Cloud: The Almighty Janitor?!

Cloud Strife is a young mistreated boy from Nibelheim, and his mistreatment began due to an understanding that started with Tifa Lockhart and her friends going up Mt. Nibel during the wake of her mother's funeral, believing she could see her mother again if she climbed to the top based on the urban legend.

Going after her, was a bad idea despite his good intentions, and her friends never owned up to the truth, happily leaving him a scapegoat.

So he decided to heck with them all. He was very bitter with with the cause and effect of that day, and began treating them coldly. When bullying began, he retaliated violently. His only allies in town is his mother who knew the truth, but for the sake of her having good relationships with the neighbors, the two faked an act together...while every night, Mrs. Strife would apologize to her son in tears for what she had to do on that day. Then there's Zangan who saw the utter unfairness of the situation, and trained the weak boy who the kids happily bullied for 'what he did' to Tifa just so he'd stand a chance. The old martial artist from Wutai has his own moral code and what he saw is no morals at all. He originally chose Tifa as his pupil, but dropped her. He would only take her in if she owned up to the truth, but she never did.

One day at age 13, he decided to leave Nibelheim to find a better life for both himself and his mother. He left to become SOLDIER...or that was the excuse he gave.

Everyone else was doing it anyway, so why not?

However, unlike most cadets, he has the most sense.

'Mother, Zangan,' he said while having dinner. 'While I DID say I'll go apply for SOLDIER, I know its gonna fail right from the start.'

'Eh?!' Mrs. Strife blinked. 'Honey how can you say that when you haven't even tried yet?' she asked him, upset.

'What I mean by that, is the Mako Procedures.' Cloud pointed out. 'I have weak compatibility. What determines the make-or-break is the Mako Tests regardless of how high one's grades are. However, I'll exploit the program and still get a job somehow. Then once I earn enough money, I'm getting you out of here.' he swore. 'Our situation here is toxic. And we both have our limits mom.' he said sadly. 'We can't please this stupid town forever.'

'I know but rent in Midgar is expensive son.' she said. 'There's no way we can afford that place!'

'Well, there's Mideel y'know.' said Zangan. 'You can find work in Cosmo Canyon, Mideel, and Banora, places I know with cheap rents but good paying jobs!' he pointed out. 'And knowing Cloud, he damn will get a good job.'

And so, Cloud exploited his Cadet Status. He learned all there is to know about the Military Side. He learned skills in Swordsmanship, Firearms, Bomb-Construction and Disposal, Combat Skills, Driving Skills, Computers, Machinery and Maintenance, Military Science, Rules and Hierarchy of Shinra, Floor Plans, Access Privileges...he aced them all through sheer hard work and it was said that he's a shoo-in for SOLDIER...while working part-time as a Janitor to earn extra money since he's from a poor family wanting to help his mother pay for his Cadet Training and the SOLDIER Director allowed that upon processing his many permission forms...after a background check. However, he is allowed if he can maintain his performances. If his Cadet Training suffers, he would lose his job as a consequence so Lazard warned him of that, or he could choose: the program or his job when it comes to that point. Cloud agreed to the stipulations.

And it begins.

As a Janitor, the pay is really big, considering how much cleaning up needs done.

However, it dawned on Cloud what being a Janitor really is.

Being a Janitor means nobody in any hierarchy can control you and your actions. You're free to do as you please as long as you do your job. Janitors are also the people who know EVERYTHING that goes on. In fact, it places Cloud in best possible places to gather information while cleaning and fixing. You're also allowed in places a Cadet is normally NOT allowed into, as long as you're not in uniform, that is! So yes, he milks it for all its worth, as long as he's sure there's no hidden camera somewhere!

Janitor is more than cleaning indeed. Benefits, pay, and no need for advancement...he earns about 250000 Gil a month considering he cleans...the SOLDIER Floors and the Science Labs to protect him from bullying from his peers had he been assigned to clean the Cadet Barracks and Classrooms. So yes, Lazard really is well-liked by his fellow blonde who got him that job through the HR Department. And a Janitor's pay depends on where he cleans, but he is always better paid than any employee in the building whose pay depends on positional hierarchy.

However, he gets attention eventually...

Because in a military of just men, and men at puberty at that, ye gads...

Shinra is to blame for their...wacky developments.

And as a pretty blonde in the SOLDIER Floors of all places, Cloud is the most talked-about topic...when they're sure he's not around.