ShadowKurayami: I think it is time to start on Edolas Arc.

This chapter is really focused on Lisanna's death and Levy's feelings on it. Just pent up anger and sadness.


Other Pairings: NaLu, Bixanna, Miraxus

Chapter 9


It had been raining a lot in Magnolia… and feelings were heavy for many in the Guild.

Everyone was hit hard with the uprising date… Two Years tomorrow would be the anniversary of the day they lost Lisanna.

Levy had been best friends with the youngest of the Strauss mages. Lisanna often teased Natsu and the boy would whine to Levy. The blunette knew the young take-over mage had a mean streak like Mirajane. Laxus never saw it, he thought Levy and Lisanna could do no harm… which made pranking Natsu and Gray very easy.

Levy… she never visited on the actual anniversary, leaving that for Mira and Elfman. She'd visit the day before or the day after… Mira hated crying in front of everyone, no matter how much she tried to stay strong the pain of losing Lisanna was far too much for the eldest Strauss.

Quietly she sat down on the soaked ground, not caring about the mud and rain, her clothes sticking to her skin and hair plastered over her face and neck.

The script mage was clad in a pair of black leggings and a warm, dark gray sweater dress. Her hair not held up by anything, letting the cornflower locks to fall into her face.

"Hey Lis… It's been a while." Her voice was soft as she sat in front of the empty grave. Tears blurred her vision. "I miss you." Her voice cracked with emotion.

Silence met her words.

"I read a book recently… I know… When am I not reading?" She joked wetly. "I learned a new word, it is foreign. Saudade, a noun, it means a deep state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent… I think that really fits here. Don't you...?"

"Oi! Where's the Shrimp?" Gajeel said sharply, walking up to the bar. He had a job he wanted to take the girl on. Despite her lack of strength, she was sneaky, he needed sneaky on a mission he was looking at.

"O-oh, hey Gajeel. Levy isn't here. She won't be taking missions for the next few days." Mira's voice was quiet, absently staring at the glass she was drying.

"Where is she?" His voice didn't calm down much, but the woman's quiet voice was off putting, she was usually smiles and cheer.

"She's visiting my sister." Mira replied. "I… I need to go." In a hurry Mira went downstairs leaving a confused and slightly peeved Iron Dragon Slayer. His eyes catching a glare from Elfman as the massive male followed after his sister.

He could hear the sobs form both of them, they weren't loud… just with his hearing he could hear them clear as a bell.

"Levy's at the Graveyard." It was Cana that spoke. "Lisanna died two years ago tomorrow… She was Levy's best friend and Mirajane and Elfman's younger sister." Glancing around the Guild, everyone stiffened at the mention of the girl's name, it really brought up bad memories for everyone.

Gajeel glanced at her and nodded, moving to leave. When he opened the doors to the Guild hall to leave, he saw it was pouring.

"Shrimp, you better be wearin' a fuckin' coat." The large, pierced male thought with a light growl.

His heavy steps leaving the guild.

No one bothered to stop him, even if they wanted to. Some things just needed to happen.

"YOU IDIOT!" Levy's scream ripped through the air. "Why didn't you move…? WHY DID YOU LEAVE!" Her sobs were drowned out by the rain. All the pent up sadness and anger coming out.

She knew it wasn't Elfman's fault and she'd never blame him. She blamed Lisanna.

At the time, Laxus had become a real jerk and all but physically abandoned Levy. Lisanna had been her emotional support through Laxus' issues.

The day Mira and Elfman came back… she ran up to them outside by the path near the river, asking where Lisanna was. She just remembered Mira holding her so tight. She remembered Elfman begging both her and Mira for forgiveness.

Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna treated her like family… like she was their family. The two white haired mages clung to the closest thing they had to their baby sister that day.

When Mira finally whimpered out that Lisanna was gone… that she died… Levy remembered glaring at the sky with tears in her eyes. Hating that the sun dare shine while her best friend was gone.

"Why did you move Lis? Why didn't you try to use your magic?" The blue haired mage was staring at the grave marker. "Mira and Elfman need you. I need you. Mira can't even use her magic it hurts too much… Elfman won't because he's afraid of hurting anyone else."

"I hate you… I HATE YOU LISANNA!" Her throat was raw from crying and screaming.

"No, ya don't Shrimp." Gajeel was standing behind her.

"Go away Gajeel… Just go away." She didn't turn to look at him.

She didn't just come alone to give Mira and Elfman privacy on the anniversary. She did it so she could mourn without anyone seeing her.

The first anniversary, Jet and Droy followed her… claiming they wanted to support her. She snapped at them and was tempted to throw a spell of any sorts at them. When they saw her fingers twitch to create a spell, they backed off. They watched her in the distance, realizing that their Levy, their sweet, happy Levy… wasn't happy.

"No. Yer not okay. And ya don't hate yer friend." He moved towards her and gripped her small wrist tugging her up. He was surprised by how cold her skin was… but he was even more surprised by the look on her face.

She shouldn't look so sad or so angry.

"Let go!" She yanked her arm from his grasp, in which he countered by grabbing her hips.

She was soaked to the bone. Her fists hitting his chest, each hit growing weaker before she was sobbing into his chest, clutching at his shirt as if her life depended on it.

He didn't exactly know what to do, he never really had to deal with a crying woman. Juvia back in Phantom Lord was quiet and pretty emotionless, very different from what she acts like now.

In a slightly stunned state, he wrapped his arms around her.

"Why did she do it…? Why did she have to be so stupid?" Her face was buried in his dark, wet shirt. The Iron Dragon Slayer could feel the warmth of her tears and the vacating warmth of her face. "She had to know… she had to know she'd never come back…"

He stayed silent, he just held the soaked, freezing girl.

