure how but I do. Ugh. And I'm annoyed; I had a really cool dream where my school did West Side Story as the musical and I got the part of that guy who sings I Want To Be In America with the girl and I love that song and I woke up wondering why I couldn't remember any of my lines… Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please vote and review. See you next time, Killer Queens!