It was raining and a young Sesshomoru walked down the side walk, a smile on his narrow face. He received many stairs from people frowning under their umbrella as he walked down the path. His face unlike others had two light purple stripes, a crescent moon between his golden eyes, His silver hair stuck to his face. His father, Inutashio, owner of many large and booming industries, had forgotten to come pick him up after school again. He stared at the ground, jumping over the cracks in the side walk. He looked up, he thought he heard someone crying, so he paused. When he didn't hear anything for a minute he continued to walk. He heard the someone crying again, he looked to the side. There was a busted hole in the dirty wooden fence, he hesitantly walked toward the hole, he used his demon senses to search for anybody, but the only aura he felt was a small wounded one. Like one from a small animal.

I walked through the hole in the fence, bending over to avoid hitting my head. I walked forward, trying not to get any mud on the new clothes Dad had Jaken pick up. I sighed as i looked down at my muddied pants and shook my head. The ground was wet and slippery from the mud, The only tree about 3 miles up, I thought about turning back but decided against it and continued to walk. I tripped on twigs and pebbles While climbing up the hill in my loafers. Suddenly the wind picked up and i fell back on my butt. I growled, annoyed. I stood and ripped off my loafers and socks. shoving them in the soaked backpack i carried. I continued up the hill. The sounds of someone crying growing stronger. Once i reached the top i looked up and noticed that my house was just a few streets down the way. I heard someone sob, and whoever it was, they weren't demon. I remember my father telling me to never trust anyone that wasn't some sort of demon. I slowly crept around, and laying on the ground curled up in a ball was a girl, she looked to be about my age. A sob raked through her small body. I reached down and she turned rather quickly. I stared surprised as her ocean blue eyes shot up to me. A surprising amount of fire in her small frame, she was obviously terrified. I felt a power rise, and it wasn't mine, i stumbled and fell back, the power burning me. The fire in her eyes died as she looked at me.

"Wh- who are y-you?" She hiccuped

"I-I'm Sesshomoru, son of Inutasha." I said, trying to make my voice heard over the wind

"I don't mean to hurt you. I heard you crying." I said standing back up, she nodded and tried to sit up, she failed and feel back on her elbows, her head hitting the tree behind her again. I walked over. She stated crying again, i reached down and placed my hand on the ground, I felt a hot fluid run up between my fingers , I looked down and it was blood. I gasped. I picked her up bridal style and ran with my demon speed to my house. When i arrived I was greeted by a worried\angry Jaken

"Sesshomoru! Where have you been my lord!" He squawked out.

"Go get a nurse." I ordered him, not paying him a passing glance

"But my lord! Your fath-." He began following me.

"NOW!" I yelled whipping around on him, snarling. He epped and stumbled back, slipping on the blood that was coming out of the girls head and ran. I rushed to my room and headed for the bathroom. The only thing this girl had on was a tank top and shorts. I sat her up, between the wall and me, Trying to make sure she didn't fall over. I got the warm water running and picked her up, I turned the shower head on, spraying her legs with the warm water. I leaned her up against the wall and stood quickly taking down the removable head and squatting back down i used my one free hand to leaned her back where her neck was on my extended arm, her dark and dirty hair hanging loosely over my arm, I raised the hose and put it to her hair. I watched in pure horror as chunks of dried blood dissolved and ran down the drain in a river of brown and crimson red. The door opened and Jaken raced in with the nurse on his heels. The nurse, was a tall slender women, With brown hair bobbed at her shoulders, she had equally brown eyes, and dark skin. She was a mouse demon, but she was by no means quiet, I often had to visit her after having an argument with my father. I shuddered at the thought.

"What have you done now Sesshomuru." She asked as she stomped in, once her eyes landed on the girl, her hand flew to her mouth to cover her gasp.

"Get her head away from the water! You're going to make her head bleed more!" She yelled. My eyes widened and I dropped the hose, making it hit the porcelain tub with a loud 'thunk'

"Grab her and come on!" She yelled, I nodded and grabbed her again, her groan making me whimper. We raced down the halls, Yelling for people to move out of the way. When we finally reached the nurses doors she flung it open and started shouting order.

"Put her on the Bed honey." She said looking at me and whispering, I walked over and carefully put her down on the white paper sheet laid over the bed. I stood over her and stared at he for the first time since I had first met her. She had thick lips that were the color of pink roses, her lower lip was busted, and crusted over with dried blood. Her eyelashes, tho matted and clumped with dirt and blood, were long and dark. Her nose twitched and i cocked my head to the side. She had freckles, They were dark brown, they ran across the bridge of her nose. I noticed that there was a spot of blood, I frowned and reached out and ran the pad of my finger over her nos. I heard a familiar clearing of the throat, and I whipped around to see my father standing in the door way. I practically shrinked away from him.

"My office. Now" He growled. I sighed and stared at my bare feet. The nurse walked up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be okay, just remember. Do not cry." I nodded

"Let me know when she wakes up?" I asked. She looked at me, pity etched into her eyes.

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you in a couple of minutes." She whispered, I nodded and walked out. I followed the familiar path to my fathers office. Once I reached the office I knocked twice and walked in. He sat there, a letter in his hands. I walked in front of his desk and stood Straight up with my hands clasped behind my back.

"Where have you been?" He asked not looking up from the letter

"You were supposed to send someone to come get me from school. Because it was raining. I waited two hours, no one came." I answered. He slammed the letter down and I had to fight the urdge to flinch.

"That doesn't answer my question!" He yelled.

"First I was waiting at the school, for two hours. Then when it started to rain, I walked. On my way to the house, I heard someone crying and went to investigate." I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. My father stood and shook his head laughing. I shifted on my feet, nervous. He came and stood behind me. He had stopped laughing, I was afraid.

"Turn around son." He barked out. I turned on my heel and kept my eyes glued to his chest, not looking at his face. He reared his hand back and slapped me, my head snapped to the side, I looked up at him. He was angry.

"Son. Iv'e told you about not coming straight home. Since you don't want to listen. I guess ill beat it into you." He growled stalking towards me. I stood there frozen, unable to move, but for some reason the girl flashed across my mind and i stood up straighter. My eyes hardening. My father chuckled.

"You've gotten brave boy." He growled before swinging his fist, it collided with my face. My whole body flew at the impact and I flew into a wall, my body leaving a crack in the wall. He growled seeing the crack. He ran at me to strike me again. I quickly stood and ran to the other side of the room. He stared at me wide eyed and grinned. He came at me and had his arm reared back and he let it fly. I panicked and raised my hand out of reflex and i caught his wrist. I stared at my hand wide eyed and looked up at him seeing him doing the same.

"This is the first time you've stood up to me." He said, amazement in his voice. He jerked his hand back.

"Go son. I don't want to see you again." He growled. I nodded and walked towards the door. As I got into the door way he spoke.

"Oh, and get the priest out of my house. Or she'll receive the same treatment as you and your half brother." He said chuckling. I growled and stomped over to the front of his desk. I slammed my palms down on the desk.

"You. Will. Not. Touch. Her." I growled glaring at him, this was the first time I had ever stood up to my father and I was nervous. He looked up at me, eyebrows raised.

"If you really fell that crappy too where you would hit a girl. Hit your whore of a wife." I growled. When he didn't say anything I turned and walked out, slamming the door closed. I walked Down the hall to the nurses office, glaring at the floor.