He didn't like seeing her like this. It was almost worse than seeing what he had done to her. He wanted to see the fairy he was growing to know. A girl of smiles and laughter, the personal sun of the Fairy Tail Guild.

He never wanted to see her like this, a mess of sorrow and tears… real tears. If he could, he'd do everything in his power to make sure he never allowed her to feel like this again.

His hand moved from her back to gently cup the back of her head, his other arm tightening around her. He held her firmly to his body, letting her sob as much as she needed.

"She promised I'd never be alone again… She lied…" Levy's whisper was quiet and weak.

Despite having friends at the Guild, very few knew her history. She showed up at the guild after Cana, but before Gray. Besides Laxus and Makarov, only Lisanna, Mira, and Elfman knew everything about her past.

"You won't be alone." His voice was gentle, and it surprised the girl even if she didn't show it. "Yer friend didn't lie, Shrimp. You aren't alone. You'll never be alone." He squeezed her tightly.

He knew he had no right to be holding her, even if it was to cheer her up… but at this point, he didn't know if he'd ever be able to let her go again.

"I'm here, Levy."

Those words sent her crumbling again. Her tears started again, and if it wasn't for his hold on her small body, she'd be in the grass once more. Her legs unable to hold her. She was so overwhelmed by her emotions by that one sentence.

He was there… and he used her name… He never used her name.

After a while, when her tears stopped, she was exhausted and freezing cold. The rain hadn't let up at all; both she and Gajeel were soaked to the bone.

His body leaned over slightly and he scooped her into his arms, carrying her towards Fairy Hills. He knew it was a Girl's only area, and Titania would likely try to beat the crap outta him, but she needed to go home.

The male knew where it was due to Makarov's early tour of the Guild and its extras like the Girl's Dorms. More of a warning where not to go.

The soaked female curled into his chest slightly, trying to retain any warmth left in her body; now that she was calm the cold was effecting her.

His large body easily passed the gate, holding the small blunette. Erza stormed out of her room sensing his magic, only to freeze as she saw Levy.

"Oi… Titania. Get her up to her room and warm. She's had a shitty day and needs rest… and someone to stay with her." His voice was rough, commanding.

Usually Erza would beat him within an inch of his life for even stepping into the courtyard of Fairy Hills, but she couldn't.

"Follow me." Erza turned on her heel, her armor clattering slightly as she took him inside. Juvia and Wendy were in the main room, both girls shocked at Levy looking so tired and broken. When they moved to get up, they were silenced and brushed off by Erza's glare.

The red head lead him to the script mage's room, peeking in to make sure there was nothing embarrassing for Gajeel to see before she opened the door. "Set her on the bed, I will grab you an umbrella and her a towel."

"Tch. I don't need it. Pretty pointless now. Just make sure she's dry and warm. I'm leavin' anyways." He grunted, setting Levy on the plush chair, putting her legs up on the ottoman.

He wasn't too surprised to see her room was basically a library with random stacks of unsorted books, labels on them showing she had been reorganizing the place.

"I will see you tomorrow Shrimp." His hand moved to pat her head, causing dull honey eyes too look up at him.

"Thank you Gajeel… I'm sorry I'm so much trouble."

"Yer not trouble. See me tomorrow. If ya don't come to the guild, I'll drag your ass there."

Erza narrowed her eyes. "No, you won't be coming in here again. This was a one-time thing for her sake. Now go home Gajeel, and put on some dry clothes."

His eyes slid over to the woman before he turned around, leaving the room to exit the building.

Once he was gone, Erza began slowly helping Levy out of her clothes. "Levy, why didn't you bring an umbrella…?" She sighed. Only silence met her question.

"Erza, can Juvia get Levy or you anything?" The water mage quietly pressed herself into the doorway, Wendy peeking in behind her.

"…Hot Chocolate and food; you guys pick what kind. And you both put on some Pajamas. We'll spend time with Levy." Erza said lighly. She didn't want to leave the girl alone. "Okay?" She questioned the small mage she was drying off with a fluffy towel.


When the other two blunettes left, Erza sighed, moving to help change Levy into some warm, dry pajamas. "Lisanna wouldn't like seeing you like this."

"I know… I just…" Levy looked down at her lap.

"I understand, Levy. You can't keep doing this. You'll get sick… you could catch your death out there." Erza cupped her cheeks. "We're your friends… let us help you. Just like you help us. You're not alone." The older female whispered, meeting Levy's honey gaze.

"I'll try, Erza… I'll try." Levy offered her a weak smile.

"Good girl. Tonight, let's try to have fun?" The younger girl nodded.

"We're back!" Wendy chirped, holding a tray with hot chocolate and a container of marshmallows.

"Juvia brought sandwiches, snacks, and cake!" The word cake instantly caught Erza's attention.

They all set up inside Levy's room… before the script mage could get off her seat, Juvia and Wendy tightly hugged her.

"I love you guys…" Levy whispered, her hand reaching out to Erza who joined the hug. All four girls embracing as Levy held back tears. This time out of joy.

Gajeel was right, she wasn't alone.

She may have felt Saudade, but… she was learning to leave her pain and try to be happy. For herself and her friends.

ShadowKurayami: I wanted something sad… but with a happier ending. I can easily imagine Levy and Lisanna being good friends, if not best friends.

I also imagine she'd be the kind to suffer in silence, like Mira and Elfman. I can't image she'd try to find her own comfort with them. I do think she'd try to comfort them, but keep quiet about her own sadness and pain.

Gajeel seems like someone who'd ignore warning to help Levy. Whether he believes it to be out of his own repentance or actual worry. Though, he'd actually want to see her smile. Seeing a girl like Levy who is always smiles so upset and in pain could be very shocking to all the newer members of Fairy Tail.

Edolas is next.

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